As a relatively rare form of psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis has a long ice layer, does not heal for a long time, is expensive, and is prone to recurrence. It is often caused by something inappropriate during progression or treatment.

Erythrodermic psoriasis As a relatively rare form of psoriasis, it has a long ice layer, does not heal for a long time, is expensive, and is prone to recurrence. It is often caused by something inappropriate during progression or treatment. The most common triggering factors are as follows:

1. Improper selection or improper use of topical drugs to treat existing psoriasis lesions. For example, the topical drugs are too irritating, or the prescribed dosage and frequency are not used in accordance with the doctor's instructions;

2. Secondary infection, especially upper respiratory tract infection , viral infection or local skin bacterial infection, make the already fragile skin barrier function even more endangered and help accelerate the systemic spread of skin lesions;

3. The patient's mood swings or There is a problem with the direction of mental stress, which may also induce acute progression of the original skin lesions;

4. Use of certain traditional Chinese medicine preparations with unknown ingredients or folk remedies that are not supported by scholars;

5. Failure to follow medical advice on personal dietary taboos, such as Spicy food and alcohol consumption may also aggravate the condition.