It is very interesting to study the United States. You seem to see a person who is so entangled in schizophrenia in the face of ideals and interests. The founding fathers of the United States swore to build an ideal country of freedom, equality, peace, justice, humility and self-

This article was first published by "Star News Agency", and the author authorized it to push


Studying the United States is a very interesting thing. You seem to be able to see a person who is entangled in schizophrenia in the face of ideals and interests.

The founding fathers of the United States swore to build an ideal country of freedom, equality, peace, justice, humility and self-discipline. There was a time when the American people also had the excellent national qualities of diligence, perseverance, openness and tolerance. In the words of Premier Zhou, the American people, like the Chinese people, are great nations.

However, the United States, which was born with the laurels of love and peace and the golden key in its mouth, has grown into a country that has only been at war for 16 years, arrogant, self-centered, fomenting trouble everywhere but unable to put an end to it. The country's internal affairs are becoming increasingly chaotic, and the coffin boards of the founding fathers can hardly hold it down.

Today’s America is becoming more and more extreme in its thinking and despicable in its methods.

This kind of disease, in which thoughts, emotions and behaviors are split, , and mental activities are not coordinated with the environment, is basically in line with the main characteristics of schizophrenia. It is time to find a good doctor to treat it.

The transformation of a country that once had great ambitions into what it is today has to arouse our thinking.


The history of division in the United States: Interestists holding high the torch of ideals

The United States officially entered the international power stage at the Paris Peace Conference after the end of World War I in 1919.

For more than a hundred years before this, the United States only did two things, economic development and land grabs, in order to make a fortune in silence.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Washington who was well versed in history warned Americans: As young as the United States is, it must not be involved in disputes between great powers in any continent; it must not establish a permanent alliance with any foreign country for any reason; it must be completely independent and prudent. Handle international affairs effectively and so on .

To sum it up, you must have a sense of awe, concentrate on your development, and don’t go out to wander. This is the prototype of the isolationist policy , which is the foundation of American diplomatic thinking and has influenced the United States to this day.

(President Hill commemorates the four most influential presidents in the early days of the United States. From left to right are Washington, Jefferson, the drafter of the Declaration of Independence, Roosevelt, who led the United States onto the world stage, and Lincoln. Today they will All appearances)

The United States entered the 19th century with the teachings of the Founding Fathers. At this time, the world outside the United States was in chaos.

Europe has been in turmoil for most of this century, including the Napoleonic War from 1803 to 1815, the Bourgeois Revolution in 1848, the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856, and the Osa/Putin War from 1848 to 1870. /The Austro-Prussian/Franco-Prussian wars came one after another; Asia was also overthrown from east to west by European powers and domestic struggles, causing everyone to collapse; Africa can only be regarded as a commercial concept for Westerners, mainly responsible for production. Negro slave".

Looking at the earth in dire straits, the United States has no emotions in its heart, and even wants to laugh a little. After all, the continuous war in the old world means the rolling orders of goods from the new world.

It kept a low profile and immersed itself in development, taking the opportunity to make a few big deals:

In 1803, it first bought 2.1 million square kilometers of Louisiana from the distressed Napoleon. (the pink area in the picture below) ) , this transaction only cost 15 million US dollars, equivalent to 0.5 cents per acre, which was the greatest contribution to the United States during Jefferson's presidential term;

In 1867, he bought 170 acres from the helpless Czar Alexander II. Alaska's 10,000-square-kilometer area (the green area in the lower left corner of the picture below is next to Russia. This is a loss-making business that the Russians still grieve), with a total cost of 7.2 million US dollars, or 0.3 cents per acre.

plus the 2.3 million at the time of independence, the 2.3 million snatched from Mexico and the 150,000 Florida bought from Spain, roughly constitute the current land area of ​​9 million square kilometers.

From the picture we can see that the United States only embarked on the path of military expansion in the mid-19th century.

In fact, there is an earlier fact hidden here: from the beginning of the founding of the United States, under the iron heel of the Westward Movement (the movement of residents from the eastern United States to the west from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century), The two vast areas of pink and light purple land in the picture are soaked in the blood of Indians. In these more than 100 years, advocating human rights and massacring Indians have gone hand in hand. This was the first early episode of American schizophrenia..

This land in North America originally belonged to the Indians until the ancestors of the Americans landed here.

In November 1620, the famous "Mayflower" arrived in North America carrying 102 people. Among these people were 35 Puritans who were oppressed by religion in Britain, and 14 indentured servants (low-class European whites, mainly from two sources) : One type is criminals, vagrants and people who are unable to pay off their debts who have been deported by the court. These generally have to work for 7-10 years without pay; the other type is poor people who cannot survive and want to try their luck in the New World because they cannot afford the travel expenses. And the contract is signed with the ship owner or employer, which usually lasts for 4-7 years) , and the rest are craftsmen, fishermen, and poor farmers.

