Mentality is a psychological state that determines our daily behavior. It determines the final result of what we do. The biggest difference between successful people and losers is their different mentality in doing things. Do you have the mentality of a winner? If you are not ful

Mentality is a psychological state that determines our daily behavior. It determines the final result of what we do.

The biggest difference between successful people and losers is the different mentality of doing things.

Do you have the mentality of a winner? If

is not fully equipped, then what is the ambivalence of that hinders from your success?

You work in the publicity department of a certain company. Because of your work, you often accept entertainment from some advertising agencies, and you often receive similar gifts.

A few days ago, you just made a request to companies A and B through bidding, asking them to create advertisements for the products you are responsible for.

One afternoon, you received an unsigned gift. However, you knew that the gift might have been sent by one of the companies.

In this situation, which of the following answers is your reaction closer to?

A First confirm who the person giving the gift is, and then politely respond to the other party.

B Discuss with your boss before making a decision.

C In short, let’s open it and take a look. If it is something you like, will accept it first.

selection analysis

1. Select A

because he is too bound by moral concepts and has a tendency to not know how to adapt. It must be because his parents have been strict in discipline since he was a child and he does not dare to deviate at all. But if you want to achieve something in your career, you must seek self-breakthrough in all aspects. However, the subconscious is afraid of this, resulting in a contradictory mentality. It is recommended that you adjust yourself slowly instead of making big changes suddenly.

2. Selecting B

can show the mentality of being greedy for small profits. People who choose this answer are, in a sense, quite persistent people. In your mind, success is not a big deal. Therefore, you seem to be less enthusiastic about your work.

3. Choosing C

indicates dependence or a mentality of evading responsibility. People who choose this answer tend to refuse to grow up. Because you don’t want to be an adult, you unconsciously think that success means you must be responsible for your work. It is recommended that you take a risk and make a bet for your career, which may bring you unexpected surprises.

Mind TipsABC

If you want to be successful, you must have eight kinds of mentality:

1. Positive mentality.

2. Learning mentality.

3. The mentality of giving.

4. Persistence mentality.

5. A cooperative mentality.

6. A humble attitude.

7. A grateful attitude.

8. A self-disciplined mentality.