A good way to eliminate and resolve anxiety. Do you know the reason why humans have so much anxiety? (Author Grow Up Together with Yang Shuo) If you ask a person: Have you ever been anxious recently, it is estimated that most people have bitterness in their stomachs, and everyone

A good way to eliminate and resolve anxiety

Do you know the reason why humans have so much anxiety?

(Author: Growing up with Yang Shuo)

If you ask a person:

Have you been anxious recently? It is estimated that most people,

, have bitterness in their stomachs, and everyone has sutras that are difficult to recite.

Logically speaking,

modern people are no longer in danger of sleeping in the open air,

There is no need to worry about attacks by wild beasts,

should be less anxious,

But the fact is exactly the opposite, and anxiety-provoking things keep happening one after another. Do you know why humans have so much anxiety?

In the early days of mankind, often faced the test of life and death for a long time. In order to survive, people must always be alert and always keep danger in mind. In this way, they can cope with the misfortune of being attacked by wild beasts at any time, etc. In this way, It has formed the human nature and habit of thinking too much! !

still does!

Speaking of relieving anxiety, whether it is a walk in nature, a hearty run, or a leisurely stroll with others,

can relieve anxiety to a certain extent and temporarily forget those troubles. But if you want to solve it fundamentally, the following method may inspire you:

The first step is to set a special anxiety time for yourself.

The terrible thing about anxiety is that it is hovering or buzzing in the heart 24 hours a day, affecting people's moods and normal work and life.

Since it cannot be ruled out,

we will take measures to ease the problem and learn from Dayu's flood control , which may be able to alleviate it.

We will set up a special time for anxiety, such as a fixed fifteen minutes every day, to write out all the things we are anxious about.

Once anxiety falls on paper, it has a healing effect in itself. Set a fixed time for anxiety, and anxiety at other times will be reduced a lot. You can also collect anxiety big data by writing, and then move on to the second step.

The second step is a begging sentence ("mantra"):

Please grant me peace,

Let me accept the things that cannot be changed;

Please grant me the courage, wisdom and strength to change the things that I can change.

All anxieties can be divided into two camps:

Those that can be changed and those that cannot be changed. Accepting the things that cannot be changed is a required course in life.

You are not a god, why do you fight Japanese lions against tigers? !

For example, the industry is down;

Bad weather leads to poor grain harvests.

and many, many more.


And for those things that can participate in change, we must have the courage to act.

Take action immediately, do it, and work hard!

If you are anxious because you did not do well in the exam,

then review your homework carefully; if

are anxious because you are afraid of losing your job, then work hard or develop your own career after work.

The outcome of things will not change because of anxiety, only action can bring about change.

Even more, only immediate action can change the passive situation.

Anxiety only magnifies the problem causing greater stress,

and action is the small incision that tears anxiety apart.

Seeing this, you can write your anxiety on paper. Then ask yourself: Can I change this anxiety? If you can't change, learn to accept it; if you can change, take action immediately.

Through step-by-step actions, you are not only moving forward to solve the problem, but also discovering your own abilities in solving the problem, which gives you great confidence and happiness.

Accumulate experience for the next step and greatly benefit from it. With the ambition, we constantly change the status quo, take a step further, and continuously improve our enthusiasm. Improved work ability, found experience in solving problems,

found out solutions.