You should master the relevant daily emergency measures so that you will not be at a loss when encountering trouble. For those who accidentally sprain, use the wrong medicine, or have a foreign object stuck in their throat, they need to understand the specific response and do not

Daily related emergency measures should be mastered so that you will not be at a loss when encountering trouble. For those who accidentally sprain, use the wrong medicine, or have a foreign object stuck in their throat, they need to understand the specific response and do not panic too much. Some people do not handle these situations properly, which can cause secondary harm. Let’s learn more about it below.

1. Foreign objects stuck in the throat

Many children may accidentally get stuck in their throats when eating fruits or candies , making it difficult to breathe. In severe cases, suffocation may threaten life safety.

If you find this situation, you should immediately use the Heimlich maneuver . The method is to stand behind the patient with a foreign object stuck in the throat, place your hands between the navel and the sternum, make one hand into a fist, and fold the other hand. Place it on your fist, tighten your arms on both sides, and press your chest quickly until the foreign object is discharged.

If there is a stuck fish bone, you need to go to the hospital for examination . The doctor will use tools to remove it.

2. Using the wrong medicine

is said to be three parts poisonous. Health problems need to be treated with medicine. You should strictly follow the doctor's advice and follow the correct medication method to improve your condition. However, some people are not careful when using medicines and may use the wrong medicine, which may lead to various adverse reactions, which may lead to death of the patient in severe cases.

In this case, you should induce vomiting immediately, so that the taken medicine can be vomited out as soon as possible to avoid excessive absorption. You can use fingers, chopsticks, etc. to stimulate the throat to cause vomiting. In addition, you can also drink milk to reduce the absorption of toxic substances after taking the wrong medicine. If you are unclear about the nature and effects of the drug, you need to take the drug to the hospital for examination immediately.

3, sprains

For people who love sports, if they don’t pay attention to intensity control during exercise, or accidentally collide with others, they may cause harm to the body. Sprains are a common situation, and injuries after sprains There will be obvious pain and even swelling in the injured area, and the response method must be appropriate to avoid aggravation of the condition.

Among them, rest in place and do not move the sprained part to avoid secondary injury. If there is only swelling and no bones are injured, you can use ice cubes to reduce swelling and relieve pain. If the sprain is serious, you should call the emergency hotline and wait for medical staff to arrive and send you to the hospital for examination and treatment.

4, burns

For housewives, they often cook food and sometimes get burned accidentally. The appropriate response to burns should be chosen based on the severity.

If you only have a small area of ​​burn and feel pain, you should use running water from the faucet to achieve a cooling effect, which can reduce the temperature and relieve pain. After rinsing for five to ten minutes, you will find that the discomfort in the burned area is much reduced.

If it is a large-scale burn, do not treat it by yourself, as infection may occur. In this case, you should send it to a doctor immediately for examination . The doctor's diagnosis and subsequent correct treatment can reduce the damage.

5, alcohol poisoning

For people who drink a lot of alcohol, alcohol poisoning is not uncommon. Alcohol needs to be metabolized to reduce harm. However, if you lack the enzyme to break down alcohol and drink too much, you will suffer from acute alcohol poisoning, which will lead to symptoms such as slurred speech, dizziness, and vomiting.

At this time, you should clean up the vomit in your mouth to avoid suffocation, unbutton your collar to keep breathing smoothly . If you are unconscious or breathing abnormally, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed immediately. In other serious cases, please dial to call the emergency hotline . Do not delay treatment time. #媯 Zero Zero Plan#