Since it was already winter when we landed, these people who had nothing could not survive at all, and they were hungry and cold every day. Just when they were desperate, the kind-hearted Indians sent them daily necessities, and later taught them how to hunt, fish, raise turkeys and plant corn. With the help of the Indians, the first immigrants finally took root in North America.

In the second year, the immigrants finally had a good harvest. On the first anniversary of the landing, they set a day to thank God for his help, which is the origin of Thanksgiving Day in the United States today. To thank the Indians for their sincere help, the immigrants also invited them to celebrate the festival together.

(Some research points out that the descendants of this group of immigrants have now reached 35 million people, accounting for almost one-ninth of the U.S. population. Therefore, this group of immigrants is recognized as the origin of Americans.)

Strangely, now The main characters of Thanksgiving are only God and the turkey. The real benefactors of the year are never seen - the Indians. The reason is simple. After the immigrants in North America established a foothold, with the population expansion and land occupation, after a short period of restraint, they chose to point their muskets at the people who had rescued them in times of crisis.

Between morality and interests, Americans chose interests from the first time.

From the establishment of the first colony to the mid-to-late 19th century, for more than two hundred years, both the British colonists and the founding fathers of the United States, including President Lincoln, severely suppressed the Indians. It was in retaliation for the massacre of the Indians, even though it was clearly them who shot first.

In the 19th century alone, the United States launched more than 200 raids and sweeping wars against various Indian tribes. The peak of this was the Indian Removal Act issued by President Jackson in 1830 (forcibly expelling Indians to the west of the Mississippi River). By 1900, the Indians who once numbered in the tens of millions were massacred to only two to three hundred thousand. (It was not until 2010 that the U.S. government apologized to the Indians for its "irrational policies and violence against the Indians, robbery, and the destruction of agreements with the indigenous peoples of North America", but it also stipulated that the Indians were not allowed to ask for compensation or compensation. Yes. Not mentally ill? )

(The piles of North American bison skulls are part of the policy of exterminating the Indian race, that is, eradicating the ecological basis on which the Indians depend)

That's it, on the Indian Trail of Tears (Trail of Tears) on , the territory of the United States was laid.

After robbing the Indians, the next step is to invade neighboring countries with arms.

Since 1830, the founding fathers have left for a generation, and the first generation of new people born on the soil of the United States has begun to take charge of the country. They have neither the awe and restraint that the founders experienced in the complex environment of the old world, nor the The older generation's profound historical humanistic ideological accumulation is only filled with passion and ambition. This is an extremely dangerous combination.

So after digesting Louisiana, the United States once again chose to abandon the founding spirit and began to invade Mexico . During this period, various methods were used in every possible way, full of violence and conspiracy. has nothing to do with the spirit of freedom and peace. has nothing to do with it. We will write another article to share in the future. Everyone is welcome to pay attention.

After this wave of ingenuity and plunder, the United States finally completed its territorial expansion across North America and connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in 1848, transforming from a small border country into a large territorial country.

At this time, the last hurdle facing the United States is slavery .

Yes, The United States, which has written natural human rights and equality for all into the Constitution, has continued to brutally squeeze black slaves for nearly 100 years after the founding of the country. On the one hand, the elite including Washington himself shouted for freedom, On the one hand, they can enjoy the fruits of the exploitation of black slaves with peace of mind. The American explanation for this is: historical limitations .

This problem was finally solved through the tragic Civil War from 1861 to 1865. The number of troops participating in the war reached 3.5 million. It was the largest war in the world at that time. In the end, 750,000 soldiers were killed and 400,000 soldiers were disabled. It is difficult to count the civilian casualties.

The American Civil War fully demonstrated that the spirit of equality, freedom, and peace promoted in the "Declaration of Independence" was not the consensus of Americans from the beginning. It is said that there is a consensus only because the northern state won the final victory.

If slavery in the southern states had not occupied too much labor force and affected the industrial development and agricultural product market in the northern states, the slave liberation movement in the United States would have been even later.

In fact, even when the conflicts between the two sides were irreconcilable, Lincoln was still far more motivated to prevent the division of the country than to liberate the black slaves..

Lincoln clearly mentioned in his presidential inauguration speech that "I have no intention of interfering, directly or indirectly, with the system of slavery in the slave states." In order to reduce the pressure of division between the North and the South in the early days of taking office, Lincoln even prohibited military generals from liberating black slaves on their own . As a result, escaped blacks could only be severely sent back to the hands of southern slave owners. According to the "Fugitive Slave Act" of 1850, This was almost equivalent to a death sentence for these black slaves.

Does this form a strong contrast with the spirit of "all men are created equal" and "of the people, by the people, for the people" that he promoted in his famous " Gettysburg Address " ? Lincoln probably thought not, because at that time, black slaves were not considered a member of the "people", let alone political power. The Civil War was essentially a war to safeguard the American constitution, and freedom and liberation were only incidental results .

In September 1862, a year and a half after the war began, Lincoln issued the "Emancipation Proclamation". One of its purposes was to use black slaves to save the critical war situation in the North.

