When it comes to rehabilitation medicine, many people’s first impression is to restore patients with mobility issues to normal walking. As a hospital directly affiliated to the university, Dongguan First Hospital affiliated to Guangdong Medical University has attracted medical el

When it comes to rehabilitation medicine, many people’s first impression is to restore patients with mobility issues to the point where they can walk normally.

In many hospitals, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine is only regarded as an auxiliary department, but in real life, people's demand for rehabilitation medicine is growing , and many patients are looking for good rehabilitation doctors after postoperative and motor function injuries .

As a hospital directly affiliated to the university, since last year, Dongguan First Hospital Affiliated to Guangdong Medical University has attracted medical elites from all walks of life, many of whom are doctors and postdoctoral fellows, relying on the advantages of the university platform and the favorable policies of the municipal party committee and government. The hospital is actively building a rehabilitation medicine center in cooperation with the university's medical school. It has introduced Liao Linrong, a doctor of rehabilitation medicine, to comprehensively improve the level of rehabilitation medicine.

Liao Linrong (middle) is examining and treating a patient

Liao Linrong is a doctor of physical therapy in the Department of Rehabilitation Science of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and deputy chief therapist/physician. He has been engaged in rehabilitation physical therapy, teaching, research and management for more than 120 years . He has chaired or participated in many National, provincial and municipal scientific research projects, published 22 papers in international SCI magazines in recent years, and published many medical monographs.

He is good at the evaluation and treatment of patients with sports injury rehabilitation, musculoskeletal pain rehabilitation, orthopedic rehabilitation , severe rehabilitation and neurological rehabilitation . He is one of the few doctors of physical therapy in the field of rehabilitation. .

With the advancement of the times and the update of concepts, the original medical model centered on treating diseases has gradually transformed into one centered on health, and the status of rehabilitation medicine has become more and more important.

In November last year, the hospital upgraded the original Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine into the Rehabilitation Medicine Center, positioning it as the main clinical department and creating a platform for the rehabilitation of patients throughout the hospital. In March this year, Liao Linrong was introduced to the hospital as director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Center and subject leader .

He introduced that in clinical practice, almost every department needs the intervention of rehabilitation medicine, whether it is mental or physical. "Our purpose is to improve the patient's mental state and restore the patient's physical function, thereby achieving physical and mental recovery."

The Rehabilitation Medicine Center of the hospital consists of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rehabilitation Treatment Center, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center. It implements the concept of "one bed for rehabilitation in the whole hospital", and all patients can be evaluated and treated from the perspective of rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation medicine Early intervention in patient treatment can prevent complications , shorten hospitalization days, reduce medical expenses, and maximize the recovery of patients' physical functions so that they can return to normal life.

For example, rehabilitation therapy is provided for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). It uses sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat, combined with manual therapy and drug therapy to achieve the patient's swallowing, cognition, psychology, speech, and body movements. comprehensive rehabilitation.

At present, Liao Linrong has led the team members to carry out severe rehabilitation , orthopedics and sports injury rehabilitation , neurological rehabilitation ( stroke , brain injury , Parkinson's disease , etc.), cardiopulmonary rehabilitation ( COPD , respiratory dysfunction caused by cardiovascular disease, etc.), chronic disease rehabilitation ( diabetes , hypertension , etc.), obstetrics and gynecology rehabilitation (pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation, urinary leakage, etc.), children's rehabilitation ( cerebral palsy , autism , etc.), has developed a relatively complete rehabilitation medical service system such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation, psychological therapy, rehabilitation engineering (prosthetics), etc., with more than 20 medical professionals , a professional echelon of rehabilitation medical talents has been initially established.

After Liao Linrong arrived, he promoted the rehabilitation medicine center to change its service model. "In the past, we were waiting for patients. Now we take the initiative to enter various clinical departments of , so that rehabilitation medicine can be deeply integrated with various departments."

Recently, he received a patient who had suffered a stroke. is a male patient in his 40s, a small business owner, has high blood pressure, and does not take medication regularly. In August last year, had his first minor stroke, , which caused inconvenience in moving his right half of the body; this year, after had his second stroke, , It also caused hemiplegia on the left side of the body.Liao Linrong's team developed an individualized rehabilitation treatment plan for him. After three months of careful treatment, the patient went from being unable to turn over independently to being able to sit up and then to be able to walk with assistance. At present, the patient is full of confidence and his goal is to be able to drive and go to work normally.

With the high incidence of stroke and the trend of younger people, although some stroke patients have saved their lives through treatment in clinical departments, the road to recovery has just begun. They are hemiplegic, unable to walk, unable to speak, and have swallowing dysfunction, etc. and other symptoms, and some people have psychological disorders, which require the help of rehabilitation medicine.

Clinical medicine can give patients a second life

But rehabilitation medicine gives life time

Rehabilitating a person liberates a family

The goal of Liao Linrong's team is to enable such patients to stand up, walk, take care of themselves again, and basically return to work. , return to normal life as much as possible.

(Liao Linrong)

In order to speed up the development of the rehabilitation medicine center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Dongguan, Guangdong Medical University has cooperated with Southern Medical University Rehabilitation School of Medicine and Guangdong Medical University Rehabilitation School of Medicine to jointly build Professor Huang Guozhi Famous doctor studio.

The department is currently in a period of rapid development. It is equipped with a number of advanced rehabilitation equipment such as skeletal muscle shock wave therapy equipment, transcranial magnetic stimulators, and high-energy laser therapy equipment, which can provide relatively complete rehabilitation medical services for patients with different types of dysfunction.

Next, Liao Linrong will take the lead and make full use of the cooperation and co-construction platform to build a solid foundation for medical care, teaching, scientific research, and brand building, strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, promote the simultaneous development of talent training, scientific research, and medical services, and strive to create high-level Horizontal regional rehabilitation medicine center improves the level of regional rehabilitation medicine.