China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance. 64-year-old Uncle Li dri

2024/05/2014:26:33 regimen 1175

China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance.

China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance. 64-year-old Uncle Li dri - DayDayNews

64-year-old Uncle Li often drinks tea and suffers from kidney stones . Are the two related?

64-year-old Uncle Li had a full-body examination at the end of last year and found that he had multiple stones in his right kidney and had hydronephrosis.

Originally, when he heard about kidney stones, he didn’t feel anything because he was diagnosed with kidney stones more than ten years ago. But it was nothing. The doctor told me to drink more water and just pay attention to my life.

But when he heard that his condition might affect kidney function and even cause infection, pus kidney and other conditions, he was afraid. He asked his son to take him to a large hospital for kidney-sparing stone removal surgery.

Fortunately, after treatment, Uncle Li's condition improved. But one thing bothered him, that is, his son asked him to give up the habit of drinking strong tea.

China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance. 64-year-old Uncle Li dri - DayDayNews

At the beginning of the diagnosis, my son kept saying: I told you not to drink so much strong tea without stopping. I told you that you would get kidney stones. Why are you so stubborn?

Uncle Li does not agree that drinking strong tea can cause kidney stones. He believes that after drinking tea for so many years, several people have developed kidney stones.

Neither of them recognized the other, and they quarreled with the doctor.

Uncle Li’s son told the doctor: My dad drinks tea every day, about two liters a day, and the drink is very strong. I didn't even dare to drink the tea he drank. I felt heart palpitations after drinking it. Doctor, tell me, is my dad’s condition caused by drinking strong tea?

Uncle Li retorted: TV health programs all talk about drinking tea to maintain health and drinking more water to nourish the kidneys. Why is it caused by drinking tea?

" The cause of strong tea cannot be ruled out, but the situation like yours is more complicated and there is often not just one reason. However, you can no longer drink strong tea and reduce the intake of tea," the doctor said said.

After listening to this, Uncle Li shook his head helplessly.

Coincidentally, according to a report from the political and legal channel of Changsha TV station, a 60-year-old man in Changsha was diagnosed with kidney stones because of a pot of strong tea every day.

China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance. 64-year-old Uncle Li dri - DayDayNews

"It is said on TV that the elderly drink tea for good health, but why do they get kidney stones from drinking it?"

"Journal of the American Heart Association" A study found that drinking a cup of tea every day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Research published by the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in the United States shows that girls who drink tea regularly can prevent endometrial cancer .

"Nutrition Research" indicates that regular drinking of tea can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis .

The American "Aging" magazine stated that tea can help better connections between brain areas and avoid the decline of the brain's cognitive ability.

The above authoritative research shows that drinking tea every day is good for the body, and the elderly can also drink it. But it’s not the way to drink like Uncle Li.

Doctors say that drinking a cup of warm water every day can dilute the urine, prevent it from being too concentrated, allow the urine to be excreted from the body as soon as possible, prevent bacteria from staying in the bladder for too long, and prevent cystitis, urinary tract infection, and also Have kidney stones.

Drink strong tea every day. There is a large amount of theophylline in the strong tea. When enters the body, it will become oxalic acid. Increase the possibility of stone formation.

Strong tea will also inhibit the absorption of iron, because when strong tea meets iron, the tea polyphenols in the tea will combine with the iron element to produce a precipitate that is not easily soluble, causing anemia.

Drinking too much strong tea every day will increase the risk of fractures , and the elderly have poor gastrointestinal problems. Too strong a strong tea flavor will irritate the gastrointestinal tract, cause gastrointestinal discomfort , and even cause vomiting . In other words, if you want to be healthy and drink tea, you should avoid drinking tea that is too strong.

So what kind of tea is considered strong tea?

Tea contains tea polyphenols, theanine and other substances. It is these substances that affect the taste concentration of tea. When it comes to what strong tea is, there is actually no unified standard. This is related to each person's taste and the type of tea. But no matter what, as long as you put too much tea leaves, the tea will have a strong flavor and the appearance of the brewed tea will also be reduced.

Everyone likes different teas, and the amount of water required to make tea is also different, such as scented tea, black tea, green tea (1:50), oolong tea, dark tea (about 1:20), of course the most It's better to suit your own taste. You can let people around you who don't drink tea or rarely drink tea try it and let them make a judgment.

Not only strong tea, but also overnight tea, moldy tea, tea with odor, tea that has been brewed for a long time, burnt flavor tea, tea that is too hot etc. should be avoided. "International Journal of Cancer" means that the temperature of drinking every day exceeds People whose tea is above 60℃ contains esophageal cancer and have a higher risk . That is to say, although the hot tea is fragrant, it is not healthy and it is best to let it dry for a while.

China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance. 64-year-old Uncle Li dri - DayDayNews

Tea is good, but drinking tea like this is not good.

China's tea culture has a long history. From ancient princes and generals to today's men, women and children, a cup of good tea is rich and mellow, and a cup of good tea in the afternoon is leisurely and comfortable. A cup of good tea, a day of fragrance. 64-year-old Uncle Li dri - DayDayNews. Drinking tea on an empty stomach

Drinking tea when there is nothing in the stomach will make the intestines and stomach absorb the substances in the tea well, stimulating the intestines and stomach and causing gastrointestinal discomfort. Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning can also cause the state of "tea drunkenness" , which is prone to constipation. Drinking tea before going to bed is not conducive to sleep.

. Drinking tea after meals

Drinking tea at this time will dilute the gastric juice . When food enters the intestines and stomach, the concentration of gastric acid cannot support the digestion of food, which will cause abdominal distension and indigestion . Moreover, the protein and calcium substances in the food will also combine with the substances in the tea, affecting the absorption of nutrients in the food. Drinking good tea in the wrong way is bad tea. You can drink it at around 3 pm when you are tired to refresh your mind and relax your body.

To sum up, drinking tea is an elegant and pleasant thing, and you must drink it well and drink it healthily to be the good tea in China.


1. People who drink tea for a long time will "gain" these 8 benefits. The sooner they know, the sooner they will benefit. Original 2020-01-08 16:07 · Health plus

2. The elderly drink strong tea for a long time. Severe anemia! Tea experts give the best "tea to water ratio" Original 2021-08-18 09:34 · Life Times

3. What kind of tea is considered "strong tea"? These 7 types of people are best not to drink it Original 2021-12 -22 15:00·Life Times

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