Judging from the results of ending slavery, this war was progressive. But at the same time, we must also see that in this struggle, black slaves were only passive factors in the middle and late stages. They neither participated in decision-making nor were they the main force in the entire process, nor did they form their own political leadership core. This caused the difficulties for black people later. It laid the foundation for the road to equal rights and extended to the racial discrimination that still exists systematically today.

In any case, by April 1865, the civil war was finally over, and the United States could devote itself to developing capitalism.

After the rapid development of golden age in the next thirty years, the United States relied on its vast territory, inexhaustible resources, rapidly growing immigrant population and prosperous and stable market. From 1895 to the 1910s, industrial output value, Important indicators such as GDP and GDP per capita have begun to surpass the British Empire in an all-round way.

The expansionary nature of capitalism drives the United States to look beyond the Americas. The United States is ready to enter the world stage .

If we want to enter the world stage, we must break the strong atmosphere of isolationism in the country.

What about the teachings of the founding fathers? The founding fathers have been dead for 100 years, let’s do it first and then talk about .

American rulers began to test the edges of their policies, trying to apply new paint on the foundation of isolationism.

As the president with the most global geopolitical vision in the history of the United States, old Roosevelt decided to make a strong appearance. The reason why he is called Old Roosevelt is because his nephew Roosevelt Jr. is more famous than him. Ronaldinho will go down in history with the unprecedented record of being elected four consecutive presidents and leading the United States to win the Second World War.

In 1902, Lao Luo proposed to the confused Congress that "powerful countries on the civilized track have the obligation to insist on appropriate police behavior towards the world." Later, it was gradually summarized as " Roosevelt Corollary " (that is, the United States has strength and must have A right of intervention that can only be exercised by the United States in the Western Hemisphere), which provides claws for the Monroe Doctrine (proposed in 1823, which can be simply summarized as Europe shall not interfere in the affairs of North and South America, and the United States shall not interfere in European affairs), The United States began to give itself the power of the international police in the Western Hemisphere .

Even the underworld understands the principle of being trustworthy when trying to be a gangster. If you say you want to kill the whole family, you must kill the whole family. American politicians also keep their word. They say they are police officers and are ready to shoot at any time.

Lao Luo's famous "stick and carrot" policy was proposed at this time. In summary, it is the threat of force and diplomatic blackmail. The US government is accelerating on the road to abandoning the founding spirit of the country.

Since it intervened and resolved the first Venezuelan crisis in 1899, the United States has officially replaced the world leader, Britain, as the talker of South America. From 1902 to 1906, the United States successively took action in Haiti, Dominica, Cuba, and other countries to ensure that the Western Hemisphere was firmly in its hands.

( aside from the topic , for more than 100 years as the exclusive backyard of the United States, South America, which is rich in resources, has a large population, and is far away from the two world wars, has not only failed to achieve prosperity, but has generally fallen into a cycle of poverty and instability. Practice It is the only criterion for testing truth . Whether the United States has the ability and willingness to benefit the world, you only need to look at South America to know.)

During this period, Roosevelt was busy doing nothing and did two major things:

1. Inciting Panama’s rebellion against Colombia in 1903 (a familiar taste of the color revolution more than a hundred years later) , and profiting from it in Panama Both sides of the canal cut a canal area that belonged to the United States, and then dug the Panama Canal;

2, and 1905-1906 successively mediated the Russo-Japanese War (the war over North Korea and Northeast China in which the Qing government actually declared neutrality) and the first Moroccan crisis between France and Germany. With this wave of operations across Europe, Asia, and Africa, old Roosevelt won the United States’ first Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. Wang Zhaomao Huahu made a lot of mess in and in the Middle East).

Americans who had listened to the founding father's "Don't wander" message for more than a hundred years were frightened by this president who was meddling in the world. They felt that sooner or later they would rush to the streets if this continued, so they decisively abandoned the old Roosevelt in 1912 and chose to focus on "staying away from the war." "The campaign slogan of the humble gentleman Wilson .

Wilson brought the United States into the war when he came to power, and it was the most difficult world war .

This is the first episode of American schizophrenia in the 20th century .

Americans hope to build a country of freedom, equality and peace, but they are willing to accept the actual benefits brought by the arrogant and self-interested Monroe Doctrine; they are keen to expand the influence of American values, but they are afraid of the international obligations and potential risks it brings; Choose isolationism and pacifism, but never miss any opportunity to make deals with both enemies at the same time.

The conflict between ideals and interests has become increasingly obvious as the United States has entered the world stage.

There was a process for Wilson to bring Uncle Sam into the war, a process of waiting for the best time.

In 1917, the Allies and the Entente had just finished the most brutal battles in human history at Verdun, Somme and Jutland. Both sides did not even have the strength to raise their hands again. For the first time World War has entered a stalemate stage where no one wants to fight but doesn't know how to end it.

