We will inevitably have some minor illnesses and pains in life. When our bodies have minor problems, we don’t need to go to the hospital or take medicine. We can solve them at home.

We will inevitably have some minor illnesses and pains in life. When our bodies have minor problems, we don’t need to go to the hospital or take medicine. We can solve them at home.

1. Loss of appetite - eat some raw peanuts

Many people often have no appetite or poor appetite. If it is not due to pathological reasons, you can adjust it with your diet first.

If you have a bad appetite, eat some raw peanuts soaked in vinegar. Peanuts are also called "immortality fruit". If the elderly find that they have a bad appetite, they can chew raw peanut kernels carefully and swallow them after chewing. You can also soak raw peanuts in vinegar and eat them as cold dishes, which has a very good digestive effect.

2, High cholesterol - Eat some sweet potatoes

Many people will find high cholesterol during physical examination. If not taken seriously, it will easily cause other diseases, and cholesterol levels have a great relationship with diet.

experts conducted a study on the cholesterol-inhibiting effect of 130 kinds of foods and found that the effect of sweet potatoes is 10 times that of other foods. So, if you have high cholesterol, you can eat two sweet potatoes every morning and evening.

3. Relieve cough and reduce phlegm - eat some almonds

I have a niece who was 24 years old and had a yellowish complexion. Her skin was not plump. She was a little fat. She often coughed non-stop and had a lot of phlegm. I asked her to eat ten fried almonds every day.

Almonds enter the spleen, lungs, and large intestine meridians, and can relieve the lungs and relieve coughs, lower qi and relieve asthma, moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation, kill insects and detoxify.

After taking it for a month, not only did her cough disappear, but her face also became rosy. The elderly may wish to regard it as a snack and eat a small amount every day.

4. To prevent and fight cancer, eat more radish

Chinese scientists have discovered through research that radish contains anti-tumor and anti-viral active substances. The active ingredient is double-stranded ribonucleic acid, which is a "stimulating agent" for stimulating the body's cells to produce interferon . interferon inducer " has a significant inhibitory effect on esophageal cancer , gastric cancer , nasal cavity cancer , and cervical cancer cells.

5. Constipation Eat more spinach

People with constipation, especially the elderly, can eat more spinach. Spinach is rich in nutrients that can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent and relieve constipation.

A study by Harvard University in the United States found that spinach has a very good effect on protecting the function of our retina. Middle-aged and elderly people who eat spinach 2 to 4 times a week can reduce the risk of retinal degeneration.


① We pay attention to a diversified diet and balanced nutrition. No matter how nutritious the food is, you can't just focus on one kind of food;

② Diet therapy cannot replace medicine. If you are really sick, you still have to take medicine under the guidance of a doctor, and then cooperate with diet therapy.

6. Dry and itchy throat - smoke with warm water

One night at around 10 o'clock, the old lady from my neighbor came to me and said, "I have been studying vocal music for a while, and I will participate in the district's chorus competition tomorrow. Unexpectedly, My throat is dry and itchy today, and I keep clearing it unconsciously. If I can't play tomorrow, I'll be in big trouble."

I smiled and said, "I'll teach you a way, without taking medicine or injections. All right!"

I found a water cup for the old lady (disposable paper cups are also acceptable), poured half a cup of hot water into the water cup (the water temperature should not exceed 50℃), and then asked her to take a big breath into the cup. .

The old lady sucked for about 5 minutes and felt that the water was cold, so I helped her change it to a cup of hot water. During the water change, she obviously felt that her throat was not as dry and itchy as before.

If your throat is itchy, dry and sore, has a burning sensation, or you need to clear your throat constantly, you may want to try hot fumigation therapy.

7. Heart fire is strong - press Laogong point

I have a friend who didn't like anything after he got old and often banged the table. Later, he suddenly suffered a heart attack because of anger and was sent to the hospital by his family. The doctor rescued him. It took four or five hours and two stents were placed before the situation was over.

Later I told his family: I massage several acupoints on his pericardial meridian for him every day. Massage each arm for 5 minutes, especially the Laogong point on the palm of my hand. I must massage it for more time.

Later, my friend’s anger decreased a lot, and his personality also changed a lot. When he communicated with me, he felt that this method was very magical.

Laogong point is an acupoint connected to the heart. It is located in the palm of the human body, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones, biased towards the 3rd metacarpal bone, and at the tip of the middle finger of the flexed finger of a fist.

When you are angry, you should massage Laogong point more, so that the nutrients in the body can be used for your own use instead of wasting.

8, Laohan Legs There is a foot soaking recipe

My father has "Old Cold Legs". When the weather gets cold, his legs become sore, numb, swollen and painful. For this reason, I bought him a foot bath bucket , the kind that can submerge his calves when soaking his feet.

We usually use a basin to soak our feet, which can only submerge our feet up to our ankles. If you choose a wooden bucket of appropriate size to soak your feet, the hot water can submerge your calves, which will have a better effect on promoting blood circulation.

In addition, when my father was soaking his feet, I gave him a prescription: Clematis , Shenjincao , Mulberry , Angelica , Salvia , Millet Spathula , Angelica dahurica. , Qingen, Sappan , Qianghuo , Duhuo

After boiling the medicine every night, take out the medicine residue and add an appropriate amount of hot water to the medicine juice to soak your feet. If you find this troublesome, you can also soak these medicinal materials in boiling water for half an hour and soak your feet with the concoction, but the medicinal effect will be less effective.

9, Oral ulcers Drink Licorice Xiexin Decoction

Oral ulcers are mostly caused by accumulated heat in the heart and spleen. To put it bluntly, there is a fire in the chest. This fire goes up and stops when it reaches the mouth. A very classic recipe - Licorice Xiexin Decoction: raw licorice, skullcap, dried ginger, pinellia, jujube, and coptis. Use these to boil water and drink it. While using this prescription, be sure to rinse your mouth with light salt water after three meals a day to kill the bacteria in your mouth.

Only when the heart disease is cured can the body be in great condition.

The "mind" is like the monarch of a country. Once the monarch gets sick, the whole country (our body) will be in chaos, and all kinds of diseases will come out.

Among all the organs in our body, there is one organ that is the most diligent. It cannot rest for a second, and that is our heart. The heart beats every moment, otherwise our lives will be in danger. However, in real life, there are often many things that trouble our minds, whether they are joy, anger, thoughts, sadness, or fear. This is what Chinese medicine calls , five ambitions, and .

Human beings are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? When we are too happy or too sad when something happens, we will have mental problems. This is what we often call heart disease. "Heart disease requires heart medicine." In layman's terms, it means: keep your mood comfortable and emotionally stable. When a person sees something, whether he is happy or sad, the result is completely different! In the development of traditional Chinese medicine in China for thousands of years, mind-regulating therapy has always played an important role. Of course, mind-regulating therapy does not mean adding some drugs to relieve depression, soothe the mind, etc. when taking medicine. It may also be to stimulate a certain acupuncture point, and sometimes it is even a piece of comfort...

Warm reminder: Let me tell you that these are not Let everyone treat their illness by themselves, but try it when it is not serious. The best way to relieve the disease is to seek medical attention if it cannot be relieved!