In the eyes of many people, late-stage cancer is equal to death, but Zhang Mi did not give up. She survived the most difficult moment. After 300 days of treatment, the tumors in her body disappeared.

"One night, the alarm in the hospital bed next door rang, and he was taken away not long after. I was very scared at the time, afraid that I would be the next person taken away."

In 2019, singer Zhang Mi revealed that he had been diagnosed Terminal cancer news.

In the eyes of many people, late-stage cancer is equal to death, but Zhang Mi did not give up. She survived the most difficult moment. After 300 days of treatment, the tumors in her body disappeared. Later, when she recalled this experience of fighting cancer, she still couldn't help but choke up.

1. The 300-day anti-cancer journey is sobering

1 Diagnosed with cancer, unable to accept it for a while

In August 2018, Zhang Mi, who was in Canada, suffered from recurring tonsil inflammation, but she didn’t pay much attention to it, thinking that she would recover with more rest. After a while, Zhang Mi began to have difficulty opening her mouth and swallowing.

Later, she visited more than 10 doctors and had two MRIs. The doctors' diagnosis was surprisingly consistent - neuromuscular problem. However, the treatment did not work, and her condition continued to worsen. The right side of her face was swollen, she was unable to speak, and she felt tired.

It was only then that Zhang Mi realized something was wrong and decided to return to China for treatment.

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In April 2019, Zhang Mi returned to Beijing for examination. The doctor touched her neck and felt that something was not good. Sure enough, Zhang Mi was eventually diagnosed with tonsil cancer and metastatic oral cancer stage 4 , which is the advanced stage of the cancer.

From inflammation to cancer, Zhang Mi’s condition was delayed for a full 8 months.

2 Physically and mentally exhausted, but still chose to persevere.

After learning that she had cancer, Zhang Mi felt very painful and couldn't believe it - she obviously didn't smoke or drink, and had a very healthy diet and life. Why did she suffer from late-stage cancer? However, Zhang Mi did not dwell too much on this issue. Faced with the disease, she insisted on cooperating with the treatment and took whatever medicine the doctor gave her.

She is also very optimistic. She will write notes and stick them on the bed to encourage herself:

"Open the curtains today and the sun is shining again. Tomorrow will be better. Keep persisting! Keep working hard!";

"The future belongs to me, what I have experienced today Test, there will be a rainbow tomorrow! "

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During the treatment, the side effects caused Zhang Mi to vomit non-stop, suffer from bone pain all over her body, lose a lot of hair, and have ulcers all over her mouth.

After 10 months of treatment, laryngoscopy and MRI results showed that her tumor disappeared! Zhang Mi said that she was lucky because she chose formal treatment and chose to be positive and optimistic, which was the key to her victory over the disease.

2. Why is cancer easily misdiagnosed?

Before being diagnosed with cancer, Zhang Mi was misdiagnosed many times and her condition was delayed for 8 months.

In fact, it is not uncommon for cancers to be misdiagnosed. This is because the early symptoms of many cancer types are not obvious, they are highly hidden, and they are easily confused with other diseases. For example:

, Lymphoma

Clinically, lymphoma has a variety of manifestations and often has no specific symptoms. In addition, the public’s lack of awareness of lymphoma results in failure to seek medical treatment or perform pathological biopsy in time, and it is easy to be misdiagnosed. In addition, lymphoma has a complex pathological classification, with nearly a hundred subtypes. If a pathologist is not specialized in lymphoma , it may be difficult to diagnose and classify the disease, which often requires the cooperation of large hospitals and multiple disciplines.

    , Pancreatic cancer

    Pancreatic is small in size and deep in location, close to the stomach, duodenum, common bile duct and other organs. It is difficult to detect the lesions in routine blood tests, blood biochemical tests, and routine X-ray examinations, and its early symptoms Gastrointestinal symptoms such as upper abdominal discomfort, abdominal distension and soreness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are the main symptoms, and it is easy to be misdiagnosed as gastric disease.

  • , rectal cancer

    The early symptoms of rectal cancer include blood in the stool, change in bowel habits, loss of appetite and anemia, etc. It is easy to be misdiagnosed as enteritis, hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps and other diseases. On the other hand, young adults have insufficient knowledge of rectal cancer and are not very vigilant about its symptoms. When polyps, ulcers and other lesions are detected, they are not treated in time, resulting in poor prognosis.

  • . Gastric cancer

    The early symptoms of gastric cancer are not obvious. Some patients only have indigestion symptoms such as mild abdominal pain, fullness, belching and nausea. It is easily associated with chronic gastritis , functional dyspepsia , ulcer disease and other stomach diseases. Confusing . Especially in young patients, symptoms are more insidious.

, tonsil cancer

The symptoms of tonsil cancer are mild in the early stage, and may only be foreign body sensation in the pharynx, pharyngeal pain, and other mild discomfort. It is easy to be misdiagnosed as chronic pharyngitis or tonsillitis . When performing pathological biopsy, if the doctor does not take the sample properly or takes the sample too shallowly, misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis may also occur.

3. Cancer can also "coexist peacefully"

If late-stage cancer cannot be completely cured, patients can strive to achieve "cancer survival."

"Survival with cancer" means that after the patient receives treatment, the tumor shrinks or stops growing, has no metastasis or spread, the symptoms are basically eliminated, the condition is stable, the body basically returns to the state before the cancer, and the patient can be "in harmony with the tumor for a long time" get along".

If you want to achieve "survival with cancer", it is recommended that patients do the following in their lives:

. Eat appropriate and taboos.

The diet should be nutritionally balanced, including macronutrients (such as protein, carbohydrates, , fat, etc.) and micronutrients (such as vitamins, minerals, etc.).

If you want a balanced diet, food should be as diverse as possible. Average daily intake:

  • html more than 13 kinds of cereals, potatoes and miscellaneous beans;
  • html more than 13 kinds of fish, eggs and meat;
  • html more than 14 kinds vegetables, fruits and fungi and algae foods;
  • html more than 12 kinds of milk, soybean and nut foods;

In addition, drink less sugary drinks, eat less grilled, pickled, fried foods, and don’t drink alcohol. Don't eat moldy food.