An Australian grandmother celebrated her 108th birthday. Every year on her birthday, she would open a bottle of red wine to celebrate. She said that drinking red wine is one of her hobbies, and a glass of red wine every week can keep her in a happy mood.

108-year-old grandma must drink red wine every Friday

An Australian grandma celebrated her 108th birthday. Every year on her birthday, she would open a bottle of red wine to celebrate. In fact, her life habit is to drink red wine every Friday.

Picture source: dailymail

She said that drinking red wine is one of her hobbies, and a glass of red wine every week can keep her in a happy mood. A good mood is the secret to her longevity.

The oldest man in the world who quit smoking at the age of 117

The old man certified by the Guinness Book of Records for the longest lifespan is called Jeanne Calment.

She lived for 122 years and 164 days.

Smoking, drinking, eating sweets, and exercising are all her hobbies.

She eats more than two pounds of chocolate every week, is still riding a bicycle when she is 100 years old, and did not quit smoking until she was 117 years old.

The secret of her longevity may be that she never feels pressure, "Every day she will do something that she likes and makes herself happy."

A centenarian spends time in the gym every day

Another centenarian in Australia Edna Sheppar, she likes sports and works out in the gym every day. She is in better physical condition than many young people.

exercise to keep her happy.

The secret of Australians’ longevity is optimism

Maintaining an optimistic and positive attitude for a long time will extend your life span.

Australia has a unique advantage in maintaining the mentality of the elderly, because Australia is one of the countries with the highest happiness index in the world.

In terms of living environment, social system, and welfare benefits, Australia is one of the best:

Air pollution causes about 4.2 million deaths every year, and about 99% of people live in areas where the air quality level exceeds WHO restricted place. The average PM10 pollution in Australian air is only 13 micrograms per cubic meter. There are even news that some people have purchased fresh air from Australia and other countries.

The mortality rate of diseases in Australia has decreased, which is related to Australia's medical level. After all, Australia is the third-highest medical country in the world. At present, the research and development of Australia's anti-cancer miracle drug has ended the mortality rate of many types of cancer . For example, cervical cancer fatal situation has been basically eliminated in Australia.

Australians love to drink coffee. According to expert analysis, people who drink two to three cups of coffee a day will reduce heart disease by 21%, cancer by 8%, stroke by 27%, diabetes by 23%, respiratory diseases by 10% and 41%. Risk of kidney disease!

Australia is also a large agricultural country with rich resources of vegetables and fruits. The vitamins and dietary fiber in fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on.

With fresh air, healthy food, and beautiful environment, the happiness index of the elderly living here is extremely high, and longevity is inevitable. This is why many people want to immigrate to Australia.