Of course, few people will give them unsatisfactory answers, and because of this, they can never be sure whether the other party is sincere or trying to make her happy. This kind of anxiety about a woman's appearance is naturally due to her nature. Of course, it does not mean the

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will ask every day, am I good-looking? And he asked more than once, and asked more than one person. Of course, few people will give them unsatisfactory answers, and because of this, they can never be sure whether the other party is sincere or trying to make her happy.

Women's anxiety about appearance is naturally due to their nature, and of course it does not mean women's nature. At this point, human beings have a common vanity. It’s just that women pay more attention to appearance, which is the case in most cultures, and there’s also objectification hidden in it. But more often than not, women use their appearance as a source of self-confidence, and this emotional group is prone to lack of self-confidence, so their appearance also suffers from anxiety.

But there are other factors that are adding fuel to the fire, that is, without appearance anxiety, how can the cosmetics and beauty industry prosper? The plastic surgery industry relies on this anxiety to make money. So you will find that just as the prosperity of psychology relies on constantly describing the psychological problems of the entire society, and even makes depression a fashion, the prosperity of the beauty industry relies on exaggerating the decisive position and rareness of appearance, and constantly drives women towards appearance anxiety. .

But it is precisely the lack of self-confidence and lack of independent awareness that will make us lose our appearance, make us lose our footing, and make us lose our charm. The boundaries of commercialization in this society are too blurred. Capital runs rampant and can weave a wide web for profit. It will catch us all in one go no matter what, leaving us to continue to consume blindly in anxiety.

Of course, these are only external factors. The source of appearance anxiety lies in oneself. Women who lack self-cultivation are prone to lack of self-confidence. Changing their appearance is of course the most direct way, not to mention the magical beauty in front of the camera in the self-media. They are all gains. A great shortcut to confidence, compliments and even money.

So in many cases, some people are selling anxiety, and more people buy anxiety at a high price, which makes the skin cheaper. Under the surface of this society with many names, there is a single calculation of business. God knows whether people are sick, but people may not have so many diseases, and they may not be sick in so many ways. Without these concepts and names, how would there be so many anxieties to be sold? Can you sell successfully? Not only to sell, but also to continue to create anxiety, making you want to stop, and always become the one in their pocket.

You see, with internal, external and even genetic concerns about appearance, especially in China where women have been objectified for thousands of years, can you not be anxious about appearance? Although Chinese men also have worries about appearance, they never have collective anxiety because they are never a group of people who are objectified. In Chinese tradition, men hold power. No matter how strong a woman is, it is only an individual behavior. As a collective , is a weak character. You have to look good, be clean, be diligent, be well-educated, and in short, be smart on the outside.

Only in this way can you win favor in the competition and gain the eager pursuit of men, at least enthusiastic recognition. If you can't do this, it is not simply slovenly, but will rise to the point of being unseemly and unmotivated. , or even abnormal, you will be despised in all aspects in love, marriage, life and work.

Under this powerful suggestion, women will naturally try their best to dress themselves up, but this is not to be beautiful for themselves, but to please and stand out in the "draft". Have you not seen those beautiful girls, wearing hot clothes, walking on the streets of Sanlitun , how excited they feel when they are slapped with guns and cannons? It is a kind of excitement of being recognized and praised, that is after being objectified. They lost their judgment and subconscious happiness, and those expressions were extremely subtle, which immediately emptied their beauty.

So it’s not that women shouldn’t be beautiful, but they should be calm, confident, and beautiful for themselves. This kind of beauty has no utilitarian considerations, let alone the interference of inferiority. It’s purely about pleasing yourself and looking beautiful. Live alive. At this time, you dare to go out even if you haven't washed your face, and you dare to go out on the street without makeup. You don't care about men's eyes, let alone what your beauty can buy you. At this time, if you meet the man you like, you will appreciate their beauty. Everything is equal.

There are mostly ordinary people in this world, and the majority are those who walk around with ordinary faces all their lives. Those brainwashing messages that are deliberately conveyed can be blocked. Don’t listen to a word, because our society lacks everything. , that is, lack of pure and good motives. Maybe an individual is good, but when they come together to do something, the starting point of such a group is likely to be problematic. This is how the industry's shady curtain opens.

But in such an era, superhuman wisdom can indeed be tempered, because among the colorful sales, one can still be clear-headed and confident, knowing what one needs, that is true wisdom. And if a woman has confidence and wisdom, in modern times In our life, beauty comes naturally. That kind of charm that comes from the inside out, coupled with this natural beauty, what kind of attraction will it be?