When we don’t get enough sleep and overuse our eyes, these tiny blood vessels will become congested, and red blood streaks will appear to the naked eye. In addition to excessive use of the eyes, frequent makeup, failure to deal with foreign objects in the eyes in time, and even "

Eyes are the windows to our souls. Do we really take good care of them?

Staying up late and overusing your eyes can damage our eyes.

How should we alleviate conditions such as red bloodshot eyes?

The reason for the appearance of red blood streaks

Our eyes are actually covered with many tiny blood vessels, which are invisible to the naked eye. When we don’t get enough sleep and overuse our eyes, these tiny blood vessels will become congested, and red blood streaks will appear to the naked eye.

In addition to excessive eye use, frequent makeup, foreign objects in the eyes that are not treated in time, and even "getting angry" and other factors can cause eye congestion. If not improved in time, it will not only affect vision, but also lead to eye infection. There are even situations such as ruptured capillaries in the eyes.

The color of the whites of the eyes can also be used to judge physical health problems; The whites of the eyes belong to the heart and lungs. If the heart is hot and the lungs are hot, red blood streaks will appear in the eyes; if there is dampness and heat and the spleen is deficient, the whites of the eyes will turn yellow; If the liver fire is strong, the eyes will shed tears in the wind;

Eliminate Methods for red bloodshot eyes

First of all, you must learn to take a proper rest. Do not face mobile phones and computers for a long time. It is recommended to take a rest for an hour. Also avoid cross-infection of with . If your eyes are sore, dry and itchy, do not rub them directly with your hands. Keep your eyes moist and replenish water in time. You can also rub the acupuncture points around your eyes to help them relax.

Vision killer

Electronic products such as computers and mobile phones will release " blue light " which is very harmful to the eyes, because blue light can penetrate the cornea and lens and directly absorb the macula part. Causes damage to photoreceptor cells in the macula.

Good eyesight killer, see if you do it often.

Long-term wearing of contact lenses will damage the eyeballs. Since contact lenses are airtight, long-term wearing can easily cause hypoxia in the eyeballs, and even cause corneal epithelial edema, erosion, keratitis and other problems.

In addition, high mental stress, bad mood, excessive pressure, low immunity and excessive eye use will affect the health of the eyes. You should pay attention to protecting your eyes every day and persevere.

Daily eye protection precautions

Develop good eye care habits and pay attention to the cleanliness of the face and eyes.

Supplementary nutrition: Eat more protein and foods containing vitamin A, such as: carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, red dates, oranges, milk, eggs and other foods.

Care for your eyes starts with your eye posture. The distance between your eyes and the screen should be 40-50 cm. When your eyes are facing the screen for a long time, you should blink frequently or close your eyes intermittently to adjust and improve vision and prevent vision loss. .

Improve the working environment : The indoor light should be appropriate, not too bright or too dark, keep the indoor clean and the humidity appropriate.

Combining work and rest : Computer workers should take a break of about 10 minutes after working continuously for an hour. You can take a walk, do eye exercises, and move your head.

No matter what eye disease you have in daily life, it will eventually affect your visual function, so protecting your eyes cannot be ignored.