Yesterday, a friend said in the circle that her youngest son scored 697 points in the exam, and she was relieved now. We all joked with her: Your life is complete, your eldest son is also studying in a prestigious university, and both sons are top academics.

Yesterday, a friend said in the circle that her youngest son scored 697 points in the exam, so she felt relieved now. We all joked with her: Your life is complete, your eldest son is also studying in a prestigious university, and both sons are top academics. People have the same fate but different fates! Others are still as beautiful, their appearance and figure remain the same, the only thing that has changed is that they are more elegant and majestic.

She actually told us that she had been suffering from depression for several years. We all burst out laughing. Even if you suffer from depression, it’s not your turn. You’re just free from illness. It’s just moaning without illness. She said that I really had depression. She was not joking. None of us believed it. She actually took pictures of the case and published it. These are all diagnosed by authoritative organizations, so we can’t help but believe them.

We are even more surprised, doesn’t she look good? There is no difference at all from normal people! When she returned to her hometown during the National Day last year, she invited some of our friends from out of town to eat hot pot, drink tea, and go shopping. She was talking and laughing, she was very happy!

We are even more puzzled. You said that depression is caused by poor economic conditions. You have to pay off the mortgage, raise children and the elderly, have little money, and have high expenses. The money you earn is not enough to spend, and you need money everywhere. Having to eat a lot of food every day and feeling anxious may lead to depression.

It is unlikely that someone like my friend will suffer from depression! Her husband works in engineering and has many IO suites and 2 villas at home. There are 3 high-end residences in her name. She now lives in a house of a few hundred square meters, and she can use the money as she pleases. Her two sons are grandparents, and they competed to raise them, so she doesn't have to worry at all.

She also worked for a few years, but when she gave birth to her second child, she stopped working and just played around. Why do you think this kind of woman who lives in a big villa and drives a luxury car can suffer from depression? Is it because I am too busy?

We get up early and go to work late every day. We are under great pressure and have no time to feel depressed! She felt bored and uninteresting. Shopping is boring, traveling is boring, I feel depressed every day, and I have no interest in anything. She often feels that life is boring. She said: She often has some terrible thoughts. For example, what will happen to a person who jumps from a 20-story building? How long does it take for her to drown when she jumps into the river? How long does it take for her to float up? Let me try. Sometimes she also wants to commit suicide. Some thoughts are simply uncontrollable.

You... this is too scary! You must not commit suicide, you shouldn't even have such thoughts! Go get it treated as soon as possible! Don’t let your mind wander! She often plays around and takes a lot of photos to post in the groups we created. The photos are beautiful. We all love to see those photos of yours. If you take more and post them in the group, we will especially like to see them. We don’t have the time or financial ability to travel everywhere, so if you take pictures, we will treat them as travel. If you have anything you can tell us, you can chat at any time, and we’ll have free time when we come back. Every time we go to pay, she won't let us pay. We all pay. We are true friends, and true love is rare.

just wanted to ask, is depression really that serious? Can an adult not control his thoughts? Could such terrible thoughts really arise?

friends have been in therapy.