But recently I discovered that the 5 kinds of foods that people commonly eat in life sometimes do not help maintain health. Many people still buy them frequently. You may have fallen into this trap too.

In recent years, the craze for health preservation has gradually emerged, and many elderly people are pursuing physical fitness and delaying aging.

In order to maintain health, I believe many people have done a lot of things, such as diet and health, wolfberry, red dates, tea, beans, etc., are all very popular. But recently I discovered that the 5 kinds of foods that people commonly eat in life sometimes do not help maintain health. Many people still buy them frequently. You may have fallen into this trap too.


Steal iron, steal calcium, and steal sleep

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that tea has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying, digesting, diuresis, laxative, expectorant, dispelling wind and relieving the surface, quenching thirst and promoting body fluid, replenishing qi, clearing the head, etc.

Modern medicine believes that tea has antioxidant, anti-cancer, immune enhancement, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , lowering three highs, weight loss, anti- dental caries , and beauty effects.

Drinking tea is indeed an indispensable way of life for modern people. However, tea cannot be drunk casually. If we do not pay attention to some methods of drinking tea, not only will there be no benefits, but it will also have harmful effects on our health. adverse consequences.

"Six Don'ts" when drinking tea

Don't drink it if it is too strong

A large amount of liquid enters the blood vessels, which will increase the burden on the heart. In addition, the caffeine and theophylline in the tea are all stimulants, which will make the human body heartbeat. Accelerate, blood pressure rises .

The heart function of the elderly is poor, especially those with coronary heart disease , pulmonary heart disease , hypertension . Drinking too much tea will cause chest tightness, heart palpitations and other uncomfortable symptoms. In addition, drinking a large amount of strong tea will dilute the gastric juice and reduce the concentration of gastric juice, resulting in symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and abdominal pain. Elderly people with poor stomachs should pay special attention to this.

Do not drink tea before going to bed.

Tea has refreshing and diuretic effects. The elderly have varying degrees of sleep disorders, so do not drink tea at night to avoid excitement, insomnia, polyuria, and affect sleep quality. It is not advisable to drink tea within 2 hours before going to bed. If you are thirsty, drink boiled water instead.

Do not drink tea before meals

It is not advisable to drink tea for about 20 minutes before or after meals, otherwise it will dilute gastric juice and affect food digestion. However, if you drink a large amount of tea or drink too strong tea, it will affect the absorption of calcium and iron. Drinking tea on an empty stomach may even cause "tea drunkenness" such as palpitations, headaches, dizziness, and upset. In severe cases, it will also cause "tea drunkenness". Gastric catarrh.

The correct approach is: drink tea one hour after a meal, sip slowly and refill water two to three times.

Do not drink it overnight

It is better to drink tea freshly brewed. If the tea is kept for a long time, not only the health care ingredients will be weakened, but the taste will also be greatly reduced. If you leave it for too long after brewing, the tea will deteriorate due to oxidation and microbial reproduction. Drinking it will be harmful to your body, so you must not drink overnight tea.

Do not drink new tea

New tea will irritate the gastric mucosa, cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and even worsen the condition. From the perspective of nutrition , the nutritional content of tea that is too fresh is not necessarily the best.

Because the so-called new tea refers to tea leaves that have been picked for less than a month . These tea leaves have not been stored for a period of time and contain substances that have adverse effects on human health, such as polyphenols , alcohols and aldehydes. and other substances, and have not been completely oxidized. If you drink new tea for a long time, uncomfortable reactions such as diarrhea and abdominal distension may occur.

Take medicine but not drink

tannins and theophylline in tea can react chemically with certain drugs, especially when elderly people take hypnosis, sedation and other drugs, as well as iron-containing blood tonics, enzyme preparations drugs, When containing drugs such as protein, it is not advisable to use tea to deliver the medicine, so as not to affect the efficacy of the medicine. The traditional Chinese medicines ginseng, Codonopsis , Yuanhu , Datura , Achyranthes bidentata, ephedra, Uncaria, Coptidis , etc. should not be mixed with tea.


steals life

Wolfberry is a good health product with both medicinal and food uses. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, improving eyesight, and moistening the lungs.

However, there are some methods and methods to use it. It cannot be used casually. If used casually, it will also cause great damage to human health. This point also needs attention, and many people do not understand it.

Picture source: Visual China

Since wolfberry has a very strong effect in warming the body, people who have a cold or fever , inflammation of the body , diarrhea are best not to eat it, people with deficiency and cold may suffer from slippery diarrhea after taking it. Disadvantages of diarrhea include using with caution if internal heat is not cleared.

