Text | Edited by Dongyue | History of this incident In 2013, a husband in Fujian stewed bamboo rats to replenish the health of his pregnant wife. The child was born soon after, but the child actually had rat skin on its body. Is it because of eating bamboo rats? Or is it because

Text | Winter Moon

Editor | History of this incident

In 2013, a husband in Fujian stewed bamboo rats to replenish the body of his pregnant wife. The child was born soon after, but the child actually had rat skin. .

Is it because of eating bamboo rats? Or is it because of other reasons?

There is no cure

In 2013, a couple came to a hospital in Fujian. The wife held a baby in her arms. They waited anxiously and kept praying, hoping that the hospital could find a way to save their child .

The baby suddenly started crying, and everyone's eyes turned to it. Through the baby's swaddling body, they could faintly see that the baby's face was covered with black spots, and there were tiny hairs on the black spots, just like the skin of a mouse.

The wife quickly coaxed the child in her arms and covered the child's face.

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Passers-by talked about them , and even deliberately stayed away from them.

Finally, it was their turn . The wife squeezed out a smile from her anxious face . She glanced at her husband, and he followed her in.

The wife showed the black spots on the child to the doctor, and the doctor asked them a few more questions. has no evidence, emerged out of thin air, and is unprecedented, which makes doctors have difficulty with .

The doctor shook his head and said: The cause is unknown.. I can't cure it. You should go to a bigger hospital and take a look.

The couple's faces darkened. Since the child was one month old, they had been to many hospitals, but still could not find any results.

Before leaving the hospital, my wife looked back at the hospital, and then she shed tears .

The husband took his wife into his arms and said: This hospital is not good, let’s go to another hospital to see .

Soon, they found the most famous Maternal and Child Hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian. The couple walked into this hospital and showed the doctor the dark spots on their child, but the most qualified expert in the hospital remained silent. They couldn't find the cause of the disease and couldn't cure it, but they were advised to go to the most authoritative dermatology hospital in the province.

The couple followed the doctor's advice and immediately took their child to the Dermatology Hospital .

However, the experts at the hospital looked at each other in confusion, and there was nothing they could do . At this time, a medical expert proposed to remove a piece of skin from the child for pathological analysis.

But the couple was in a bit of a dilemma. Their daughter was just one month old, and they really couldn't bear to use a knife to cut off a piece of skin.

So, the couple left Fuzhou with their child , returned to his hometown, and continued to look for solutions in his hometown.

However, they saw many doctors but still couldn't find a way.

The child is playing with the ball and smiling brightly. But the faces of the parents on the side were filled with sorrow and resentment, full of guilt and self-blame.

At this moment, the wife suddenly thought of a way . She wanted to put the child's symptoms online, and thought about seeking help online.

My wife took a few photos of the child and prayed that a solution could be found.

Two Bamboo Rats

Abin's wife Xiaoxue is pregnant. Abin is very happy because this is their first child.

During Xiaoxue's pregnancy, Abin always took care of Xiaoxue in every possible way, and gave Xiaoxue whatever supplement he needed.

There was a time when the roof was always noisy . Abin climbed up the stairs and took a look and found that there were many bamboo rats fighting on the roof.

Abin smiled and remembered that many places used bamboo rats to replenish the body of pregnant women. , so he thought about catching a few to replenish the body of Xiaoxue's stew..

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However, mice are also very flexible. A Bin spent a lot of effort to catch two .

But and two were enough. A Bin quickly stewed the bamboo rat into soup and served it in front of Xiaoxue.

After Xiaoxue learned that this was mouse soup, was very resistant to , and she pushed back with a look of disgust on .

But Abin asked Xiaoxue to take a bite before talking about . Xiaoxue hesitated and picked up the spoon and took a sip of . He found that was not difficult to drink , so he ate it all..

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Under the care of Abin, Xiaoxue and the child are both healthy .

Not long after, Xiaoxue gave birth to a baby girl successfully at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Sanming City, Fujian Province.

After giving birth to the baby, Xiaoxue was lying on the hospital bed and kept asking her husband Abin: Where is the child? Why don't you hold it and show it to me?

Abin picked up a towel and gently wiped the fine sweat off Xiaoxue's forehead, but his eyes kept avoiding him. He used various excuses to prevent Xiaoxue from seeing the child.

Xiaoxue and Abin

just like this After two days , Xiaoxue gradually understood that her family and her husband had been hiding things about her child, thinking that something had happened to the child, so she launched a fire at everyone , I insist on and want to see my child .

