The temperature is high in summer, and most of the time the temperature is around 35 degrees. At this time, the human body's metabolism speeds up and water loss is large. If water cannot be replenished in time, it will increase the pressure on the heart. In this case, the heart n

The temperature is high in summer, and most of the time the temperature is around 35 degrees. At this time, the human body's metabolism speeds up and water loss is large. If water cannot be replenished in time, it will increase the pressure on the heart. In this case, the heart needs to pump twice as much blood so that all tissues and organs of the body can receive sufficient fresh blood and oxygen, and all organs can function normally. Therefore, summer is also the season for nourishing the heart.

The heart corresponds to the yang energy in summer. If you do not adapt to the climate on weekdays, it will cause certain damage to the heart. Moreover, if you do not nourish your heart well in summer, when the yang energy converges in autumn, the body will easily develop malaria , while in winter the yang energy will If Qi is deficient, the disease may worsen. Therefore, make good use of the yang energy of summer to nourish your heart.

Summer is the season for nourishing the heart! The 4 things your heart loves most, if you have time, try to do them!

1. Emotional stability

If you want to protect your heart in summer, you must first maintain a good mood. Many people become irritable in the hot summer, especially those who have been in a high temperature environment. The body sweats a lot, and the person becomes depressed. You will feel more uncomfortable, your mood will be worse, and your mood swings will be extremely large.

Excessive emotional fluctuations will stimulate the heart, accelerate the heartbeat, and affect heart health. Therefore, if you want to protect your heart in summer, you must tell yourself to keep your emotions stable, face difficulties positively, and work hard to regulate your emotions.

2. Get enough sleep

In summer, you should pay attention to adjusting your sleep time, and do not stay up late or lack sleep because of the heat. If you go to bed late for a long time or do not have enough sleep time, the heart will always be at work, the load will increase, and you will not be able to get normal rest. In this case, myocardial blood consumption and oxygen consumption will be rapidly increased, resulting in myocardial insufficiency. Blood is deprived of oxygen.

At the same time, the biological clock will be disrupted under the influence of staying up late for a long time, and the endocrine system will also be affected, thus secreting a large amount of hormones. Under the influence of a large amount of hormones, the heart beating rhythm will change, and in severe cases, arrhythmia may occur. If it goes on for a long time, the function and structure of the heart may be affected.

Therefore, in summer, sleep time should be sufficient. You can postpone going to bed until 23:00 at night, get up around 6:00 in the morning, and maintain 7 hours of sleep. In addition, taking a nap for half an hour at noon in summer can reduce the probability of suffering from coronary heart disease to a certain extent.

3. Sufficient water

You sweat a lot in summer and lose water quickly. At this time, you should remind yourself to drink more water and drink water frequently to keep your body well hydrated, which will help the heart transport blood to various tissues, organs and muscles, and protect the heart. .

In summer, you should ensure that you drink about 2,000 ml of water every day, but you should not drink water suddenly when you are thirsty. You should drink it slowly and multiple times in small sips, about 300 ml every 2 hours.

In addition to drinking boiled water, you can also make use of two kinds of heart-nourishing teas in summer

The first one is longan, red dates and wolfberry tea

People with weak heart energy or often panic can try longan, red dates and wolfberry tea. Longan is sweet in taste and warm in nature, and it belongs to the heart and spleen meridian . Eating some longan regularly can nourish the heart and spleen. There are many vitamins, proteins and iron in red dates. Regular consumption of red dates can nourish the heart and blood. Wolfberry contains a lot of wolfberry polysaccharide , which has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys.

However, I would like to remind everyone that these three substances are sweet and warm, and if they are taken in too much, they can easily lead to internal heat, so they should be taken in moderation.

The second type is lotus heart tea

There is a substance in lotus seed heart called alkaloids, which has a cardiotonic effect and can resist arrhythmia. However, everyone knows that lotus seed hearts taste a bit bitter and can irritate the gastric mucosa to a certain extent, so you can add an appropriate amount of honey to taste when making lotus seed tea.

reminds everyone that when making lotus heart tea, use boiling water to brew it, then cover it and simmer it for 10 minutes, add honey, stir well and drink it.

4. Moderate exercise

Exercise is a relatively simple way to maintain health and requires almost no money. Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation, promote body metabolism, help the body detoxify, and improve cardiopulmonary function.

However, during summer exercise, you should avoid the period between 12 noon and 4 pm. It is recommended that you exercise after 10 am and 5 pm.

If you have the habit of morning exercise, you should also pay attention to in summer. After getting up in the morning and emptying your bowels, measure your blood pressure. Only when your blood pressure is stable can you start exercising. Drink a glass of warm water 30 minutes before exercising.

If you experience shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue or hunger during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately and find a cool place to rest. Do not take a shower or use cold air conditioning immediately after exercise. The pores and blood vessels will suddenly shrink due to stimulation, affecting heat dissipation, increasing blood pressure fluctuations, and easily causing myocardial infarction. Therefore, after exercise, rest for 30 minutes and then take a bath with warm water when the body is no longer sweating.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet