Xuzhou Mental Health Service Station: Anxiety disorders in children are very common and can be divided into several types. Some parents are also confused. The main types of psychological anxiety disorders in children are as follows: Children with quality anxiety often have underd

Xuzhou Mental Health Service Station: Child anxiety disorder is very common and can be divided into several types. Some parents are also confused.

Children's psychological anxiety disorders mainly include the following types:

Quality anxiety

Such children's nervous system is often underdeveloped or damaged, and is too sensitive to changes in the external environment. Some parents themselves show anxiety and have a "copycat" effect on their children. The anxiety of parents and children manifests as an anxious response, creating a vicious cycle.

Sexual anxiety

In case of emergencies, such as the sudden death of parents, divorce, accidents, disasters, etc. , the child cannot bear it psychologically and is always worried that disaster will happen to him again. He cannot live without fear. However, symptoms in such children tend to resolve naturally over time.

Separation anxiety

When you are separated from your loved ones, especially your mother, you will have obvious anxiety. When the parents of the only child are on a business trip, the children are worried that their parents are afraid of staying at home alone, sleeping alone, and will be upset and unwilling to study.

Anxiety of Expectation

Parents have too high expectations for their children, and children are anxious and afraid of being blamed for not meeting their parents' expectations. On the other hand, some schools pursue the enrollment rate one-sidedly, and their curriculum design and homework arrangements exceed the capabilities of children. Children worry that they will be punished if they fail to complete the tasks assigned by the teacher, thus showing tension, anxiety, and restlessness.

Environmental anxiety

In some families where disputes often occur, the elders regard their children as confidants, confiding their dissatisfaction and complaints to their children. In this contradictory environment, children are prone to anxiety.

Children with anxiety disorders lack confidence in learning, which can seriously affect their intellectual development. Social behavior often manifests as withdrawn, highly dependent, indecisive, and often unpopular with peers. Over time, children may develop personality traits such as depression and low self-esteem. Therefore, children with anxiety disorders need to be corrected.

First of all, we should create a good living environment and harmonious family atmosphere for our children. In a relaxed and happy family environment, children can reduce anxiety and develop better temperament.

Secondly, we must improve educational attitudes and methods. Parents and teachers must have a correct educational attitude in order to cultivate all-round development of people.