Reporter Qin Congcong Correspondent Dong Ziqing The health of women and children is the foundation of national health and the yardstick for measuring the progress of social civilization. The high-quality development of women's and children's undertakings is a vivid reflection of

Reporter Qin Congcong Correspondent Dong Ziqing

The health of women and children is the foundation of national health and the yardstick for measuring the progress of social civilization. The high-quality development of women's and children's undertakings is a vivid reflection of a city's soft power.

The complex is a warm land, protecting women and children. Over the years, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital has focused on the health needs of the entire life cycle, including pre-marital and pregnancy preparation, pregnancy care, intrapartum treatment, postpartum rehabilitation, newborn treatment and newborn disease screening, and early childhood development. layout, strive to create a high-efficiency maternal and infant health care closed loop of "integration of marriage, pregnancy, education, and one-stop screening, diagnosis and treatment", continue to reach new heights in the health management of women and children throughout their life cycle, and continue to lead the hard strength of maternal and infant health services Shaping strong urban soft power writes a clear footnote of the city's sonorous progress on the road of civilization.

Make an appointment for a healthy future

The barrier of eugenics and education has moved forward

Quality is the lifeline of development. Reducing birth defects and improving the quality of the birth population is related to the happiness of thousands of families and the future of the country and nation.

responds to the people’s expectations and conforms to the requirements of the times. Under the leadership of the hospital’s party committee, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital gives full play to the leading role of party building, strengthens responsibility, gathers synergy for development, and builds a solid protective barrier for the health of newborns.

In November 2018, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Jinan Huaiyin District Government began to provide free premarital examinations for couples who are about to enter the marriage hall. In accordance with the overall arrangement of Jinan City to further standardize the city's free pre-marital medical examinations and the national free pre-pregnancy eugenic health examination projects, in addition to Huaiyin District , Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital is currently also responsible for free pre-marital medical examinations in Jinan City's Shizhong District and High-tech Zone Integrated medical health examination services.

has internal cohesion and external image. Over the past three years, more than 6,000 newlyweds have received pre-marital medical examinations and pre-pregnancy eugenics examinations here.

In order to do a better job in preventing birth defects and move the focus of eugenics and education forward, the hospital has also established a multi-disciplinary diagnosis and treatment team with strong professionalism and reasonable structure to promptly intervene in problems discovered by free premarital and pregnancy tests. Open eugenics and eugenics clinics so that couples of childbearing age can receive targeted, comprehensive and scientific pre-pregnancy health care guidance, thereby reducing the occurrence of high-risk pregnancy and childbirth rates from the source.

At the same time, the hospital is promoting integrated services for marriage and pregnancy check-up, setting up one-stop marriage registration and pregnancy check-up venues throughout the city, and issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing Jinan City's Work Plan for Strengthening Premarital and Pregnancy Health Care." In 2021, the premarital examination rate and the eugenic coverage rate of the pre-pregnancy target group both increased by more than 20% year-on-year.

The move forward in eugenics and eugenics, "appointment" for healthy babies, also "appointment" for the future hope of this city.

Urgent patients are anxious, and painful patients are pained. Faced with the rising incidence of infertility, the hospital uses professional development to give families of childbearing age the opportunity to conceive a healthy baby from the very beginning: the prenatal diagnosis center provides services such as genetic counseling and diagnosis, preconception health care, eugenics consultation, and reproductive medicine The center carries out diagnosis and treatment of male and female infertility and reproductive endocrine diseases...

Protect the safety of mothers and infants

Integrated management to prevent risks

htmlThe number of outpatient visits in 20 years has exceeded one million, and the number of newborn births accounts for about one-third of the urban area. In Jinan, the concept of "choose Jinan women and children to give birth" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Many families favor it because of trust; trust cannot be achieved without the support of the hospital’s professional service capabilities; and the development of professional capabilities must be guided by core values.

Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital knows that party building work must be focused, and medical quality has always been the top priority of the hospital. In the vigorous development of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the bright red party flag is always flying high. The endogenous power is activated and condensed into a new driving force for the high-quality development of the hospital.

focuses on the risk challenges brought about by the increasing proportion of elderly and high-risk pregnant women. The hospital has established an integrated maternal health management center. Starting from the establishment of electronic medical records for pregnant women for the first time, they are grouped according to different gestational weeks in the morning, middle and late to carry out refined management of pregnant women. That year, the maternal system management rate of increased to 96.03%.

According to clinical needs and professional subdivision needs, specialized disease outpatient clinics will be refined and sub-specialty outpatient clinics will be added. Pregnancy nutrition and metabolic disease clinic, pregnancy thyroid disease clinic, maternal mental health clinic, natural childbirth promotion clinic, pregnancy-induced hypertension clinic, placenta previa clinic, breech external inversion clinic...Through a series of specialized disease clinics, pregnant women are provided with Carry out specialized disease system management, scientifically manage every pregnant mother with pregnancy complications accurately and timely, and also play a positive role in preventing long-term chronic diseases for mothers and infants.

innovatively launches the province's first mobile door-to-door prenatal check-up service, uses Internet + to manage pregnant women in the city, builds a remote fetal heart rate monitoring center, and launches remote fetal heart rate monitoring services.

deeply implements the five systems for maternal and child safety. It is among the first in the country and the first in the province to implement five-color hierarchical management of high-risk pregnancies. The high-risk pregnancy information system is interconnected with grassroots registration points. It took the lead in establishing the Jinan High-risk Maternity Management Center to strengthen Dedicated personnel manage the entire project and provide dynamic supervision, effectively ensuring the safety of mothers and infants.

As the prenatal screening and diagnosis center in Jinan City, the province is the first to build an independent laboratory for genetic testing , undertaking free prenatal screening and free non-invasive DNA testing projects. The province took the lead in developing medical whole-exome sequencing prenatal diagnosis technology and carried out chorionic villus biopsy in early pregnancy, significantly advancing the time of prenatal diagnosis to 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, reaching the leading level in the country. It took the lead in the province to carry out prenatal screening institutions to practice according to law, and has regulated more than 20 prenatal screening institutions of various types.

At the same time, health education has been included in the clinical path management. As one of the first pilot units in the country for the "Strengthening Pregnant Women's School Management Project", based on the 30 years of development of pregnant women's schools, health education is carried out in multiple levels, in multiple forms, and in multiple directions. , to help pregnant women safely spend the perinatal period.

Refresh the childbirth experience

Comfortable delivery to welcome new life

One family, one heart, one game of chess, and working together. In the process of comprehensive advancement and key breakthroughs, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital focuses on comfortable medical care and creates a service highland, with "maternal and child warmth" Increase the "Jinan temperature".

As the Jinan Critical and Severe Maternal Treatment Center and the Jinan Branch Center of the Province’s Severe Perinatal Platform, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital continues to improve the emergency and critical maternal rescue system, strengthens the protection of key links such as transportation and blood use, and smoothes referrals. "Green channel" for treatment.

strives for refinement and innovation for "life first" and ensures quality and safety with technological peaks. The hospital has a highly skilled critical care team that provides diagnosis, treatment and care for amniotic fluid embolism, postpartum hemorrhage, dangerous placenta previa, severe placental abruption, severe preeclampsia, pregnancy complicated by hypertension, etc. Skilled in technology, he has led 29 hospitals in the province to implement training projects to reduce postpartum hemorrhage.

continues to strengthen the construction of obstetric emergency services, rebuild and upgrade the original obstetric emergency green channels, launch 24-hour obstetric and gynecological emergency services, and establish a normal MDT multidisciplinary consultation mechanism to ensure the safety of emergency medical treatment for pregnant women. The Jinan City Emergency Center and the Jinan City Maternal and Child Health Hospital Emergency Station were established to fully improve the level of pre-hospital 120 obstetrics and gynecology and neonatal first aid, filling the gap in Jinan City.

As one of the first critical neonatal treatment centers in Jinan City, the neonatology department of the hospital has reached the domestic advanced level in terms of management of premature infants and rescue of respiratory failure and other serious diseases.