The United States, which abides by the principle of neutrality but has actually sold supplies to both sides for several years, feels that the time has come. Anyway, this two-way business is almost over. Seeing that the rich are about to be finished, they still have a pile of national debt spread across Europe. It was difficult to raise points when the battle was over, so I found the right opportunity to officially join the war on the grounds of Zimmerman's secret message (The German Foreign Minister invited Mexico to form an alliance against the United States and regain the lost territory 70 years ago. Mexico clearly refused afterwards) and relied on staying away from the enemy. Behind the flames of war, strong and stable production and mobilization capabilities overwhelmed the Allies, who were running out of fuel and energy.

After the war, the exhausted European bosses who were severely weakened could only listen to this young man's opinion first.

As a result, the 1919 Paris Peace Conference became a bizarre conference that made all countries angry.

U.S. President Wilson, who was born as a pastor and had an aura, decided to Cosplay God himself. He brought the earthly version of the Bible - "Wilson's Fourteen Articles" . He also asked Britain and France not to squeeze Germany too clean, and warned Japan not to think about it. Then he took over Germany's involvement in Shandong, China, etc., and then solemnly proposed the establishment of an international alliance to coordinate world affairs. From now on, everyone must follow orders in all actions and live in harmony as one family.

Britain, France and Japan all exploded at first sight. We were the main ones fighting the war, and we were responsible for most of the damage. Not to mention that your heads were robbed by you, but I still owe you a lot of debt. Forget it, now you tell us that you have nothing to do with it. Is this what people do when they have an extra father for no reason?

gave up on the spot.

Wilson could only compromise. In the fierce quarrel, he gradually gave up the idea of ​​saving the world. In addition to squeezing the defeated Allies economically and militarily, France also realized its desire to occupy part of Germany's territory with restrictions. Japan successfully forced the conference to While isolating the Chinese representatives, it agreed that it would receive all German rights in Shandong and Jiaozhou Bay (a verbal promise to return political rights, but could not be written into the peace treaty) , and Britain won a large sum of war reparations.

After the results of the Paris Peace Conference came out, the people of the victorious and defeated countries were in a panic.

Britain has lost its dominance in the world, and the decline of colonial independence and maritime hegemony is imminent; France failed to achieve its goal of dismembering Germany and has to continue to be on the front line of the next round of war; Americans believe that they are providing money and people. It is unacceptable to have to bear an international responsibility for no reason without receiving a penny of war reparations; the Japanese believe that they have been subjected to all kinds of procedural discrimination by the West and were forced to give up political rights in Shandong, which is a great shame and humiliation.

China, which was eagerly praying for justice to defeat power, was given a solid lesson in world politics. The May 4th Movement broke out amidst the mixture of grief and anger, which kicked off the New Democratic Revolution . From then on, China's Advanced intellectuals no longer placed their hopes on the great powers and began to explore ways to save the nation and survive based on China's actual conditions.

As for the defeated Germany, a sky-high compensation of 269 billion gold marks , equivalent to 96,000 tons of gold, as well as unprecedented difficulties and humiliation brought about by cession of territory, disarmament, and restriction of powers, ultimately catalyzed the creation of Hitler within a generation. , 20 years later he will pour the hatred of a nation back to the place where it was originally created.

Russia, which withdrew from the war at the final stage due to the October Revolution, not only did not enjoy the fruits of victory as a member of the Allied Powers, but was treated as an alien and became the target of the newly established League of Nations in the future. This nation has since It planted the seeds of estrangement against the West, which still affects the world structure to this day.

After staying in Paris for half a year, the exhausted Wilson returned to Washington with two documents, the "Treaty of Versailles" and the "Covenant of the League of Nations". Congress slapped him in the face and vetoed the trip. The result of a failed journey to save the world.

The United States’ first show of international political power ended in a mess . The world did not gain peace, but only a 20-year armistice.

The world ideals of the American rulers have hit two huge walls: international political history and domestic practical interests. The strong popular base of isolationism will finally be shouted out 100 years later with the slogan of "America First" .

The historic setback at the Paris Peace Conference has allowed the United States to return to a state of self-defeating, even as the world is entering the next larger-scale war cycle.

In 1931, Japan launched the September 18th Incident, directly trampling on the Washington Convention without receiving any substantive punishment. In July 1937, the emboldened Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. Since the United States insists on the newly released " Neutrality Act (enacted in 1935, stipulating that the trade of arms and military supplies will not be provided to both parties entering the war, but there will be no restrictions if there is no war) ", the National Government is in urgent need of ensuring the trade supply of the United States. It had to give up declaring war and fight alone against the invaders who were also supplied by American goods. (From 1932 to 1939, Japan imported 75% of strategic materials such as petroleum, 90% of copper, 70% of scrap steel, 18% of aluminum, and 45% of lead. % came from the United States. From 1937 to 1939, more than 70% of the U.S. exports to Japan were military supplies and strategic raw materials, totaling US$510 million. The composition was roughly as follows: petroleum and petroleum products accounted for 37.4%, machine tools and equipment accounted for 20.8%, and military products accounted for 20.8%. Technical equipment and army and navy equipment accounted for 21.7%).

