I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after

2024/05/2009:13:33 regimen 1399

I don’t know if you have ever done something like counting " crescent " when you were a child.

I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were a “barometer” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after class, especially Those with crescents on all ten fingers are considered "longevity" in everyone's eyes. Those with only two crescents like me are considered "sick" in the eyes of my classmates.

I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after  - DayDayNews

So is the crescent moon on the fingernail really a "barometer" of human health? What do the white spots and vertical lines represent?

·Crescent moon

Why are there crescent moons on fingernails? Nails are swollen skin appendages of the human body. It is mainly composed of methyl group, nail bed, deck and nail contour and other parts. Methyl groups will continue to produce new keratin cells, which are often referred to as "crescents."

So is the crescent moon really a "barometer" of human health?

No, Whether a person is healthy or not cannot be determined by the crescent moon on the nail. Some people have fewer crescent moons, but they are still healthy, while some people There are crescent moons on all ten fingers, but the medicine still sticks to his mouth.

Although the number of crescents does not represent a person's health, you need to be more vigilant if something unusual appears in a short period of time:

I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after  - DayDayNews1The crescents will disappear or increase in the short term

If the number of crescents changes from 2 to 5 or even in a short period of time, If there are more, or if the number changes from 10 to 3 or 4, there may be a problem with the thyroid gland. Because when the thyroid is abnormal, it will affect the metabolism of the human body, causing changes in the methyl keratin cells.

I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after  - DayDayNews

Of course, the sudden disappearance of the crescent moon is not necessarily caused by thyroid abnormalities. Malnutrition or nail injuries may cause the crescent moon to disappear.

I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after  - DayDayNews2 The border of the crescent moon is blurred

You can carefully observe the crescent moon on the nail. The edge is relatively clear. If the border of the crescent moon becomes blurred in a short period of time, it may be that lacks blood , causing the nail bed Insufficient blood supply causes the connective tissue to increase , resulting in blurred crescent boundaries.

In addition, when there are abnormalities in liver function, malnutrition, excessive thyroid secretion, and other diseases, the problem of blurred crescent moon borders may occur.

Therefore, if we want to know our health, we should not blindly focus on the number of crescents, but should pay attention to the status of the crescents.

·White spots

It is not common to have "white spots" on your nails, but it does not mean that they are not common. Some people say that it is caused by the external impact of nails, while others say that it is caused by roundworms in the stomach. There is no scientific basis for either external force collision or roundworms.

So what is the reason for the white spots on the nails? In fact, the white spots on the nails are a kind of "leukonychia", which is mainly caused by the incomplete keratinization of the nails. It also slows down over time. Slow recovery

I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after  - DayDayNews

·Vertical lines

When it comes to vertical lines on nails, the first thing that everyone thinks of is poor physical fitness and liver problems, but this is not the case. Vertical lines on nails are like wrinkles on the face. The older you are, the greater the chance of vertical lines on your nails. Generally speaking, they are not directly related to human health.

However, we need to be good at observing physical changes at any time. If the number of vertical lines increases significantly in a short period of time, it may be related to the disease. At this time, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination.

From the above content, we know that the number of crescents is not directly related to human health, but to a certain extent the performance of nails can also be regarded as a "barometer" of human health, so we need to pay more attention to the symptoms of nails. , don’t ignore the “signal warning” of physical health.

People who pay attention to their health will find that the usual changes in their nails are not limited to crescents, white spots, and vertical lines. In addition to these three conditions, phenomena such as barbs and nail atrophy may also occur. This What do these two phenomena mean?

·Barbs grow around the nails

Barbs grow around the nails. This phenomenon often occurs in children. There are many main reasons why hands are covered with hangnails, such as: excessive use of hands, causing frequent friction on the skin around the fingers; not replenishing water in time when the weather is dry, which makes the skin stratum corneum excessive Caused by dryness and separation;

I don’t know if you have ever counted the crescent moons when you were a child. I don’t know when it started to spread that crescents, vertical lines, and white spots on fingernails were “barometers” of physical health, so crescents and crescents became a temporary “trend” after  - DayDayNews

In addition, children do not like to eat vegetables. Long-term lack of vitamins will also cause hangnails. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone eat more fresh vegetables and pay attention to moisture. Supplement

· Atrophy of fingernails

Atrophy of fingernails is more common in the elderly. Mainly caused by damage to the methyl matrix. Commonly seen in trauma, burns, syphilis, hyperthyroidism, rheumatism and other people. If diseases such as syphilis, hyperthyroidism, rheumatism, etc. cause the fingernails to shrink, the disease first needs to be treated. After the disease is cured, the fingernails will slowly recover.

In short, if the nails appear abnormal in a short period of time, it may be a physical problem. If conditions permit, you need to go to the hospital for examination in time and receive targeted treatment according to the condition.


[1] "Recommended Reading" The crescent moon on the nail is actually a "barometer" of the body? The truth must be known · People's Daily · 2019-09-21

[2] Crescent moon, vertical lines, white spots... you Are your nails and body healthy enough?·Henan Drug Supervision·2019-08-19

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