Confidence is a highly beneficial trait that can be applied to all aspects of life – whether in personal, social or business settings. For some people, confidence comes naturally. However, for most of us, it may take a few tricks to boost our confidence. Recent research in behavi

Confidence is a highly beneficial trait that can be applied to all aspects of life - whether in personal, social or business settings.

For some people, confidence comes naturally. However, for most of us, it may take a few tricks to boost our confidence.

Recent research from behavioral psychology and cognitive psychology shows that people who lack self-confidence are affected by three common underlying characteristics. Below is a summary of these characteristics and different ways to overcome them.

(1) Develop self-based perceptions rather than others-based perceptions.

A recent study of people with low self-confidence levels found that people with this personality type often think of others before themselves.

Psychologist Joshua Guilfoyle calls this Other-based perceptions and suggests that these people tend to focus more on threats, conflicts, and uncertainties than on their own goals, wants, and desires.

This can lead to unconfident behaviors such as "over-apology" and "excessive concession".

To overcome this tendency, other-centered people should take time each day to turn their attention to their own goals and desires, thereby developing a more self-centered perspective.

  • . Don’t shy away from challenges, face them head on.

    People who lack self-confidence often shy away from challenges or avoid demonstrating their abilities to others, which ultimately exacerbates their lack of confidence.

    Here are 2 ways to overcome self-doubt and increase your confidence:

    • Power yourself up. The more risks you take, the more you learn and develop a higher level of confidence in your ability to overcome the challenges you face.
    • Find out your avoidance thoughts. People who lack self-confidence tend to avoid challenges because they listen to the wrong voices in their heads. To overcome this problem, identify it, lower its volume, and focus on the voice that drives you to find a solution.

  • . Learn how to manage your emotions.

    When you can't manage your emotions, you can't manage your behavior, which negatively affects your confidence because you can't manage them yourself. Here are five key steps to better control your emotions:

    • Recognize and accept emotions without judgment.
    • Pay attention to how the emotion feels in your body.
    • Give the emotion a name.
    • If the emotion is irrational, constructively reframe your view of it.
    • If the emotion is valid, reflect on it and find out what it is trying to tell you.


    Developing confidence in life is a tricky process that requires you to deeply understand your own thoughts and evaluate yourself objectively. It may be difficult, but you can definitely incorporate true faith into your life.