Uncle is a word with a strong sense of age. Being called uncle means that your face is full of vicissitudes and you have reached a certain age. This is unpleasant. If you add two words "greasy" in front of uncle, It is conceivable that it must be a negative name, which is even mo

Uncle is a word with a strong sense of age. Being called uncle means that your face is full of vicissitudes and you have reached a certain age. This is unpleasant. If you add two words "greasy" before uncle. , it is conceivable that it is definitely a negative name, and it is even more unbearable.

So the question is, what kind of middle-aged man would be called a "greasy uncle"?

The standard of "greasy uncle" has been announced. I hope you don't account for any of the three manifestations.

. The general's belly looks greasy

. Middle-aged men, if they don't pay attention to image management and lose control of their weight, will easily accumulate fat in the abdomen. A general belly will look bloated and give people a greasy feeling.

The reason why people develop general belly is firstly due to uncontrolled eating and eating too much greasy and rich food, which leads to excessive fat intake in the body and induces obesity.

Second, if you don’t like to exercise and sit or lie down every day, you will also develop a pot belly. Third, middle-aged people have a successful career, a stable family, relax their demands on themselves, and gain visible happiness.

Abdominal obesity will bring about many health problems, such as fatty liver, hyperlipidemia and other diseases. If left unchecked, it will induce serious complications.

. Oily face and unkempt appearance

As we age, the water and oil balance of the skin cannot be maintained well, and there will be excessive oil secretion. If we do not pay attention to skin cleansing, the face will appear oily, the skin will be rough, and people will feel greasy.

Moreover, many men are more concerned about their appearance when they are young. They will wash their hair and shave regularly to keep themselves clean. But after people reach middle age, they no longer have the need to make friends, and they don’t care much about their own image. They may not take care of their hair, or shave their beards in time, wear the same clothes for a long time, look careless, unkempt, and look slovenly. It’s hard not to be greasy.

. Thinning hair and baldness

Many men in middle age face the pressure of life and work and often stay up late. Coupled with age and the bad habit of smoking and drinking, this can easily lead to hair loss and baldness. Once the hair is bald, the sense of age comes up, and the person looks older and greasy.

Hair loss may also be caused by decreased kidney function. If you want to relieve the problem, you can usually eat more black beans , black rice , black sesame seeds, mulberries and other black foods to replenish kidney qi and reduce hair loss.

How do male friends tear off greasy labels when they reach middle age?

. Pay attention to diet

As you reach middle age, the body's metabolic rate will decrease. If you do not control your diet well, it will easily cause the body to gain weight. Therefore, I can no longer eat and drink as much as I did when I was young, eat less greasy and high-calorie food, eat more fruits and vegetables, quit smoking and limit alcohol, and only eat seven percent full at each meal.

. Strengthen exercise

Exercise makes people younger. People who exercise regularly have strong muscles, maintain a good figure, and are full of energy, giving people a young and energetic feeling. Therefore, if you want to avoid greasiness, you must exercise more, which can not only control your weight, but also be beneficial to your health. It can prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases, activate cell vitality, and keep people young.

. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude

People in middle age may have a heavier burden on their family and career, which may lead to anxiety, irritability, or depression and pessimism. Therefore, we must pay attention to adjusting our mentality, try to relax our mentality, and face life with a positive and optimistic attitude. Only in this way can we give people a good impression, reduce greasiness, and be beneficial to our health.