Chinese people have been fond of drinking tea since ancient times. This is a good tradition formed over thousands of years. There are especially many middle-aged and elderly people who like to drink tea. Although drinking tea is good for the body, as age increases, the physical f

Chinese people have been fond of drinking tea since ancient times. This is a good tradition formed over thousands of years. There are especially many middle-aged and elderly people who like drinking tea. Although drinking tea is good for the body, as age increases, the physical functions of many middle-aged and elderly people are irreversibly declining. Therefore, you should pay special attention when drinking tea.

Moreover, the teas on the market are now mixed, and fake tea is prevalent. If you are not careful, you will buy fake tea. Here I would like to remind middle-aged people to be cautious when drinking tea. It is recommended that you stop drinking the following three types of tea. They are all "additive teas" and are harmful to your health.

1, dyed tea

Nowadays, there are many types of tea leaves, among which there are many "shoddy" tea leaves. Due to problems such as poor production technology or raw materials, the color of the finished tea leaves is very ugly, especially after oxidation. Many unscrupulous merchants, in order to make money, take desperate risks and choose to add pigments to improve the color of tea, making it look similar to normal tea, and then sell it to tea drinkers.

Among these pigments, the most common ones are lead chrome green . This pigment is a type of paint and is very harmful to the human body. Never drink this kind of tea.

We have a very simple identification method when buying tea, which can be used when buying tea in the future.

We can wet a white napkin with tea. If there is an obvious color on the napkin, it is probably dyed tea mixed with chemical dyes.

2, Flavored Tea

Whether a tea is good or bad, tea aroma is also one of the most intuitive and simplest ways to judge. In order to make inferior tea smell more fragrant, many merchants will choose to add flavors to tea. Deceiving consumers by pretending to be good.

Good tea smells refreshing and makes people feel comfortable. If we encounter a tea with a strong and unnatural fragrance, it is probably an essence tea and we must not buy it.

Moreover, the persistence of flavored tea is very low. Generally, the aroma is very weak after brewing. This is also one of the ways to judge whether a tea is flavored tea.

3, Talc Powder Tea

In order to cover up the blackened bottom of the tea leaves, many unscrupulous merchants will choose to add talcum powder to the tea leaves to make it look better and heavier. Although talcum powder is less harmful than dyed tea, the damage to the body is irreversible.

Generally, tea with talcum powder added will make the tea soup very turbid, and it seems that there is no desire to drink it. And high-quality tea soup is very clear and bright. This method of counterfeiting is relatively low-end and generally exists in small, shoddy workshops. If you have tea like this at home now, don’t drink it anymore.

The above three types of tea are the most fake teas on the market now, and they are also the easiest for us to buy. In addition to tasting the tea, the most important thing we drink is that it is good for our health. Therefore, when choosing tea, we need to pay special attention and carefully identify the quality of tea.

If we really can’t tell the quality of tea, we can also buy tea from experienced people. This way we can avoid mistakes and buy cheap and good tea. The following two teas are the teas that people drink more often and have very high reviews. If you don’t know what kind of tea to drink, you can take a look.

· Fengming Maojian

This tea is produced in Sichuan, a province with a big tea culture. It is a green tea that the locals like very much. It not only tastes first-class, but the price is also very low, and every household can afford it.

The raw materials of this tea all come from alpine tea gardens at an altitude of more than 800 meters. The tea trees are surrounded by clouds and mist all year round. They are short of direct sunlight and have a long diffusion time, which is conducive to the accumulation of more aromatic substances in the tea. The tea making process adopts the national intangible cultural heritage, so the taste of the tea is smoother and fresher.

The shape of the tea leaves is slender, upright and shiny, and the color is green and shiny. The dry tea has a light, fresh and natural floral aroma; when brewing, the tea leaves follow the hot water and tumble in the cup. It is very beautiful, and the color after it becomes the soup It is green and bright, with a dense chestnut fragrance, which makes people salivate; when you enter the tea soup, the unique refreshing taste of green tea will immediately linger in your mouth. When you taste it again, you can feel the sweetness of the tea soup. The tea soup is silky and moist, and you will feel good after drinking it. The coming summer brings a bit of coolness.

·GuzhuPurple Bamboo Shoots

This tea is produced in Guzhu Village, Shuikou Township, Changxing County, northern Zhejiang Province. It is located at the eastern end of the Tianmu Mountains in northern Zhejiang at the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces.

The environment here is beautiful, and the Jiangnan water town can provide sufficient water resources for tea trees. The land here is fertile and is very suitable for the growth of tea trees.

This tea has been designated as a tribute tea since the Tang Dynasty period and continued to the Ming Dynasty . For more than 600 years, it remained unknown until the 1970s, when it was rediscovered.

The appearance of this tea is as thin as a silver needle, tender and tight, with intact buds and leaves, golden yellow inside, with exposed pekoe, green and shiny color, and strong and refreshing aroma. After brewing with hot water, the soup will be bright orange-yellow, bright and clean, and the aroma will be more intense; take a sip slowly, and the taste will be fresh and mellow, with a clear sweet aftertaste.