Dog moxibustion is a method of treating diseases with moxibustion during the dog days. Dog days are the third Geng day after the summer solstice, the fourth Geng day and the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn in the twenty-four solar terms. They are the hottest days of

Dog moxibustion is a method of treating diseases with moxibustion during the dog days. Dog Days are the third Geng Day after the summer solstice, the fourth Geng Day and the first Geng Day after the Beginning of Autumn in the twenty-four solar terms. They are the hottest days of the year. Samfu moxibustion takes advantage of the hot weather in the dog days to perform fumigation and moxibustion on acupuncture points on the body to improve the efficacy of medicines, dispel the cold evil, and enhance the body's disease resistance, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases.


Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation includes cold syndrome and yang deficiency syndrome.

  • Sub-healthy people with weak and cold constitution;
  • Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases Caused by cold-dampness blockage or cold-blood stasis block Migraine, insomnia;
  • Digestive diseases Deficiency of spleen and stomach or caused by spleen and stomach yang deficiency : chronic diarrhea , gastrointestinal dysfunction , abdominal pain caused by deficiency and cold;
  • osteoarthrosis, various pains belonging to cold syndrome , neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, chronic rheumatism;
  • gynecological and male diseases Dysmenorrhea, uterine cold, irregular menstruation, impotence, premature ejaculation are caused by deficiency and cold of the lower Jiao or spleen and kidney Yang deficiency.


Sanfu moxibustion is mainly targeted at people with chronic diseases, usual physical weakness, cold evil invasion, rheumatic paralysis, etc. The specific contraindications and precautions of Sanfu moxibustion vary from person to person. If you have the above diseases, you can register for preventive health Sanfu moxibustion. , after conducting disease and syndrome differentiation, determine whether Sanfu moxibustion treatment can be performed and make an appointment for the specific time for moxibustion.

Reservation process

Due to limited treatment beds, reservations must be made in advance. Those who have not made an appointment will queue up for treatment.

Appointment information

Time: June 27 - August 12 (all day Monday to Friday)

Location: Preventive Health Clinic (Treatment and Prevention Center) Room 405, 4th floor, Building 4

Moxibustion information

Time: July 11 Until August 19 (Monday to Friday afternoon), the specific appointment time shall prevail.

Location: Preventive Health Clinic (Prevention Center) Room 417 and 418, 4th Floor, Building 4