In the outpatient clinic, one thing that many TCM health enthusiasts particularly like to consult is which acupuncture points can be massaged to make the body less sick and suffer less. The acupoint shared most with them is Zusanli. However, during follow-up visits, many patients

In the outpatient clinic, one thing that many TCM health enthusiasts particularly like to consult is which acupuncture points can be massaged to make the body less sick and suffer less.

The acupuncture point that she shared with them the most is Zusanli . However, during follow-up consultations, many patients said that massaging Zusanli by themselves did not work. No matter how much they massaged, their bodies still did not change much.

In fact, as a traditional Chinese medicine enthusiast, it is normal that massaging Zusanli does not work. After all, I have not studied acupuncture in depth.

Massaging Zusanli does not work. The common reasons are as follows:

(1) The duration of persistence is too short.

Those who want to see results within a few days are often those who cannot persist, and haste makes waste. Since it is a health-preserving point, you must learn to persist, and your body will slowly change.

(2) The massage place is wrong.

Zusanli, many people massage according to the book or the logo of Baidu , but the effect will definitely not come out.

Because acupuncture points are landmarks, just a reference. Everyone’s body is different, and Zusanli is definitely different.

When massaging, you should find the most abnormal place around Zusanli. This abnormal area is your own Zusanli, and massage will be effective here.

The above two points are particularly common reasons, but the most fundamental reason is still ignoring this point:

Not enough understanding of the mechanism between acupuncture points

Acupuncture points are like people. The deeper you understand them, the deeper the impression will be. The more flexible it is to use.

As we all know, Zusanli is a major acupuncture point for health care, and it is an acupuncture point that favors nourishment.

So under what circumstances does your body need to take a supplement?

Of course it is when the body is weak.

However, there are many people nowadays who don’t care about anything and are busy using this acupoint to replenish their health. This is wrong.

When there are too many dirty things in your body that hinder the discharge, it cannot be replenished at this time, and it will only be counterproductive.

The correct approach is to expel the dirt from the body first and then replenish it. Only then can the effect of twice the result with half the effort be achieved.

How to discharge the dirt from the body?

At this time, it is necessary to send out the body's sewage general Taichong point to take action.

Taichong point is the original point of the liver meridian. In addition, the liver meridian is also the detoxification cleaner of the body, which can remove the body's dirt from the source.

Through what has been said above, you should now understand the reason why your massage of Zusanli has not been effective.

Therefore, if you want to achieve the effect of nourishing the body by massaging Zusanli, you only need to do these two steps:

The first is to massage Taichong point to expel dirt

The second is to massage Zusanli to maintain health

Then these two Where are the specific acupuncture points?

(1) Taichong

sitting or supine position. From the seam between the 1st and 2nd toes toward the dorsum of the foot, to the front of the metatarsal base junction between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones, you can feel a depression, which is this point.

(2) Zusanli

Standing, bend down. Use the hand on the same side to open the tiger's mouth and surround the upper outer edge of patella , with the other 4 fingers pointing downward. The tip of the middle finger is the point pointed to.

# unusual case #