Some people eating too much wolfberry may cause red, swollen and uncomfortable eyes, blurred vision . Therefore, wolfberry cannot be eaten often, as it is a poisonous medicine.

It is not suitable for people who often suffer from dry mouth , bitter mouth , sticky mouth, sores on the mouth and tongue , uncomfortable bowel movements, upset and insomnia, dreaminess , and irritability.

Generally speaking, it is more suitable for healthy adults to eat about 20 grams of wolfberry fruit every day. Do not exceed 20 grams, otherwise it is easy to over-nourished.

When picking wolfberries, choose those that are large, red in color, thick in flesh, soft in texture, sweet but not bitter, stick to the teeth when chewed, and can dye saliva red and yellow. Such wolfberries are of the best quality.

In addition, be wary of some "problem wolfberries" .

For example, some unscrupulous traders will soak old and blackened wolfberries in sulfur or alum water to make their color brighter.

Sulfur wolfberry: Wolfberries that taste sour and bitter are mostly processed with sulfur . Eating too much may cause cancer.

Alum wolfberry: Wolfberries that look extremely bright, taste astringent and have thin flesh are mostly soaked in high-concentration alum water.

Alum contains aluminum ions. Excessive intake will affect the body's absorption of iron, calcium and other ingredients, leading to osteoporosis , anemia, and even affecting nerve cells, which is especially detrimental to children and the elderly.


steal iodine, steal sleep, and steal nutrients

As the saying goes, it is better to live without meat for a day than to live without beans. In a simple sentence, it is said that "beans" play a decisive role in people's lives.

Among all beans, soybeans have the highest nutritional value and are suitable for both men and women of all ages.

However, Zhengzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital nutritionist Zhu Shaoying reminds that three types of people should not eat more legumes: patients with iodine deficiency, children, and the elderly .

Iodine deficiency patients . The soybeans used to make tofu contain a substance called saponin, which not only prevents atherosclerosis, but also promotes the excretion of iodine in the human body. Long-term excessive consumption of tofu can easily cause iodine deficiency.

seniors . As people get older, the ability of the kidneys to excrete waste decreases. Soy foods are rich in protein and purine . After protein is digested and absorbed in the human body, nitrogenous waste will be produced, and purine will also be oxidized. becomes uric acid .

The metabolites of protein and purine are excreted by the kidneys. Excessive intake of beans will increase the burden on the kidneys , leading to further decline in kidney function, which is not conducive to the health of the elderly.

children. Soybeans and soy products contain soy isoflavones , and soy isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogens. This hormone may cause precocious puberty in children, thereby leading to an advanced bone age in children. premature epiphyseal closure is one of the main reasons for short stature in teenagers.

Therefore, when we eat soy products, we are not encouraged to eat large amounts.

Especially patients with severe kidney disease and gout should pay special attention to the intake of soy products and limit them if necessary.

Red dates

Steal health and sleep

Whether in Chinese medicine prescriptions or in daily meals, we can often see traces of red dates.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that red dates have the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing qi and blood, calming the heart and calming the mind. It is especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, diarrhea, Qi deficiency, fatigue, weakness, and restlessness.

However, everyone must pay attention to the following three points when eating dates to maintain health:

① Red dates have high dietary fiber content. If you eat too much at one time, you are prone to flatulence, indigestion and other discomforts;

② Red dates have high sugar content, dieters, diabetes patients are best to eat less; normal people eating too much may also cause hyperacidity , flatulence and other problems, affecting sleep;

③ Overeating red dates can also easily promote moisture in the body. If you have phlegm-dampness constitution, such as cough, excessive phlegm, tongue coating yellow and thick, with heavy dampness and abdominal distension, it is better to eat less.

Green leafy vegetables

Steal calcium and iron

Green leafy vegetables are not only delicious, but their health-preserving effects are also beyond doubt. However, many green leafy vegetables have high oxalic acid content, such as spinach, amaranth, water spinach and various wild vegetables.

Oxalic acid can combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate stones , which cannot be absorbed by the small intestinal mucosa. In addition, oxalic acid is also an interfering factor in iron absorption and can easily combine with iron to form a precipitate, preventing iron from dissolving in the intestines and being absorbed by the body.

Oxalic acid is easily soluble in water, so when cooking vegetables containing more oxalic acid, blanch them in boiling water first to effectively remove the oxalic acid, and improve the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. in food. Vegetables contain some anti-nutrients and vitamin-destroying oxidases, which can be destroyed by heating.

In short, everyone must be careful when eating the above health-preserving foods, so as not to fail to maintain good health and lose the nutrients in our body, the good sleep we need to survive, and the precious life span! Don’t forget to remind your family and friends ~ show it to the people around you to spread health and warmth! May you live a long and healthy life!