On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,

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On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. Because he fell down while living at home, he suffered a sudden cerebral infarction and was unable to move his limbs. At that time, only an old man lived in the home, and no one discovered it.

html At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the elderly, discovered that the elderly Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out, which made her suspicious. So she came to the old man's door and knocked three or four times, but no one responded.

After feeling that something was wrong, she remembered that the old man had had a history of cerebral infarction. So I ran to the neighborhood committee for help. With the help of the neighborhood committee, the door was quickly opened and the old man was quickly sent to the hospital for treatment and was eventually out of danger.

On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews

What are the dangers of cerebral infarction, which is common among the elderly?

The "China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report" released by the National Cardiovascular Center shows that the number of patients who die from stroke every year has reached On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews3 million. And the report emphasizes that the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases, including cerebral infarction, has accounted for the first place among all causes of death.

About 45.91% of the rural population die from such diseases every year. The urban population ratio is 43.56%. It is not difficult to see from this that the incidence rate of rural residents is higher than that of urban residents.

Data from the "China Stroke Report" show that stroke accounts for 22.3% of the total mortality in my country. Wang Yongjun, president of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, pointed out: The incidence rate of stroke in my country is higher in men than in women, and in rural areas it is higher than in cities. The west is higher than the east. It is not difficult to see from these that the incidence rate of stroke in rural areas is higher than that in urban areas.

The medical journal "The Lancet" compiled disease death data in China over the past thirty years and found that the number of deaths due to stroke each year far exceeds cancer, ranking first . It is not difficult to see from these data that cerebral infarction is even more terrifying than cancer.

On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews

Why is the mortality rate so high after suffering from cerebral infarction?

It is difficult to prevent : Cerebral infarction is acute cerebral ischemia caused by blockage of cerebral blood vessels. At present, it can only reduce the chance of onset, but there is no way to accurately predict the time it will appear . Therefore, it is difficult to take effective rescue measures.

The onset is faster : Once a cerebral infarction occurs, the body will quickly lose the ability to move . Whether it is asking for help or self-rescue, it is difficult to have any effect. At this time, we often can only hope that the people around us can find it in time and then carry out rescue.

Severe sequelae: Because the brain is the most important and most fragile organ of the human body, once the cerebral infarction is severely blocked and the brain lacks the supply of oxygen and nutrients for a long time, nerve cells will die quickly. Even after being rescued, they will become a vegetative state.

Cerebral infarction has long become a health killer for middle-aged and elderly people in my country. It can be said that after suffering from cerebral infarction, the god of death will always be by your side, waiting to take away your life at a certain moment. As mentioned above, the incidence rate of cerebral infarction in rural residents is slightly higher than that in urban residents. What are the reasons for these differences?

Why are rural elderly people more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction? Three factors tell you

On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews. Weak health awareness

Because the proportion of rural population educated is smaller than that of urban residents. Therefore, the mastery of health knowledge is relatively small. Many elderly people do not know whether they are at high risk of cerebral infarction and lack corresponding health awareness. Therefore, compared with urban residents, they are more likely to suffer from cerebral infarction due to lack of health awareness.

. Hollowing out of rural areas

With the continuous development of urbanization, a large number of young people have begun to leave rural areas and enter cities. This has resulted in many elderly people living alone in rural areas without the care of young people. Because the elderly have limited mobility, they are more prone to dangers in their daily lives. Once a cerebral infarction occurs, no one may notice it for several days. Thus the rescue opportunity is missed.

Lack of care is also one of the causes of frequent cerebral infarction in rural areas.

On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews

. Like to eat pickled food

Rural residents prefer to eat pickled vegetables and meat compared to cities. Salt, on the other hand, causes blood pressure to slowly rise. Hypertension is one of the causes of cerebral infarction. Blood vessels will be damaged due to high blood pressure, resulting in thrombus and arterial plaque.

Therefore, to prevent cerebral infarction, we must start by changing eating habits .

Patients suffering from hypertension and hyperlipidemia are all potential people with cerebral infarction. There are currently more than 300 million hypertensive patients in our country, but only a small part can control them. Faced with this situation, how can we prevent the occurrence of cerebral infarction in advance?

Although cerebral infarction occurs quickly, there are 4 signs of the disease

On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews. Patients with cerebral infarction like to bite their tongues

Like to bite their tongues unconsciously, which are many A behavior common to patients with cerebral infarction. But since it is a small, unconscious action, it is not easy to detect. Patients with high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia can stick out their tongues from time to time and take a look. If there are tooth marks around the tongue, it means they need to be careful about cerebral infarction.

, Fecal incontinence

This symptom will occur in the elderly after the age of 60, because when blood clots block blood vessels. It will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, thus affecting the control of the brain nerves to the limbs. People will feel nauseated and bored, and then experience incontinence .

If this happens suddenly when you get older. You should call 120 immediately and then notify your family members to help.

. I often choke when drinking water.

Dr. Zhan Shuqin, Department of Neurology, Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, pointed out: Whether swallowing or drinking water, these actions require the cooperation of brain nerves. If there are small embolisms in the brain, these actions will be affected, resulting in trachea not closing tightly allowing water and food to enter the trachea, causing coughing.

If you often cough or choke on water when drinking water, you should also pay attention to the health of blood vessels in the brain in time to prevent the risk of cerebral infarction.

On May 9, 2022, Shen Guozhang, an old man who lives in Haiya Village, Caojing Town. At noon on May 11, Ms. He, who lives near the old man, discovered that old man Shen Guozhang, who went out for a walk every day, had not appeared for two days, and there was no sign of going out,  - DayDayNews

4. If you often feel dizzy when exercising

If you feel dizzy when exercising, you should also be careful about the risk of cerebral infarction. When people exercise, the flow rate of blood clots in blood vessels will accelerate, making it easier for blood vessels to be blocked. If the cerebral blood vessels happen to be blocked, people will feel dizzy and dizzy due to insufficient blood supply.

These four common symptoms can easily be forgotten and ignored if you don't pay attention and observe them. Many patients with cerebral infarction suffer tragedies due to lack of relevant knowledge.

Elderly people living alone in rural areas should pay more attention to these small changes. Change your bad eating habits, stabilize blood pressure and blood lipids , and reduce the risk of cerebral infarction from the source.

[Reference Materials]

1, China has 330 million cardiovascular disease patients. How many of these bad habits do you have? China News Network · 2020.9.29

2, "China Stroke Prevention and Treatment Report (2015)" released that stroke has become a problem in China The first cause of death · CNR · 2015.5.10

3, cerebral infarction is looking for young people like this · Health Times · 2017.2.15

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