"Dad, what's the matter with you? It takes you so long to go to the toilet. I'm going to be late for work." It turns out that Lao Wang recently found that his stools were always hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back. It took a long time to defecate, and he would still

"Dad, what's the matter with you? It took you so long to go to the toilet. I'm going to be late for work."

Lao Wang has had abnormal bowel movements recently. He was embarrassed so he never told his family. Today, he was rushed by his son, so he stopped. He hesitated to explain why.

It turns out that Lao Wang has recently discovered that his stools are always hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back. It takes a long time to defecate, and the stool will stick to the wall of the toilet in the end. Because he has to clean the toilet, he has to urinate every time he goes to the toilet. It will take a long time.

After hearing this, his son was worried that it was intestinal cancer , so he suggested that Lao Wang take the time to go to the hospital for a check-up. Lao Wang said that he was fine but felt anxious in his heart. However, he was afraid of the check-up, worried that even if he was not sick, he would be found to be sick, so Having trouble sleeping and eating.

Defecation is a normal physiological phenomenon, but is abnormal defecation really related to bowel cancer?

1. What does healthy stool look like? You might as well compare the 6 major standards

Stool is excrement and a barometer of human health. What we call healthy stool actually has six major standards:

Color: Normal stool is tan or yellow, but diet can also affect stool. Color, for example, after consuming dairy products, the stool will be light yellow, eating more green vegetables will make the stool greener, eating too much meat will make the stool appear brown, and eating pig liver, pig blood, or taking traditional Chinese medicine will make the stool black. .

Shape: Normal stool is strip-shaped soft stool that does not stick to the wall of the toilet. It can float on the water and is clean after flushing with water. However, when high-protein foods are consumed, the stool will be hard like clay and a large amount of carbohydrates are consumed. The stool will be soft or mushy.

Quantity: Normal stool is shaped like a banana, each one is 10-15cm long and weighs about 100g. There are 2-3 stools each time. However, the type and amount of food will affect the quantity of stool. For example, more dietary fiber will lead to more stool.

Odor: Normal stool has a slight odor, which is caused by the decomposition of bacteria to produce skatole . Especially the stool of people who like to eat meat has a stronger smell.

Feeling of defecation: Normally, the stool is excreted within 5 minutes, and there is no residual urge after defecation.

Frequency and habits: It is normal to defecate once a day, but the frequency and habits of defecation vary from person to person. As long as there is no difficulty or discomfort in defecation, it is considered normal.

2. When defecating, why is the stool hard at the beginning and soft at the end?

This problem may occur because ’s diet is too greasy. Diet will affect defecation. For example, if you eat too greasy and rarely eat fruits and vegetables, gastrointestinal motility will slow down, causing the feces to become dry and hard, so that the stool will be hard at the front and soft at the end.

Secondly, it may also be due to heavy moisture . Heavy moisture in the body will cause the digestive system to lack body fluids, resulting in dry stools in front of the body. In addition, moisture in the body will cause the body to produce liquid, which cannot be metabolized out of the body, causing the subsequent stools to be covered with liquid, eventually leading to hard stools before discharge. Soft stool afterward.

Liver fire is also a factor that affects stool. Strong liver fire causes the body to lose water quickly, which makes the stool dry. Because after the dry stool is excreted, the subsequent stools have not yet drained of water, so the initial defecation condition will appear, that is, soft stools.

Finally, it may also be caused by severe constipation. In severe constipation, defecation is not smooth, and the water in the stool that is not excreted or remains is reabsorbed, causing the stool to become dry, and the new stool produced later is softer, so the stool is often hard at first and then soft.

3. "Dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back" are signs of three diseases.

Stool is hard at the front and soft at the back. If the four causes of greasy food, liver fire, heavy moisture or constipation are excluded, then you should be alert to possible diseases. signal of!

Intestinal polyps: The stool is dry at first and then becomes soft. This situation should be suspected to be intestinal polyps. If the intestinal polyps are not treated in time, there will be diarrhea, constipation alternately, and even blood in the stool. Once the size of polyps and polyps reaches a certain level, it will narrow the intestinal cavity, causing the patient's initial stool to be very hard and difficult to pass. Since the polyps affect the digestive function, the stool will not be formed in the future, and the stool will become Soft.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome : The onset process leads to intestinal dysfunction , causing indigestion and changing the patient's stool condition. Dry stools will be excreted at first, and then the stool will become soft or have diarrhea. If irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed , should be checked in time and treated symptomatically under the guidance of a doctor.

Intestinal cancer: Having hard and then soft stools does not necessarily mean intestinal cancer, but you need to consider the possibility , because intestinal tumors increase in size will lead to narrowing of the intestinal lumen, which will squeeze the feces, and food It accumulates in the intestinal tract for a longer time. After the water is absorbed, the patient's newly excreted stool is always hard. The water content of the subsequent stool is still sufficient, but in the case of digestive dysfunction , the subsequent stool will still be excreted shapeless. of soft stool.

Generally speaking, stool that is "dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky in the back" is not necessarily caused by disease. If it can be improved through diet and lifestyle adjustments, there is no need to worry too much. But if it is accompanied by changes in defecation habits, abnormal color, blood in the stool, and other For symptoms of discomfort, needs to consider the possibility of disease, and it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

4. How to defecate smoothly and perfectly?

Many people joke: "What is the happiest thing in life? That is to be able to defecate smoothly every day!" So how can we defecate smoothly and perfectly?

. 3 kinds of high-fiber fruits and vegetables every day

Daily high calories, high protein, low fiber or eating too little may cause constipation. To avoid this situation, pay attention to eating more high-fiber fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to eat three kinds every day, such as Broccoli, corn, celery, leeks, etc.

. Exercise for 30 minutes a day

A US study published in the "British Journal of Cancer" found that regular exercise can reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

It is recommended to do thirty minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day, such as brisk walking, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help smooth defecation, and also reduce the occurrence of intestinal cancer.

. Rub your belly clockwise

Put your palms on your abdomen every morning and gently massage clockwise to help defecation. People with constipation can do it once a day in the morning, noon and evening, for 10-20 minutes each time.

. Make defecation more regular.

It is recommended to go to the toilet every morning or at a fixed time. Even if there is no obvious need to defecate, the body will gradually cooperate later, and over time, you will develop the habit of defecating at a fixed time.

Many people may be ashamed to face it when it comes to defecation. They think that defecation is a dirty thing and avoid it. But I have to say that stool may really be a "signal area" of disease, reflecting the health of the body. In daily life, defecation may be hard at first and then soft. If it is not relieved after adjusting your diet and daily routine, it is best to go to the hospital for a checkup in time. Do not delay treatment because of fear of doctors.#HealthTruthPlan#


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[3] "Anorectal doctor: If the "stool" is these 3 colors, you may need to go to the hospital. ". Life Times. 2019-07- 05

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