In Europe, the "Neutrality Act" of the United States directly contributed to the appeasement of Britain and France.In 1935, Germany openly violated the military provisions of the Versailles Peace Treaty on restrictions on German armed forces, announced the implementation of universal compulsory military service, and actively expanded its arms and prepared for war. At the same time, Italy launched an invasion of Ethiopia in Africa. The United States, Britain and France all stood by and watched. In September 1939, Germany, which had completed its rearmament, invaded Poland , and the European battlefield opened fire. The United States still had nothing to do with itself, and was still doing business on both sides, as if there had never been an American president named Wilson who represented the world at that time. The most powerful country in the world promised here to defend world peace.

It was not until the bombing of Pearl Harbor more than two years after the outbreak of World War II that the United States felt the pain and joined the war that it planted the seeds with its own hands and carefully watered all the way 20 years ago. People all over the world paid for it. A heavy price to pay.

The history of World War I and World War II tells us that morality has never been the United States’ first consideration for the outside world, but interests. If according to the logic of Roosevelt, it is a crime for a powerful country to refuse to maintain peace, then the outbreak of World War II was a major crime committed by the United States against world peace .

Of course, international politics is realistic. During the formation of World War II, the United States always stayed out of the situation and acted in isolation in line with maximizing its national interests. This kind of self-interest is in line with the characteristics of a capitalist country. People should not have too high expectations for this. .

But the problem is . In the process, it has pretentiously introduced a bunch of high-sounding documents such as "Four-Nation Covenant" (the 1921 treaty between the United States, Britain, Japan and France on dividing the Taiping sphere of influence), "Nine-Nation Covenant" (1922 In February, nine countries including the United States, Britain, Japan, France and China signed a treaty on respecting China's sovereignty and independence and territorial and administrative integrity and ensuring equal business and industrial opportunities for all countries throughout China), " Five-Nation Convention " (1922 February Treaty between the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Japan on restricting the development of naval capital ships), "Briand-Kellogg Pact" (initiated by the United States and France, signed in 1928 and eventually joined by 63 countries on the abandonment of war as a national policy tool treaties) and other conferences and documents. These documents do have great historical significance in promoting peace and disarmament in the form of international agreements. However, in fact, the United States has always refused to provide strong measures to ensure the implementation of these international treaties , so later became waste paper without exception. Objectively, it also played the negative role of guarding against gentlemen but not against villains and encouraging the arrogance of defaulters.

This is the second episode of schizophrenia in the United States in the 20th century.

After the end of World War II, the United States began to promote and the Cold War . During the Cold War, the United States, as the new leader of the Western world, began to show its blind confidence and superficial understanding of the world. The main manifestations of schizophrenia in the United States at this stage were: persecution paranoia and judging others by themselves. .

In June 1950, the Korean War broke out. The United States led the newly opened United Nations and began to perform United Nations responsibilities. This was understandable, but the naivety and arrogance of the United States eventually turned this international law enforcement operation into an invasion. .

Before sending troops on September 15, the United Nations had clearly defined the purpose of sending troops when authorizing it: to force North Korean troops back to the dispatch point, that is, to the 38th parallel . As a stakeholder in the situation on the Korean Peninsula, China also made it clear on September 30 that United Nations troops must not cross the 38th Parallel and threaten China's border security. In addition, China had no preparations to intervene in North Korea. After all, the liberation wars in the southwest, northwest, and southeast were still going on at that time, and the country's central task was to end the war and resume production.

Pay attention to the time point of September 30, because from August 27 to September 22, US military fighter planes crossed the Yalu River and fired at towns and ports in China, causing casualties and property losses in China.If China was preparing to enter North Korea from the beginning, or as some people take it for granted that China was behind the war, then why did China repeatedly warn the US military more than three months after the war started and more than a month after the invasion? Must not go beyond the scope defined by the United Nations?

If the United States had stopped at the 38th Parallel, the Korean War, a civil war, might have ended that year. But in the eyes of the United States, which is obsessed with the battle between good and evil, in Kissinger's words, "The main cabinet members of the Truman administration, without exception, believe that communism has an overall vision for the world, and North Korea is the first step in the global strategy of China and the Soviet Union. "One move will most likely lead to a full-scale attack." Then the United States' course of action changed from "stopping aggression" to "demonstrating to the Communist Party the determination of the United States to resist communist aggression in the entire Pacific region."

As a result, the United States began to cross the legal threshold of with . On October 1st, it completely ignored China’s warning and fully crossed the 38th Parallel and advanced into northern North Korea.

This day happens to be the National Day of the first anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is difficult for the revolutionary leaders who have experienced the smoke and war all the way to believe that the United States has no ill intentions towards China. Chairman Mao relied on the United States' armed assistance to the French colonists in Vietnam (October 1949) , the blatant armed intervention in the cross-sea battle in the Taiwan Strait (June 1950) , and a series of offensive measures to break through the boundaries and advance into the border in North Korea. , judging that the ultimate goal of the United States is to comprehensively obtain the strategic initiative to suppress China in the three directions of South, Central and North to contain China in the long term.