Abin has been beside to comfort Xiaoxue, but Xiaoxue is still adamant that want to see the child.

Xiaoxue's mother slammed the table, Xiaoxue was startled , and her words stopped immediately.

Xiaoxue's mother sighed: Let Xiaoxue see the child, she will know sooner or later.


Xiaoxue was panicked, and kept thinking about what happened to the child..

A Bin hugged the child over, and the child was waving his little hands trying to grab something.

Xiaoxue took the child and saw large black spots on her infant daughter's body.

Xiaoxue looked at the child in her arms and was stunned for a while, then hugged the child tightly, she put her face against the child's face, shed tears.

Xiaoxue asked the doctor: What happened to my child?

The doctor immediately explained: We don’t know what’s going on, but we have conducted a comprehensive examination on the child. The child is in good physical condition. We also conducted a consultation based on the child’s condition, but the hospital’s experience is the most Old doctors have never seen this kind of disease.

The doctor first suggested that it might be due to genetic disease, so he came to investigate the situation. The doctor asked about the physical condition of Xiaoxue and Abin, and also asked about their previous generations, but the result was: Xiaoxue and his wife are in good health. This situation has not occurred in previous generations of the Xiaoxue and his wife's family.


The cause of the genetic disease was overturned.

A Bin said that before giving birth, he took Xiaoxue to the hospital for a checkup. It was in a private hospital, and no abnormalities were found in the child.

Perhaps the medical equipment in private hospitals is not sophisticated , so nothing was found.

The large black spots on the girl's body looked scary, but the girl looked at them with her big, watery eyes, and did not understand the emotions they expressed at this time.

The black spots on the girl's body are scaly, and there are tiny hairs on them. Abin looked at the dark spots on the daughter's body and suddenly thought of one thing: mouse .

These large black spots really look like mouse skin .

A sense of self-blame surged up in A Bin's mind. He remembered the bamboo rats Xiaoxue ate when she was pregnant.

Could it be that eating bamboo rats made the child look like this? It’s hard to say about .

Details of dark spots

Many areas in Fujian have the habit of using bamboo rats to replenish the health of pregnant women, but they do not have such a situation.

Although the reason has not yet been found out, A Bin still attributed all these to and attributed them to his own fault .

Due to the strange spots on the child's body, Xiaoxue's family did not organize a full-moon party for the child, nor did they tell relatives and friends about the child. Even their neighbors had never seen the child.

Xiaoxue and his wife pinned all their hopes on the hospital, but they went to several hospitals in succession without any results.

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Seeing all her hopes fail, Xiaoxue stared at the screen of her phone, hoping that the she had just posted on Weibo for help would have the result .

From questioning to encouraging

Weibo quickly responded. The first person, , wished well and shouted in the comment area: , come on .

However, as time goes by, the voices of blessing are getting less and less , and the voices of questioning are becoming more and more :

It’s fake, it’s PS, it’s ink poured on the child!

These voices even drown out the good voices.

Xiaoxue looked at these comments and felt very angry and painful.

"I was very angry at first, why is it like this? We are not human beings, there is no need to hype ourselves up, no matter how high we are, what is true is true, and what is false is false. In the beginning, we ourselves I can’t think about it,” Xiaoxue said.

In this way, Xiaoxue became what netizens called a "liar" . However, no matter how she posted photos and responded to comments, netizens still didn't believe her.

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Looking at such comments, Xiaoxue has fallen into despair. She didn't dare to read the comments anymore, thinking that after a while, she would take her child to a larger hospital for treatment.

However, at this moment, called .

On the other end of the phone was an reporter . She saw Xiaoxue's Weibo and told Xiaoxue: Many netizens say you are a liar. I want to visit you and can confirm for you.

Xiaoxue did not lie to others, so she agreed to the reporter's visit.

The reporter came to Xiaoxue's home and saw that the lively and cute little girl had large black spots on her body. Such a scene shocked the reporter.

reporter looked at the child with wide eyes , but the child was still playing on his own.

The reporter learned about the specific situation of the child from Xiaoxue, and took some photos to confirm for Xiaoxue and his wife that this was not a lie, and called on everyone to help them .

Everyone saw that reporters spoke for them to confirm , and they gradually believed that the black spots were true.

Since then, those who once questioned have all turned to encourage . They all hope that their children can be saved .

Xiaoxue also said: There were a lot of people calling during that time, and everyone was asking about their children’s condition and encouraging us to work hard.

