In September last year, I met this 6-year-old girl who came from Changsha, Hunan for medical treatment. When I first met the child, I actually didn’t tell whether she was a boy or a girl, but judging from her dress, she was obviously a beauty-loving little girl. Girl, she wore a

In September last year, I met this 6-year-old girl who came from Changsha, Hunan for medical treatment. When I first met the child, I actually didn’t tell whether she was a boy or a girl, but judging from her dress, she was obviously a beauty lover. The little girl wore a very cute sun hat. When the child took off the hat, I realized that the hat might not be for sun protection, but because the child had almost no hair.

is tricky! A 6-year-old girl is plagued by many illnesses and her condition is complex.

Through consultation, I found that the child has too many problems, which are very difficult.

The first one is long-term constipation. The parents said that the child has been constipated since she was a child. She has a bowel movement every 2-3 days, which is very dry and hard to pass.

The second one is long-term food accumulation . The food accumulation is to the extent that when she lies down, she will It's like the things in the stomach are rising up, and you have to sit up and burp several times before you can fall asleep;

Third, it is difficult to fall asleep . I go to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening and can't fall asleep at 10 o'clock. Even after falling asleep, I still sweat. molars and snores;

4 suffers from frequent colds and does not get better in 2 weeks;

5 suffers from chronic tonsillitis , and the tonsils are nearly second degree in size;

6 suffers from slow growth and is 104.6cm at 6 years old. 12cm shorter than my peers.

My child has been to a relatively authoritative hospital in Changsha before to be prescribed Chinese medicine, but the treatment may have been incomplete and he would fall ill 2-3 times a month. After listening to what the parents said, I realized that this was a very difficult case.

Weak spleen and stomach , one prescription can easily cure it

Although the condition is complex, the child was prescribed medicine according to the specific symptoms.

First of all, this child often suffers from repeated colds and coughs, and has obvious symptoms of lung and spleen deficiency. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is the source of phlegm, and the lungs are the organ that stores phlegm. Lung diseases such as cough and phlegm are mostly related to disharmony between the lungs and spleen. For deficiency of lung and spleen, you can use the method of cultivating soil to generate metal, and achieve the purpose of nourishing the lungs through strengthening the spleen.

Secondly, children often accumulate food, are constipated, and have poor sleep quality. It can be seen that the spleen and stomach are very weak. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are acquired and the source of qi and blood. Weakness of the spleen and stomach often results in upper abdominal fullness, increased appetite or loss of appetite, belching, abdominal distension, dry and hard stools, drooling during sleep, poor sleep quality, and poor spirits.

For children with food accumulation, constipation, chronic tonsillitis, etc., considering that the child does not want to take injections and medicines, I used this recipe - external application of traditional Chinese medicine patch (the ingredients of the recipe are at the end of the article), and stick the plaster on the corresponding xue position , can directly reach the focus of the disease, eliminate stagnation, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

Why do I prefer to prescribe topical plasters to children? Because topical Chinese medicine patches are more acceptable to children and easier to adhere to for a long time. The position can be adjusted later according to changes in the condition.

In addition to the above-mentioned medications, I also urge parents to supervise their children's exercise, sleep, and diet. Maintain 30 minutes of exercise every day; go to bed quickly at 9 o'clock every night, and strive to fall into deep sleep before 10 o'clock; in terms of diet, I specially customized a set of nutritional recipes based on her situation to ensure balanced nutrition.

html At 23 months old, she grew 5cm tall. Grandma cried on the spot.

Because the child had too many problems, I did not dare to expect any special and obvious changes within a month. However, due to the cooperation of parents and children, the effect was very obvious. After 1 month of

treatment, the child has yellow soft stools once a day, and his sleep has also been greatly improved. He goes to bed at 9 o'clock and can fall asleep at 9:30, and the frequency of grinding teeth and snoring has also been reduced. After nearly 3 months of treatment, the baby's cold and appetite had changed a lot.

After 3 months of treatment, my grandma called me with tears in her eyes and said that her child’s hair had grown a lot and now she no longer needed to wear a hat when going out. Of course, what makes grandma happy and excited is the child's height, which has grown from 104.6cm to 109.6cm in 3 months.

These changes in my children make me particularly happy.Of course, in addition to the correct use of medication, the child's good medical treatment is also due to the cooperation between the grandma and the child. The grandma records the child's daily diet, sleep, and bowel movements, as well as where the plaster is applied each time and any improvements the child has made. By recording clearly and giving me feedback at any time, I can adjust the medication in time to help my child regain a healthy new life.

The formula of external Chinese herbal patch is disclosed

Let me share with you the prescription of the external plaster that I often prescribe for my children:

[Indicative symptoms]

1. Indigestion, food accumulation, abdominal distension, gastrointestinal stagnation, loss of appetite, and constipation easily after eating. , some have blue veins on the bridge of the nose, or are accompanied by fever;

2, nutrition is not absorbed, no matter how much the child eats, the body is always thin, the face is yellow, , the skin color is uneven, and the height is short;

3, the spleen and stomach are not harmonious, and Caused by tonsil inflammation, fever, vomiting, crying and anorexia, etc.;

4, less food, abdominal distension and gas, children do not like to eat, often abdominal distension, diarrhea, etc.;

5, low immunity, easy to catch colds and fever, low resistance, weak constitution , growth retardation ;

[3 main ingredients]:

clove , Evodia , gallnut

Clove is called "the aromatic stomachic agent in seasoning", and Evodia is a bitter stomachic agent given by nature. As an analgesic, gallnuts can astringe the lungs and reduce fire.


According to the specific symptoms of the child, the treatment is based on the diagnosis and treatment. Stick it on the corresponding xue position before going to bed, take it off after waking up, once a day.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Patch specializes in dredging the meridians, warming the body and strengthening the spleen. For the above-mentioned diseases, the dialectical medication effect is very good, and it can also be used in conjunction with other drugs during clinical symptoms.

If your child has similar symptoms, you can collect them and get them treated dialectically by the doctor.