Mother and baby safety, happy delivery. As one of the first batch of national labor analgesic pilot hospitals, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital began to implement 24-hour pain-free delivery as early as 2015. In 2021, the labor analgesia rate reached 87%.

is the first to open a VIP delivery room in the city. Gold medal midwives and doctors provide personalized one-to-one services throughout the entire process, including doulas and delivery, birth ball exercises, pregnancy yoga, simulated delivery training, music pain relief, acupoint massage, and free position delivery. etc. to improve the maternal comfort experience during labor and delivery.

took the lead in implementing special management of high-risk pregnancies and childbirths, and launched special management systems for scarred uterus and breech presentation, etc., to improve the natural delivery rate of high-risk pregnancies in multiple dimensions.

Step out of the delivery room and move services forward. Gold-medium midwives sit in the midwifery clinic and work with expectant mothers "one-on-one and face-to-face" to formulate personalized delivery plans, open up a continuous service path for perinatal midwives, and connect prenatal and intrapartum services. and a full-service continuity model after delivery.

established the first postpartum rehabilitation center in Jinan City, actively promoting rapid postoperative recovery, comfortable recovery, and painless recovery, and promoting the integrated and professional development of health services for women aged 1-100 years old.

Protect the growth of children

Screening, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation closed-loop services

The strength and competitiveness of the hospital have been steadily improved, the infrastructure and medical scale have been continuously improved, the medical quality and technical level have been comprehensively improved, and the discipline construction and scientific research and teaching have been continuously strengthened. Jinan's maternal and child "golden brand" Further polishing, but Jinan women and children are not satisfied with this. They looked further into the future.

The first 1,000 days of life affect your health throughout your life. Newborn disease screening and early treatment can avoid a considerable proportion of serious consequences such as death and disability caused by congenital diseases.

As early as 1992, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital established the first newborn disease screening center in Shandong Province, making Jinan one of the first cities in the country to carry out newborn disease screening. From the initial screening of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism, it has now developed to use tandem mass spectrometry to screen more than 40 diseases. In 2016, screening for severe combined immune diseases began, and in 2019, the country's first Lysosomal disease screening, genetic panel screening will start in 2020.

maintains Jinan's national leadership in the field of newborn disease screening with Jinan's "Three Complete Model" of full public welfare, full process, and full coverage of newborn genetic metabolic disease screening. The integration of prevention and treatment of major disabling diseases in early childhood has made the hospital a referral center for children's genetic and metabolic diseases in Shandong Province and even in neighboring provinces such as Henan, Hebei, Dalian and Fujian.

From screening, diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation, health services extend around the entire life cycle, forming a closed loop. Over the years, the hospital has screened nearly 2 million newborns. After early screening, timely treatment, and long-term rehabilitation follow-up, most of them have reached normal child development levels.

Focusing on promoting the early, comprehensive and optimized development of children, the Child Health Center of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital has established a professional structure in line with the characteristics of early childhood development and cross-disciplinary departments such as obstetrics, pediatrics (including neonatology), gynecology and pediatric care The discipline cooperation mechanism ensures the continuous service mechanism of early childhood development projects. It has successively established multiple sub-disciplines such as children's growth and development, children's nutrition and feeding, children's psychology behavior, children's oral health care, children's eye care, children's ear and hearing care, high-risk children's clinics, and high-risk children's intervention. Carry out precise assessment and early intervention for high-risk children, and conduct comprehensive and systematic research on visual and auditory development, language development and small muscle function, parent-child courses, music and early development, etc. In 2016, it was rated as one of the first batch of national early childhood development demonstration bases in the province and the only one in the province.

Today, the starting point for striving to become a civilized model city has resounded throughout the land of Quancheng. Past achievements and experiences have further converged into a surging force for continued struggle. Anchoring new goals and new positioning, Jinan Maternal and Child Health Hospital will always adhere to people's health as the center, draw a blueprint, forge ahead, build a strong maternal and child health cause, enhance the soft power of urban development, and inject strong momentum into the creation of a civilized model city .