Recently, the Thoracic Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, in collaboration with the hospital's multidisciplinary team, successfully performed magnetic anchoring pulmonary nodule positioning under CT guidance for Ms. Zhang, achieving

"I really didn't expect that the lung nodule that had troubled me for many years was solved with a small magnetic anchor positioning. It completely subverted my understanding of traditional surgery. There was no discomfort during the entire operation and the recovery was very fast. "A few days ago, the Thoracic Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University collaborated with the hospital's multidisciplinary team to successfully perform magnetic anchoring pulmonary nodule positioning under CT guidance for Ms. Zhang, and the precise positioning and resection of the pulmonary nodule was achieved during the operation. This technology was successfully applied clinically for the first time after being approved for a new medical technology project by the hospital, fully demonstrating the responsibilities of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University in disciplinary development guided by patient needs and vigorously promoting clinical research to clinical transformation.

"It has been seven years since I discovered pulmonary nodules, and I have been doing regular imaging follow-up. In December last year, when I performed a chest CT again, I found that the bilateral pulmonary nodules were larger than before. I was particularly scared and didn't know whether they were benign or not. Malignant? I’m really not sure whether the surgery is risky or whether it can be completely cured.”

Director of Thoracic Surgery Professor Fu Junke After receiving the consultation, he decided to perform the operation after careful judgment. On the day of the operation, the attending physician Cui Xiaohai, together with the team of the imaging department chief Niu Gang and the attending physician Liang Ting, used magnetic anchoring to locate the pulmonary nodule for Ms. Zhang. During the operation, the location of the pulmonary nodule was accurately planned and the scope of surgical resection was clearly defined. Multidisciplinary Through collaboration, the patient successfully underwent thoracoscopic pulmonary nodule resection. Postoperative pathology showed: micro-invasive adenocarcinoma of the lung (adherent growth type), which did not invade the lung membrane. Ms. Zhang recovered well after the operation and was discharged from the hospital smoothly.

The lung cancer team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University has always been committed to the early diagnosis and early treatment of pulmonary nodules, which is of great significance for improving the survival rate of lung cancer patients. The precise positioning and resection of pulmonary nodules based on magnetic anchoring positioning technology was born under the development concept of magnetic surgery advocated by the Surgical Dream Factory of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University. This technology lasted 4 years at the Surgical Dream Factory, starting from the design and development of magnetic anchoring instruments. After production, surface treatment, in vitro simulation experiments, and a large number of animal experiments, its safety and feasibility have been verified. This operation is a new breakthrough in the pulmonary nodule localization technology of the Thoracic Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University. It is also a reflection of the hospital's multidisciplinary collaboration and overall medical technology level, bringing innovative new ideas to clinicians and benefiting patients.

"Lung cancer has shown a high incidence and mortality rate in recent years. To change this situation, in addition to preventive measures such as smoking cessation and pollution control, as professionals, we must screen high-risk groups for pulmonary nodules. Through pulmonary nodule MDT, It can make a more accurate diagnosis and provide patients with accurate personalized treatment plans," said Professor Zhang Guangjian of the Department of Thoracic Surgery.

The pulmonary nodule MDT team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University, aiming at pulmonary nodule disease, relies on multidisciplinary advantages and combines experts from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Thoracic Surgery, Oncology, Imaging, and Pathology. The imaging performance of pulmonary nodules, combined with the patient's smoking, family history of cancer and other high-risk factors and clinical symptoms, are comprehensively evaluated and judged, and the best, individualized and continuous treatment plan is formulated for patients with pulmonary nodules to achieve early detection and accurate treatment. The purpose of diagnosis, timely treatment and correct treatment is to reduce unnecessary examinations and avoid iatrogenic injuries and waste of medical resources caused by over-treatment.

What are the advantages of MDT for pulmonary nodules?

1. Efficient and fast: Patients can receive diagnosis and treatment from multiple expert directors from different departments through only one MDT visit, eliminating the need for patients to spend a lot of energy and financial resources traveling back and forth between multiple departments and waiting in line repeatedly, and shortening the time The medical treatment process greatly improves the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment.

2. Accurate professionalism: MDT invites experts from multiple professional disciplines to provide patients with professional and accurate diagnosis and staging, and formulate targeted individual diagnosis and treatment through consultation and discussion based on the patient's medical history and medical information, combined with the current cutting-edge medical development. plan.

3. Integrated diagnosis and treatment: After consultation with MDT experts, if further tests and examinations are required, they can be issued together. If hospitalization is required for further diagnosis and treatment, relevant specialist beds can be directly booked according to the condition.

4. More minimally invasive: The most advanced magnetic anchoring technology is used to accurately locate pulmonary nodules, and magnetic traction is used to help doctors accurately remove the lesions, reducing the chance of patients converting to thoracotomy.

5. More comfortable: Working together with the anesthesia and surgery department of the hospital, the application of combined acupuncture and drug anesthesia can effectively improve the efficacy of anesthetic drugs, reduce the use of anesthetic drugs, and avoid postoperative throat discomfort caused by long-term tracheal intubation. Patients with combined acupuncture and drug anesthesia after surgery Pulmonary infections are reduced, intensive care time is reduced, and perioperative time is less, which effectively shortens hospitalization time and medical expenses, and accelerates postoperative recovery.

In addition, the Department of Thoracic Surgery was the first in the province to establish an innovation studio for precise diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary nodules, which not only achieves an effective detection rate of pulmonary nodules, but also provides standardized and individualized management for patients with pulmonary nodules. Preliminary screening of pulmonary nodules is performed through low-dose multi-slice CT to initially determine the location, size, invasiveness and imaging morphology of pulmonary nodules. For most benign pulmonary nodules, patients should be followed up regularly and the changes in nodules and should be closely monitored; for patients who require surgical treatment, preoperative accurate three-dimensional reconstruction is performed to determine the location of the pulmonary nodules and surrounding blood vessels and bronchi. Accurate reconstruction guides surgical treatment and minimizes the occurrence of postoperative complications. After treatment, the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) concept is adopted to standardize patient care to maximize patient recovery.

In order to promote advanced diagnosis and treatment technology and standardized diagnosis and treatment plans to the maximum extent, the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University has hosted the national continuing medical education projects "Chang'an Thoracic Surgery Forum" and "New Progress Study Class on Pulmonary Nodules" for many years. Famous experts at home and abroad jointly discussed the cutting-edge developments of the discipline, conducted surgical demonstrations and academic lectures, trained more than 1,500 students, and covered dozens of hospitals in more than 20 provinces across the country, guiding local doctors in the standardized diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary nodules. At the same time, it co-organized the "2022 National Lung Cancer Prevention and Treatment Charity Activity" with China Social Assistance Foundation to carry out health science education and made great contributions to the popularization and development of minimally invasive thoracic surgery technology in the central and western regions.

Currently, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University is in the process of establishing a national medical center. The hospital attaches great importance to the high-quality development of disciplines, takes the construction of sub-professional connotations of disciplines as a starting point, and takes lung cancer, a malignant tumor that seriously threatens people's lives and health, as an entry point. , established a pulmonary nodule health management sub-specialty, brought together an outstanding expert team from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and combined multi-disciplinary collaborative prevention and treatment to build a 5G+ "three mornings (early screening, early assessment, early intervention)" pulmonary nodule smart full-cycle health Management platform, establish a standardized path for early screening of lung cancer for healthy people in Shaanxi Province, strengthen health management of lung nodules and high-risk groups for lung cancer, achieve "early screening, early diagnosis, and early treatment" of lung cancer to protect people's lives and health. Wang Rui Wang Meiying Kang Jie/text