In order to avoid falling into a strategic dilemma, China had to withstand huge difficulties and officially sent troops to assist North Korea on October 19.

Afterwards, both the development of the situation and the declassified documents proved that the so-called Sino-Soviet plan for the Korean War to launch a global redization operation was completely false. Kissinger bluntly said that " Washington's assessment of risks is based on some wrong concepts." But this is also the cruelty of history. The Korean War evolved into a tragic international war, and all parties paid a heavy price.

A similar history will be repeated in Vietnam five years later. The U.S. rulers also have a huge understanding of the Vietnamese revolutionaries led by Ho Chi Minh . They firmly believe that the Vietnamese communists are agents of the Soviet Union and not a nation. The communists had to prevent the dominoes of the free world from falling on the Indochina Peninsula, so they sent troops to intervene in Vietnam's war of national independence and reunification. In the end, the United States was completely mired in the quagmire here.

This brutal war that lasted for twenty years triggered a great ideological split in the country. The anti-war movement , The black equal rights movement (It was not until the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965 that black Americans finally gained the right to vote) , The women's liberation movement and counterculture are surging. The roots of anti-intellectualism, extreme liberalism, and hedonism that were rampant in the United States during the epidemic last year began at that time.

( digression : Clinton, George W. Bush, and Trump are actually the same age. They were all born in 1946. They were the age to serve at the peak of the Vietnam War, but they all avoided it for various reasons. Three Americans Elites from different classes (civilian, political, business) can find ways to evade military service. This is a microcosm of American politics)

After the Vietnam War, almost the same American strategic mistakes caused by cognitive blind spots occurred in Iran in 1978. The irony of seeing the United States and Iran being at odds with each other now is that Iran's completion of Khomeini's Islamic Revolution was precisely due to the acquiescence of the United States.

The United States’ operations in modern Iran can be called a masterpiece of its schizophrenia. We will share it slowly when we have time in the future.

In short, the United States finally believed that Khomeini could rid the West of King Pahlavi, a notorious piece of candy, and at the same time make this Muslim who clearly opposed communism a hard rock to resist the Soviet Union's entry into the Middle East. Therefore, in the later stages of the revolution, He decisively abandoned Pahlavi, whom he had supported for decades.

What surprised the United States was that after the staunch fundamentalist Khomeini came to power, the entire Iran quickly became religious and began to become the center of the Islamic Revolution , which has been in confrontation with the United States to this day.

In order to combat the extremist Shia Iran, the United States decided to use religious contradictions to support Sunni Saddam came to power in Iraq , yes, and then discovered that this was another enemy.

Similar operations include supporting Taliban and Bin Laden in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviet Union. In the end, the world's largest terrorist, personally cultivated by the United States, attacked the United States with full of anger and several civilian airliners.

If the United States could be more modest, study the history of Asia seriously, put itself in the shoes of East Asian countries, and understand the thinking patterns and strategic goals of the people and policymakers in each country, many historical tragedies could be completely avoided.

But with an open mind, it seems difficult for this young and energetic country with strong military strength.

The root cause of all this is not because the United States is naive and unkind to others . On the contrary, it is because the United States does not firmly adhere to the principles of justice, fairness, equality, and freedom as it says, but continues to drift away. Between these empty ideals and realistic interests, uses different rules and forces when they are beneficial, and abandons when they are not. They believe that their own strength can promote the evolution of history according to their own ideas, and in the end they repeatedly harm others and themselves.

After the end of the Cold War, the United States still has not stopped. As the only superpower, if the United States really remembers the ambitions it made when it was founded, then this period should have been the best time to lead the world toward permanent peace and sustained prosperity.

However, between ideals and interests, America still chose interests as always.

In order to make better use of its status as the only superpower, the United States proposed neo-interventionism (that is, there is only one universal value in the world, human rights are higher than sovereignty, and countries that do not conform to this set of values ​​must intervene with force) , They continued to crack down on this theory, but without exception, the result was to kill and bury them, causing chaos wherever they went:

In 1999, in order to remove Russia's last fulcrum in Europe, the United States decided to dismember Yugoslavia by force. As a result, Kosovo has never been recognized by the international community after achieving its desired independence. The per capita GDP has long been at the bottom in the Balkans (only 4,391 US dollars in 2019). The latest unemployment rate is 24.6%, and the youth unemployment rate is as high as 46.9% (data Source: CeicData, TradingEconomics) . Last year, President Trump really felt that the United States would be disgraced if things continued like this, so he brokered reconciliation between Serbia and Kosovo. Seeing that Serbia has benefited a lot from closely following the Belt and Road Initiative, I wonder what the people of Kosovo will choose in the future.

