In today’s article, I will tell you about a prescription for treating knee arthritis. If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnera

2024/05/2306:06:32 regimen 1252

Today’s article will tell you about a prescription that specifically treats knee arthritis.

If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnerable to external evil attacks.

Knee arthritis is the most common type of osteoarthritis and belongs to the scope of traditional Chinese medicine " paralysis ", "bone paralysis" and "knee paralysis" .

Symptoms such as knee swelling, pain, and limited movement will occur when the disease occurs, which greatly affects the quality of life.

In today’s article, I will tell you about a prescription for treating knee arthritis. If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnera - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the main cause of knee arthritis is that the liver and kidney qi and blood in the human body decrease with age, and the liver governs the tendons and the kidneys govern the bones, the liver blood cannot nourish the tendons and the kidney essence cannot fill the bones.

In addition to weak righteousness, it is unable to resist wind, cold, dampness and other external evils. The three qi of wind, cold, and dampness are mixed in and take advantage of the weakness, thus causing the disease.

There was an old man from Jiangsu who traveled thousands of miles to come to see me for treatment. He was treating a knee problem.

What is her problem? The biggest symptom is recurring pain in both knees. Every time it hurts, I can't even walk.

I didn’t know exactly what caused it. I didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem until the pain developed to the point where I couldn’t bend my knees and it was difficult to straighten them . When

found me at that time, the old man had reached the point where he could no longer walk independently. He could only move a few steps with the help of others with a cane.

In today’s article, I will tell you about a prescription for treating knee arthritis. If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnera - DayDayNews

At the moment of diagnosis, the patient’s face was sallow. I took her pulse, which was also stringy and thin.

In addition, what is more obvious is her tongue coating , tongue color is purple and dark, tongue coating is thin and yellow and dry . After communicating with

, I learned that the old man also had a history of hyperlipidemia, a poor appetite, and often had unformed stools.

After thinking for a moment, I drew up a recipe. The specific compatibility is as follows:

peony bark , angelica , salvia , dandelion, safflower , almond, coptis, corn silk , astragalus, polygonatum , Rhodiola rosea , Bupleurum , Seaweed , Fritillaria chinensis

As a result, after the old man took 12 doses of medicine, the pain in his knee was significantly relieved, and then he continued to take 12 more doses of medicine. Knee joint Functionality has also been further restored.

In today’s article, I will tell you about a prescription for treating knee arthritis. If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnera - DayDayNews

The biggest feature of traditional Chinese medicine treatment is that it starts from the whole approach, not just targeting a single disease.

For example, the patient in the medical record I mentioned just now has knee pain,

but his face is sallow and his tongue is purple, which is a symptom of Qi and blood deficiency

He has poor appetite and unformed stool, which is Symptoms of spleen deficiency , phlegm dampness .

Therefore, if you want to treat a disease, you should not limit yourself to the knees, but focus on adjusting the condition of the whole body.

By adjusting Qi and blood, the blood supply in the knees will also become better. By adjusting the spleen and stomach , the overall metabolism will be improved and the muscles will become stronger.

So you see, the medicines used in my prescription are many but not complicated, and each has its own use.

Peony bark, angelica root, salvia miltiorrhiza, safflower, and rhodiola are used to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis to solve the problem of blood stasis.

Almonds can relieve coughs, relieve asthma, enhance human immunity, and can also moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation .

Astragalus , sweet, slightly warm, returns to the spleen and lung meridian, has the effects of nourishing qi and raising yang, replenishing the stomach and strengthening the surface, diluting water and reducing swelling, supporting toxins and promoting muscle growth. It is good at nourishing qi and is mainly used clinically for deficiency of lung and spleen proof.

Polygonatum , sweet and flat, returns to the spleen, lung, and kidney meridian, has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and lungs, tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, nourishing yin, and is mainly used clinically for deficiency of yin and blood in the three internal organs of the lungs, spleen and kidneys It is proved that

the two are compatible, one movement and one stillness, the combination of movement and stillness, has the effect of Qi and Yin double tonifying .

In today’s article, I will tell you about a prescription for treating knee arthritis. If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnera - DayDayNews

Together with Coptis chinensis, jellyfish and Zhejiang mussel, it can also play the role of strengthening the spleen and suppressing stomach acid , improving the patient's stomach discomfort.

Corn silk, dandelion and Rhodiola rosea are used to reduce turbidity and remove fat , which is helpful for patients to control blood sugar and blood lipids .

The last one is Bupleurum , which soothes the liver and relieves qi, promotes the recovery of the patient's spleen and stomach function, and also improves the state of qi deficiency and blood stasis.

This prescription is one of the clinical experiences of Chinese medicine in treating knee arthritis. I share it to tell everyone how Chinese medicine treats knee arthritis based on syndrome differentiation.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that any disease needs to be treated based on syndrome differentiation such as age, disease course, symptoms, etc., and must not copy the classic prescriptions. The conditioning process also needs to adjust the prescription according to the improvement.

wishes everyone good health and happiness.

In today’s article, I will tell you about a prescription for treating knee arthritis. If the human body is compared to a machine, then the knee joint is like the largest bearing, bearing the pressure of the entire human body. It seems very powerful, but in fact it is very vulnera - DayDayNews

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