When he said these words, Xiaoxue's face was with a smile on his face. No matter what the questioning voices were, at least is now all 's well-intentioned .

After confirming the symptoms

not long after, a volunteer from Shanghai contacted Xiaoxue and told Xiaoxue: Shanghai’s medical level is among the best in the country. If you can come to Shanghai for treatment, we will do our best. helps you find hospitals.

Xiaoxue and his wife had previously thought about taking their child to a larger hospital for treatment, but now someone was willing to help them, so they immediately agreed.

After full preparation, Xiaoxue and his wife took their daughter to Shanghai .

In fact, the reason why Xiaoxue and his wife are anxious to treat their child is not only that these dark spots are ugly, but also that these dark spots do not perspire like normal skin. If the skin is not exposed to water for a long time, it will dry out again. And wrinkled .

Moreover, these black spots are itchy, and children can't help but scratch them. The baby's body is very fragile, and so are these black spots, which can be easily scratched by children.

Soon, Xiaoxue and his wife came to Shanghai with their children .

Dermatologists from various hospitals in Shanghai sat together and conducted a consultation on the girl's condition.

Famous skin experts in Shanghai gathered around the child and asked Xiaoxue about the child's condition. After

consultation, the experts concluded that this symptom was "congenital giant black hairy nevus" .

Moles are very common, but this kind of is almost all over the body . It is also the first time for doctors to see moles.

Doctors can't figure out what causes the large moles, but they simply guess that it is caused by the gene mutation . There are many reasons why

will cause gene mutation . The first big point is that inherits . But the girl's parents and other direct relatives had no medical history, which reduced the possibility of inheritance to zero.

Secondly, there are viruses, radiation, and chemicals.

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As for whether is caused by bamboo rats, no one can give a definite answer to .

But many people will pregnant women eat bamboo rats to replenish their bodies, and the babies they give birth to will also have no abnormalities . This reduces the possibility of children caused by bamboo rats to develop black nevus to the lowest .

Even so, women during pregnancy should try not to eat some strange things . After all, any subtle things may affect their children..

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While seeking medical treatment in Shanghai, Xiaoxue's family also met a child: Guoguo.

Guoguo's right eye also has a large black hairy mole . These two families who had the same experience collided together, and then sparked a wonderful spark.

Compared with the pain and irritability of Xiaoxue's family, Guoguo's parents are more optimistic.

They use an optimistic and positive attitude to face life and create joy for their children and themselves, but at the same time they work very hard to treat their children.


This attitude deeply infected Xiaoxue and his wife .

Yes, What is scary is not the disease, but the heart that is deeply locked by the disease.

What's more, such diseases can be cured by .

Determine the treatment method

As for how to treat "congenital giant black hairy nevus" , experts have discussed two methods: one is laser; the other is skin grafting.

Both methods have their own advantages of and , but they also have the inevitable disadvantages of . The advantage of

laser for is that it does not require surgery on the baby. The disadvantage is that it is easy for to relapse and to re-grow .

Skin grafting is just the opposite. Its advantage is that the chance of recurrence is almost zero, but its disadvantage is that it requires surgery..

Of course, regarding these two treatment options , doctors are also very controversial.

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No matter which plan is used, the dark spots account for half of the skin , and the treatment will be a long-term battle .

After the doctor introduced two treatment options respectively, Xiaoxue and his wife hesitated again and again, finally chose "expansion skin grafting surgery" to treat their child.

This treatment method is to use good skin on the body to stimulate regrowth, and then replace it with black hairy nevus .

When the child grows older, the doctor will bury an expander under the child's normal skin. The expander will be filled with water to promote skin regeneration. Then the doctor will cut off the regenerated skin and replace it with the area where the nevus is present.

The beloved son of his parents has a far-reaching plan. When the child is three or four years old, Xiaoxue will first ask the doctor to transplant the skin on 's face.

Xiaoxue held the child in her arms, looked at the child's face, and said: The dark spots on her face must be removed first. I don't want her to be bullied by other children when she goes to kindergarten, and I don't want her to have low self-esteem either. .

The cost of treatment will be a lot of money. Xiaoxue and his wife don't care. They just want to make their daughter happy.


Newborn babies will have many red marks . These marks have a beautiful saying "trace of an angel's kiss" .

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And Xiaoxue’s child, perhaps the angel saved by in the fire, left such traces.

So she is very lucky to have met parents who love her so much.

It is better to be more optimistic than to cry. However, optimism does not mean being indifferent, but loving life .

At the same time, I also hope that the little girl can grow up healthy and happy.