In 2001, it entered Afghanistan . Twenty years later, Afghanistan's per capita GDP is still struggling at the level of 500 US dollars. The domestic political process is far away. Armed conflicts between various factions have led to high civilian casualties. Drug production and other illegal transactions have not decreased but increased. (In 2017, the poppy cultivation area exceeded 328,000 hectares, and the opium production reached 9,000 tons, accounting for more than 90% of global production. It brings more than 3 billion US dollars in revenue to drug traffickers, local warlords, and the remnants of the Taliban every year. Illegal trade in Afghanistan in 2017 Output value accounts for 30% of GDP) .

Last year, the United States, eager to cut its losses, had to sit down and sign an agreement with its former "evil opponent" the Taliban, agreeing to complete its troop withdrawal by May 1 this year. The Afghan national government, which is single-handedly supported, has many problems of its own (by the end of 2018, the Afghan government only controlled 54% of the 357 districts). On the contrary, it has no chance to lead or even participate in this negotiation. It can be seen that the United States can destroy the old world, but it will never. There is no ability to build a new world. What's even more outrageous is that after Biden came to power, he made it clear that King Wang's troop withdrawal agreement could not be fulfilled. The Taliban suddenly became angry and said that they would bear the consequences. It is foreseeable that the situation in Afghanistan will be difficult to calm down in the short term.

In 2003, the invasion of Iraq . This is the highlight of the 20 years of schizophrenia in the United States. : Then-Secretary of State Powell held up a tube of white powder as evidence at the United Nations Security Council in front of the whole world, demanding that the United Nations send troops to deal with large-scale incidents such as the anthrax virus in Iraq. "Serious problem" with anti-personnel weapons.

After this action plan based on unilateral intelligence was rejected by the Security Council, the United States just pulled a few hardcore allies to take action on its own. After plowing through Iraq, the United States, whose lies were shattered, found out embarrassingly that it had lost all its money in this reputational gamble. Today, Iraq is mired in political turmoil, political corruption and social crisis. The government established under the guidance of the United States has not only failed to rebuild the country, but has instead become a hotbed of national regression.

It is worth mentioning that this time the United States invaded Iraq on the grounds of "weapons of mass destruction", it used a large amount of unverified so-called "information" unilaterally provided by the intelligence agency, although Powell felt in advance that It was inappropriate and he fought at the CIA for five full days. In the end, he had no choice but to obey the order and staged an ugly scene at the United Nations. Afterwards, Powell confessed in the media more than once, saying that this was the most painful stain in his life.

And this strategic intelligence error, which is like child's play, reflects that the American interest class has dared to openly kidnap the country's morality and interests. This is definitely not something Powell, who has a military background, can resist.. Now, the United States uses the same tactics to slander China such as "genocide" and "oppression of human rights". It is also the case that various unverified and on-the-spot sources and so-called experts are constantly creating "evidence". If If the U.S. rulers do not learn from previous lessons, they will soon face greater credit bankruptcy.

After entering 2010, the United States took the lead in promoting the "revolutionary wave" in the Arab world, euphemistically called the " Arab Spring ". Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and other Middle Eastern countries have changed their fortunes one after another. The result is, The vast majority of these countries have fallen into an endless cycle of "turmoil and overthrow." The external force from the United States has not helped the people of these countries embark on a more stable and lasting pace in exploring the path of development. Instead, it has broken the rational and peaceful internal environment needed to form consensus, ultimately causing more suffering for the people and international refugees. A disastrous situation.

Is the United States really promoting revolution for the progress of the Arab world? No, in the recent words of US Vice President Harris, US foreign policy in the past few decades has mainly been about competing for oil.

For oil, the United States can mess up the Middle East. Also for the sake of oil, the United States can pretend not to see the authoritarian and murderous behaviors of its major allies in the Middle East. The double standards are so blatant. It is understandable that

fails once. If you fail repeatedly, you need to find the reason from yourself. In the name of promoting values, the United States regards the world as a testing ground for establishing permanent hegemony, but it has never realized its shortcomings in subjective and objective capabilities. The combination of this wishful thinking to dominate the world and the violent and reckless act of self-serving others has ultimately led the United States to repeatedly fall into the quagmire of harming others and itself.

The United States' suppression of China also stems from this. Over the years, it has repeatedly caused troubles in the name of defending "peace," "human rights," and "freedom." The "Yinhe" incident in 1993, the Yellow Sea confrontation in 1994, the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996, The bombing of the embassy in South Korea in 1999, the plane collision in the South China Sea in 2001, arms sales to Taiwan, territorial sea arbitration, trade wars, double standards, and institutional attacks are just to name a few. It can be said that after the end of the Cold War, the United States has never regarded China as a "stakeholder" as it said, and it has also regarded China's repeatedly emphasized national interests as if they were nothing.

If the United States really wants to defend peace, human rights, and freedom, it can start by transforming a few allies in the Middle East that do what they say and let the world see whether the United States puts morality or interests first.These countries have done so many things that are not peaceful, not human rights, and not free. Why does the United States remain silent or even help them?

