Xiao Lin complained to everyone yesterday: A relative in his hometown died of cancer. At this stage, his mother thinks that everything she looks at can cause cancer. Yesterday, she gave away a large piece of frozen pork in the refrigerator, saying that eating frozen meat will cau

Xiaolin complained to everyone yesterday: A relative in my hometown died of cancer. At this stage, my mother thinks that everything she looks at can cause cancer. Yesterday, she gave away a large piece of frozen pork in the refrigerator, saying that eating frozen meat can cause cancer. Since then, After graduation, I rented a house and lived on my own. Every time I bought too little meat, I felt it wasn’t worth a trip to the vegetable market. If I bought too much, I couldn’t eat it, so I had to freeze it in pieces. I only took out one piece for cooking at a time. , isn’t this normal? How can frozen meat cause cancer?

Xiao Li said: My mother doesn’t let me eat takeout, saying that the meat in takeout is all zombie meat (meat that has been frozen for many years and sold to the market). If you eat too much, you will easily get cancer. She also told me many examples of people who have contracted cancer after eating takeout for a long time. For example, it’s so bad that I feel psychologically affected when I see takeout.

Does frozen meat really cause cancer?

Today, when we talk about cancer, many things are spread from ten to ten, and the central idea is biased. Therefore, many carcinogenic substances are derived, such as: overnight tea, pressure cookers, non-stick pans, and thermos cups. , instant noodles, overnight vegetables, etc. These substances do not cause cancer, but may increase the risk of cancer. Just like fungus, celery and other foods contain antihypertensive substances, but because their content is very low and almost negligible, you must not use food instead of antihypertensive drugs.

It can be clearly said that frozen meat does not cause cancer. It is worth noting that the frozen meat mentioned in this article refers to putting fresh meat in the refrigerator and freezing it, rather than putting rotten meat in the refrigerator. . The frozen bones, frozen fish, etc. that I bought at the vegetable market before were very fishy after being defrosted at home. Even after they were cooked, the fishy smell was very serious. Later I learned that many small manufacturers will use meat that is about to spoil or has already spoiled. Freeze them and sell them again. After meat spoils, microorganisms will multiply and produce metabolites, such as botulinum toxin, which can damage the body's nerves and cause muscle stiffness and paralysis. Their metabolites can also cause acute poisoning. Although freezing can mask the smell, these metabolites It has not disappeared, and the harm to the body still exists. Long-term consumption may cause chronic poisoning and may also cause cancer.

There is no risk of cancer after fresh meat is frozen, but the taste and nutrition are still very different from fresh meat. Yesterday I went to the vegetable market and bought fresh meat. According to the boss, it was a pig that was just killed that day. I made dumplings for my children when I got home. My children loved eating them and kept praising the dumplings. The main reason is that the meat is good and fresh. After fresh meat is frozen, the color and taste of the meat will undergo a series of changes. There are many reasons for this change. The main reasons are the reproduction of psychrotrophic bacteria, the loss of water in the meat during the long-term freezing process, and related Nutrients are also lost, and coupled with the effects of oxidative factors, the taste will deteriorate.

Meat can be frozen, but you should pay attention to the following two points:

1. The time should not be too long

Although studies have shown that under ideal conditions, fresh and pollution-free meat is quickly frozen below minus 25°C, and then frozen below minus 18°C. When stored, the shelf life of pork, mutton, beef, etc. can reach more than two years, while the shelf life of duck, chicken and other poultry meat can reach one year. But this is only an ideal state. Under normal circumstances, there are microorganisms in our refrigerators, and these vitamins can survive and reproduce at extremely low temperatures. Although the speed is relatively slow, it may also cause meat to deteriorate. In addition, meat stored in the refrigerator for a long time will slowly lose protein, moisture, fat-soluble vitamins, etc., resulting in a decrease in nutrients.

Therefore, try not to freeze meat for too long, store less at one time, and buy fresh meat after eating. It can not only ensure the taste, but also be healthier. Why not?

2. Try to buy as little frozen meat as possible

Although frozen meat is cheaper than fresh meat, we do not recommend buying more, let alone buying more.We don’t know whether the frozen meat on the market is fresh before freezing, especially the meat produced by some small manufacturers. The freezing technology is not up to standard, or the meat has deteriorated or is about to deteriorate before freezing. Not only will the taste of these meats decrease after thawing, but they will also have a peculiar smell. Eating them for a long time is not good for the body.

For those who like frozen meat, try to choose a regular manufacturer. Check the product's production date, shelf life, whether the product packaging is complete, and whether the surface is shiny. It is best to feel hard when touched and not softened. Meat and poultry products do not have ice cubes. of residue. A final reminder from

: If possible, try to choose fresh meat and do not store it for too long. Even if you choose frozen meat, you must choose a regular manufacturer.