A friend recently said that she was really tired and could not fall asleep until after one o'clock every night. Anxiety from all aspects caused a series of chain reactions, causing her to lose hair, suffer from insomnia, and become irritable. In fact, she is not the only one like

A friend recently said that she was really tired. Basically, she couldn't fall asleep until after 1 o'clock every night. Anxiety from all aspects caused a series of chain reactions, causing her to lose hair, suffer from insomnia, and become irritable.

Actually, she is not the only one like this. Nowadays, many people are suffering from negative emotions such as anxiety, emo, depression, anger, etc., and they start to get angry when they encounter the smallest things.

For example, there was a traffic jam on the way to work and I was half an hour late. As soon as I stepped into the office, my boss was livid. He was preparing materials for the meeting, but he found that his laptop was left in the car... So, he became anxious...

Psychology It is called " irritability disorder " in science, which means that is easily agitated when something goes wrong, and is very impulsive when encountering unexpected situations, and can't help but get angry. Sometimes I even want to destroy everything in front of me.

People who fall into irritability will have reduced tolerance, be full of uneasiness about people and things, and behave more aggressively. Even small setbacks that can be shrugged off in normal times may ignite emotions.

Living in a fast-paced society, we often experience irritability, which is like carbon monoxide in emotional pollution. Once released, it will quickly infect the surrounding areas, and the negative emotions and pressure it brings can affect the entire room. , office or family members.

So, how to soothe irritable mood? Let's first analyze the deep-seated psychological reasons why people feel irritable.


Underestimating one's own abilities

A French psychoanalytic expert believes "Allowing yourself to be coerced by the situation is first of all a kind of fooling yourself." When facing some minor troubles, those who lack confidence in their abilities, It often feels like there is nothing you can do.

Such people either received too much protection or were severely belittled in childhood. They have never experienced dealing with accidents alone, so when they encounter trouble, they often feel at a loss.

Another psychoanalyst added: "Irritable and irritable people usually have an extremely strong need for control, which is mainly manifested in excessive pursuit of perfection. Because their ability to adapt is extremely weak, anything that they regard as uncontrollable will It will make them feel fearful and uneasy."


Afraid of being thought to be doing nothing

Some people are afraid that others will think that they are a person who has nothing to do. Therefore, in order to overcome this boring fear, will often magnify small things for no reason. By ‘creating’ a ‘mountain of things’ that urgently need to be completed, managed and resolved, physical and mental idleness and a sense of idleness are overcome.

has such behavior, which is related to the social environment, cultural education, personal psychology and other factors. For adults, ‘doing nothing’ is seen as not being able to fit into society. If a person is in a state of 'doing nothing', he will be criticized by people, so adults always keep children busy.


Low sense of self-identity

There are still people who cannot identify themselves deep down and can only give themselves value through an external way. If they don't feel nervous or have tons of things to do, it's hard for these people to feel like a real person.

Only under such circumstances can these people have a sense of existence.As much as they don't identify with themselves, they hope to gain their own value through these entangled things they are doing or think they should do.

In fact, this is a manifestation of eager to get the attention and recognition of others.. Drowning themselves in a glass of water, under the false appearance, they hide a deep need in their hearts: the desire to be cared for.

Fortunately, in modern society, we have many ways to calm down when faced with irritability.

1 Remind yourself what your main goal is

Instead of distracting yourself from minor difficulties, it is better to remind yourself in time what your main goal is. “What exactly do I have to do?” “What do I have to accomplish first?” How are you going to get there if you don’t even know where you’re going?

In addition, it is necessary for us to always recall those moments when despite many obstacles, we still got rid of troubles, because this will make us realize that we are really 'capable'.

2 Tell yourself it's just a small thing

We often feel angry because of small things. When you are angry, you can honestly ask yourself what is bothering you. If this matter can be changed immediately with the help of current conditions, then you should frankly admit that the things that make you irritated are actually not that serious.

3 Reduce the intake of caffeine and alcohol

Some people are used to drinking coffee or alcohol to relax themselves. In fact, this does not really relax them, but can easily aggravate their irritability and irritability. Moreover, excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol can easily lead to inability to sleep at night or poor sleep. Therefore, even if the work pressure is high, we should try to reduce frequent intake and focus on caring for ourselves.

4 Moderate exercise releases excess energy

Since irritability triggers our "fight or flight" stress mode, moderate aerobic exercise, such as a brisk walk or run, may be a good idea to release some emotion. If this doesn't work, you can do push-ups, sit-ups, etc. to release excess energy that causes you to be irritable.

5 Give yourself some quiet time alone

Irritability may be your brain’s way of reminding you that you need to rest. If there is nothing urgent at hand, or you are finished, just take a rest first. Listen to music, do yoga, meditate, or take a bubble bath, let yourself temporarily leave the complexity and noise, find a quiet place to think carefully, and prepare for returning to the battlefield. Once your body system adjusts When you are in combat mode, your irritability will not come back easily.

6 Think more about things worth being grateful for

We are often irritable because of various small troubles in life and work. In fact, these worries will be forgotten by us in a few days. When you feel irritable, take a few minutes to think about the things that are going well in your life and the things that you are grateful for, such as your health and your job. This may help you calm down first.

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