The rainy season is hot and rainy, and mosquitoes are rampant. Many people know how to prevent mosquito bites, but they don’t know how to deal with them correctly after being bitten. If the itching is not relieved properly, a small wound may turn into a big trouble. Diabetics sho

The rainy season is hot and rainy, and mosquitoes are also rampant. Many people know how to prevent mosquito bites, but they don’t know how to deal with them correctly after being bitten. If the itching is not relieved correctly, a small wound may turn into a big trouble. diabetic patients should pay special attention. Recently, Nanjing Second Hospital received three or four patients with skin ulcers caused by mosquito bites. One of the most serious patients had a hole in his ankle.

The patient was bitten by a mosquito on her lower limbs, but she scratched it without paying attention. Later, the wound became deeper and deeper, and finally a scab formed, and yellow pus also leaked out. Upon seeing this, the patient came to the outpatient clinic for examination. The medical staff found that a large hole had ulcerated on the patient's right ankle. The patient thought that the scab wound was healed, but what he didn't expect was that there was a false healing underneath the scab.

Zhang Li, head nurse of the Department of Surgery at Nanjing Second Hospital, said: "Real healing means that the wound is healed, while pseudo-healing scabs are empty and soft underneath."

It is understood that for pseudo-healing, medical staff will first heal the scab. The scab is removed to expose the infected area under the scab, and the wound is cleaned with disinfectant preparations such as hydrogen peroxide, iodophor, and saline, followed by symptomatic treatment. During subsequent examinations, medical staff also found that the patient's blood sugar was very high, which also made it difficult for the wound to heal.

Li Tonghuan, deputy chief physician of the Endocrinology Department of Nanjing Second Hospital, said: "People with diabetes will develop neuropathy in the lower limbs. On this basis, the infection will worsen and spread after mosquito bites. This patient's wound ulceration is diabetic foot This kind of infection is not a problem for normal people, but for diabetic foot patients, the infection is not easy to cure. Diabetic patients must have a target value for controlling blood sugar, no matter what method is used, such as taking medication insulin . It should reach 6mmol/l on an empty stomach and 8mmol/l after meals, and the possibility of complications will be greatly reduced. "

Medical staff remind you not to scratch hard after being bitten by mosquitoes. If it is accidentally scratched, it should be disinfected in time. If the skin ulceration area is large, the elderly, diabetics, and people with low immunity must go to the hospital for treatment.

(Reported by Tang Anji and Zhang Jian) ​​

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