Han Yaling is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one of the first batch of experts admitted to the China Science and Technology Think Tank and a member of the review committee, and a cardiovascular disease expert. He is currently the director of the Military Ca

Han Yaling , Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , one of the first batch of experts admitted to the China Science and Technology Think Tank and a member of the review committee, and a cardiovascular disease expert. He is currently the director of the Military Cardiovascular Disease Research Institute and director of the Department of Cardiology at the Shenyang Military Region General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army.

Han Yaling has long been committed to the clinical treatment of critical coronary heart disease. She has achieved innovative results in interventional treatment of chronic coronary artery occlusion and left main disease, acute myocardial infarction rapid treatment, and individualized antithrombotic treatment, which has significantly reduced the risk of critical coronary heart disease. Mortality rate of heart disease.

html Completed leapfrog development in 66 years

Han Yaling said that "serving the people wholeheartedly" is the original intention of our work. In recent years, she has led the team to launch the "Project to Improve General Practitioners' Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment Ability" and the "Heart Health Public Welfare Action Plan" to comprehensively establish a cardiovascular disease prevention and control system and provide direction for the realization of the Healthy 2030 national strategy. In order to lead the development of the department, Han Yaling traveled to dozens of hospitals in China and visited the United States, Japan, Singapore, and other countries to acquire the most cutting-edge medical knowledge and master the latest cardiovascular disease treatment technology.

In 2000, Han Yaling invented the "multi-guidewire plaque extrusion technique". This innovative technology simplifies surgical procedures, shortens operation time, and reduces complications. Compared with similar technologies at the time, this technology saved patients approximately tens of thousands of yuan. Han Yaling said: "As a clinician, we must not innovate for the sake of innovation. The starting point of innovation is to improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients. Only with this starting point can we innovate." Han Yaling led the team to establish the Cardiovascular Interventional Treatment Center and created It has an independent operating room and has introduced a large number of advanced medical equipment such as angiography machines. In just 6 years, she led the cardiovascular medicine team to complete leapfrog development from a general department of the hospital to a research institute that is the "top priority" of the military.

In March 2022, Han Yaling led the team to work closely with various parties at home and abroad to use a new generation of domestic transcatheter mitral valve edge-to-edge repair system to successfully complete the operation on the 86-year-old veteran hero of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and successfully perform femoral vein Approaches to transcatheter mitral valve interventional repair. The success of this operation has enhanced the confidence of medical staff and patients, and more fully verified the safety and effectiveness of domestic repair systems, allowing domestic innovative treatment medical devices to benefit Chinese patients earlier and more.

Unhealthy lifestyle is the main cause of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease has become the "number one killer" threatening the health of our people. Han Yaling said that cardiovascular disease mortality ranks first among the total causes of death among urban and rural residents in my country. The main reasons are firstly unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to an increase in cardiovascular morbidity year by year; secondly, the public’s lack of understanding of the causes and harms of cardiovascular disease. , there is a lack of awareness of early intervention, risk screening and treatment concepts for cardiovascular disease. At the same time, she said, the disease is becoming more and more likely to occur at younger ages, which poses serious challenges to cardiovascular doctors’ disease prevention and treatment work.

Han Yaling emphasized that cardiovascular disease is the top priority in health prevention and control at this stage, and cardiovascular doctors and general practitioners will shoulder the most important social responsibilities. In order to improve the prevention and control capabilities of core forces, the industry has made a lot of efforts. She proposed that the focus of work should shift from emphasizing the end-stage treatment of diseases to disease prevention and public education to improve the health literacy of the entire population; it should shift to integrated treatment methods of traditional Chinese and Western medicine; and a comprehensive approach that combines social, psychological and biological aspects. model, allowing medicine to return to clinical, humanistic, and basic skills, and strengthen the concept of big health and the integrated medical model.

To this end, Han Yaling suggested that we first "practice our internal skills" and forge a team of high-quality and high-capacity cardiovascular doctors; then break down barriers in thinking and promote international cooperation; and finally go to the grassroots level to establish a collaborative treatment network and actively promote grassroots doctors. , technical training and improvement of general practitioners, and establishing an extensive public health education platform.

Han Yaling said that at present, the safety, accuracy and effectiveness of surgical treatment of cardiovascular diseases are very important to both doctors and patients. The overall level of diagnosis and treatment in my country, including radiofrequency ablation surgery, is constantly improving, bringing more and more problems to patients. Benefit. She called on more cardiovascular doctors to join the health education team and implement comprehensive prevention and long-term management measures into clinical practice. At the same time, she hopes that with the joint efforts of all colleagues, we can jointly promote the development of cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment and contribute to the development and construction of a healthy China.

Regarding training young doctors, Han Yaling said that we can start from four aspects. First, strengthen their sense of responsibility and mission to serve patients well; second, cultivate their scientific and technological innovation spirit and improve their academics; third, mobilize them to go deep into the grassroots level. The fourth is to cultivate their public spirit and to not be afraid of hardships and go against the trend in major public health emergencies. (Text/Wang Huilan)

Academician Han Yaling is with the research team

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Introduction to Academician Han Yaling

Han Yaling is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one of the first batch of experts admitted to the China Science and Technology Think Tank and a member of the review committee, and a cardiovascular disease expert. He is currently the director of the Cardiovascular Disease Research Institute and director of the Department of Cardiology at the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region of the People's Liberation Army, chairman of the Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, chairman of the Cardiovascular Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and chairman of the Thrombosis Prevention and Treatment Professional Committee.

has long been committed to the clinical treatment of critical coronary heart disease, and has achieved innovative results in interventional treatment of chronic coronary artery occlusion and left main disease, rapid treatment of acute myocardial infarction, and individualized antithrombotic treatment, significantly reducing deaths from critical coronary heart disease. Rate.

has won 2 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 5 first prizes of the military or provincial and ministerial levels, and the Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Progress Award. He has been selected as the Women's Model Physician, one of the top ten scientific and technological talents in Shenyang, the Clinical Medical Research Innovation Award, the National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker, and enjoys the special allowance of the State Council. He has edited and published 18 monographs, and has published more than 900 papers as the corresponding author of and , including more than 190 SCI articles. He also presided over the writing and revision of a number of Chinese clinical guidelines and consensus, and his main works were published in high-level medical journals such as JAMA and JACC.