The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, and with the air conditioner blowing, many children have coughs and colds, which makes adults anxious. A casual search on the Internet will turn up a lot of advice on not eating eggs when you have a fever. The general explanation is:

2024/05/2704:07:33 regimen 1544

The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, and with the air conditioner blowing, many children have coughs and colds, which makes adults anxious.

When a child gets sick, you need to be more energetic when taking care of your child. You must not let your child make mistakes in his diet.

Didn’t we say it as an old saying? When you are sick, you should stay away from hairy things: Have you all heard that you should not eat eggs when you have a fever, candy when you have a cough, and cold foods when you have a sore throat?

? I believe there are many parents who strictly abide by this "fawu theory" to take care of their children, right?

Is it true that you can’t eat “fat food” when you are sick? Today let’s talk about TA!

Can’t eat eggs if you have a fever?

The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, and with the air conditioner blowing, many children have coughs and colds, which makes adults anxious. A casual search on the Internet will turn up a lot of advice on not eating eggs when you have a fever. The general explanation is:  - DayDayNews

If you search on the Internet, there will be many suggestions on not eating eggs when you have a fever. The general explanation is: The protein content in eggs is very high, and protein is an energy-producing nutrient. Eating eggs for people with fever will produce thermic effect of food , not conducive to reducing fever. Is this the case for

? It is one-sided to talk about toxicity regardless of dosage.

No matter what kind of food it is, as long as it is eaten and digested, it will generate heat. Eggs are not the only ones that are special. A small egg produces about 70 calories. What risk does this amount of heat increase for children who are sick and have fever?

The principle of fever is that after the child is invaded by germs, the body's immune system triggers a defense mechanism to cause fever. During this period, requires a balanced intake of a variety of nutrients to ensure the normal operation of the immune function.

Therefore, eating an egg will not have any impact on fever. As long as the child is not allergic to eggs, then he can eat it with confidence. You can also change the method for your child to eat to ensure basic protein intake. .

Should a coughing baby avoid sugar?

The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, and with the air conditioner blowing, many children have coughs and colds, which makes adults anxious. A casual search on the Internet will turn up a lot of advice on not eating eggs when you have a fever. The general explanation is:  - DayDayNews

This should be a "hair thing" that we can all reach a consensus on.

Especially when you cough, eating sugar can easily produce phlegm and aggravate cough. Secondly, sugar is also a breeding nutrient that bacteria love , so eating too much sugar will aggravate inflammation and infection, making the cough linger for a long time.

But we don’t need to talk about “sugar” discoloration. After all, the “ cough syrup ”, rock sugar, snow pear, , etc. that children drink when they are sick all contain sugar.

There are also studies proving that html babies over 11 years old can eat 2-5ml of honey at a time to relieve nighttime coughs.

Aren’t these sugary?

So, we should not treat sugar in an absolute way. It is not only when children are sick and cough that we should avoid sugar, but at any time, children should eat less sugar.

When the child is unwilling to take medicine because it is too painful, or when he is sick and wants sugar, you can also give him one. As long as the amount is small and it can soothe the child, it is not a bad idea.

The truth about "Fa Wu" turns out to be TA!

The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, and with the air conditioner blowing, many children have coughs and colds, which makes adults anxious. A casual search on the Internet will turn up a lot of advice on not eating eggs when you have a fever. The general explanation is:  - DayDayNews

"Fa Wu" itself does not have a modern medical concept, and there is no rigorous and clear argument in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a kind of medicine that has been spread among the people after many years of precipitation. statement.

Therefore, when a child is sick, what he eats does not cause the disease, which is not conducive to recovery. What you really need to be wary of is - allergens .

When a child is sick, do not add new foods that have not been eaten before, do not eat questionable foods, and do not eat foods that are prone to allergies.


When a child has a fever, his metabolism will be faster than normal, so nutrient loss will also increase, so the focus is to prevent children from dehydration.

On the premise of choosing food that is not allergic to your child, you can give your child more semi-liquid foods that are easy to digest and absorb, such as meat porridge, meat and vegetable soup noodles, etc., so that you can absorb water and nutrients through your diet.

At the same time, fresh fruits and vegetables should also be supplemented appropriately to ensure balanced nutrition.

The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, and with the air conditioner blowing, many children have coughs and colds, which makes adults anxious. A casual search on the Internet will turn up a lot of advice on not eating eggs when you have a fever. The general explanation is:  - DayDayNews


Children who cough should pay more attention to foods that can easily cause respiratory tract irritation.

For example, fish, shrimp, beef and mutton are all foods that are prone to allergies. If you are prone to allergies on weekdays and your cough is allergic, try not to eat these foods.

Moreover, nuts such as melon seeds and peanuts have too high fat content, which can easily cause coughs due to residual food debris. Children should also eat less or not eat them during coughs caused by respiratory infections etc.

When a child is sick, it is a test for adults. We cannot stop eating because of choking, nor can we blindly follow it.

Every child has his own dietary taboos, and it is necessary to judge what can and cannot be eaten according to the child's specific situation. No matter what, one principle must be remembered. The main prerequisite for the child's recovery is a balanced diet.

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