Repeatedly switching between high-sounding and self-serving at the expense of others, not only did it not have a positive effect, but it aroused the common hatred of various groups in China one by one. In the end, the Americans themselves were confused. It turned out that the two candidates accused each other of being weak towards China and willing to act as a puppet. A strange sight, definitely not a sign of a sane country.

This is also what Minister Wang Yi said in Anchorage, an old problem in the United States that must be changed.

It can be said that the reason why China has not been deceived and divided by American schizophrenia in the past few decades is that China is a big, pragmatic country with strong cohesion and is especially good at summing up experience and lessons. I have already fallen into the trap and poisoned myself.

If there is a country in the world that can calm the United States and cure its old problems, it is probably China.


Lessons from the past, the inspiration of American-style division to China

Looking back at the history of the rise of the United States, we will find that the peace, freedom, and universal values ​​formed at the beginning of the United States are beautiful, but first of all, they are not original to the United States. Its approach of rising to the level of national will is a superficial understanding of the world by an unexperienced nation. America's strong confidence in its values ​​essentially stems from a certain sense of mystery brought about by the unique new world. Driven by this sense of superiority, the United States formed the idea of ​​ Manifest Destiny in the 19th century, laying the foundation for subsequent global intervention.

What Americans should know is:

First, the values ​​it uses as its banner were proposed in other parts of the world more than 2,000 years ago and are by no means its patented inventions. Whether it is China’s benevolence, justice, universal love, non-aggressive thinking or the Greek liberal spirit, they all depict the ideal state of human development. The difference is that these ideas have been repeatedly tempered by reality over the long years, and finally presented a pattern in the world in which reality comes first and ideals come later;

Second, borrowing from the United States’ own famous book "The Great Gates" A sentence from "Bi": Whenever you feel like criticizing someone, you must remember that not all people in this world have the conditions you have. The foundation of the birth of the United States is the material and spiritual civilization that the old world tirelessly developed. However, from the very beginning, it scorned the old world's traditional policies of external balance of power and internal balance. It wants to reform and then quickly. The fundamental reason is that it has not experienced painful history. Suffering has not formed a correct understanding of the complexity and long-term nature of world problems.

If it does not change its current wanton and extreme approach, the United States will suffer even greater pains yet to come. Once the United States’ global policies fail, its internal contradictions will inevitably intensify and become the principal contradiction. Countries that contribute positive energy to development will fade away. The new world will become the old world, and America will face a national division more painful than schizophrenia.

Taking this as a lesson, we can get a lot of thoughts and inspirations:

First, we must have enough awe and understanding of the world. Every country and nation has its own unique background and conditions, so the development path cannot be drawn from one mold. External intervention is often futile or even counterproductive. China has put forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the idea of ​​never seeking hegemony, which are correct norms for international exchanges and we should uphold this.

Second, A big country without the ideal of benefiting the world and leading mankind must be a mediocre country. But a big country that relies on force to promote its ideals is bound to be a dangerous country . To achieve common development, relying solely on exporting revolution will definitely hit a wall. The correct approach can only be to improve ourselves, constantly surpass ourselves, and then become a role model for other countries and regions, attracting them to take the initiative to learn from it.At this point, we can also better understand why Confucius's proposition of " those who are near are pleased, and those who are far away" proposed by Confucius more than 2,000 years ago is a true insight in the governance of great countries.

Third, in foreign exchanges, we should always uphold a fair, equal, and consistent style. Once we raise the moral flag, we should persevere and not forget our own interests. Otherwise, American-style failure will be around the corner. Many people will get help if they gain good moral principles, but few will help if they fail to do so. uses morality and justice as a cover, which is itself a kind of moral injustice. It will inevitably lead to betrayal and disintegration.

Fourth, there are reasons why the United States has reached this stage. The bundling of interest groups brought about by capitalism and the populism brought about by vote supremacy have further made it more difficult to innovate and rebuild. Therefore, we must first strictly guard against the formation of interest groups that are independent of the interests of the people, and secondly, adhere to a democratic political system that is in line with national conditions and keeps pace with the times. The summary of these two points is to ensure that the vast majority of people work together and share the results. Only in this way can China truly be a republic that belongs to all people.

These points can be summed up as what the "Book of Changes" says: Constant self-improvement and great virtue .

Finally, the main purpose of our study of the United States is not to defeat it, but to learn from history and avoid detours. The United States is just one among countless cases of the rise and fall of countries in China's thousands of years of history. No one can change the other between China and the United States, because the two countries have completely different histories, environments, and resources, and there is no possibility for one side to assimilate the other's ideas and thinking patterns. Therefore, fierce competition will become the norm in the next few decades.

The experience and time are on our side , and we are confident enough to win this competition.

Chinese civilization has the foundation, conditions, ability, and confidence to become an important participant in mankind's exploration of the path of scientific development and the construction of a community with a shared future. This is not only the foundation of Chinese civilization, but also the mission given to us by human civilization.

Our journey is the stars and the sea.