The incidence rate of lung cancer is relatively high now. Some patients have advanced lung cancer when they are discovered. What do you think a patient with advanced lung cancer looks like in your mind? He should be lying in bed unable to move, coughing and wheezing, and coughing

The incidence rate of lung cancer is relatively high now. Some patients have advanced lung cancer when they are discovered. What do you think a patient with advanced lung cancer looks like in your mind? He should be lying in bed unable to move, coughing and wheezing, and coughing up a lot of blood from time to time.

As I told you before, advanced lung cancer can be further subdivided into early stage and late stage. The symptoms just mentioned should be in the late stage of advanced lung cancer. Some patients have advanced lung cancer when first diagnosed, but they look just like normal people.

A 78-year-old man has developed chest and back tightness in the past month. He went to the hospital and took a CT scan to find a mass in the lungs. Further PET-CT was taken and it was considered that the mass was a malignant tumor. At the same time, the chest cavity was also and cervical lymph nodes were considered to have metastasis. The space occupied by his lungs is located at the left hilum, which is six to seven centimeters in size, which is already quite large. The old gentleman told me that he has been smoking for 50 years, but he has never had a regular physical examination before. He usually pays great attention to exercise and walks 20,000 steps a day. In the past month, he felt chest tightness and still had to walk 20,000 steps. However, I stop to rest a little more often than before.

From the case of this old man, we can know that just because he is in good physical condition does not mean that he does not have lung cancer. If he is a high-risk group for lung cancer, for example, like this old man, he said that he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day when he was young, and he smoked continuously. For 50 years, chest CT screening should be done regularly to screen for lung cancer.

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