World Mental Health Report 2022 In June this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) released the "World Mental Health Report 2022". "We are experiencing a global mental health crisis," the report said. The report of nearly 1 billion patients with mental disorders worldwide poi

World Mental Health Report 2022

In June this year, World Health Organization (WHO) released the "2022 World Mental Health Report". "We are experiencing a global mental health crisis," the report said.

Nearly 1 billion patients with mental disorders around the world

The report points out: 9.700 million people worldwide suffer from mental (psychological) disorders, which has led to a heavy disease burden. 13% of the total global population.

Anxiety disorders account for 31.0% of all mental disorders, depressive disorders 28.9%, developmental disorders 11.1%, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 8.8%, bipolar disorder 4.1%, conduct disorder 4.1 %, 2.9% for autism spectrum disorder, 2.5% for schizophrenia, and 1.4% for eating disorders.

Among them, anxiety disorders and depressive disorders account for 59.9% of global mental disorders. This does not include the 55 million people with severe neurocognitive impairment (dementia).

The prevalence of mental disorders in high-income countries is significantly higher than that in low-income countries. (See the picture below)

13% of the world's population suffers from mental disorders, with a total of 970 million

Human beings spend 1/6 of their time with mental disabilities

It is estimated that one year of the global average person's 6 years of life will be due to a mental (psychological) disorder. Disabled, unable to work and live well.

According to global data in 2019, mental (psychological) disorders accounted for 15.6% of human health years lost with disability (YLDs).

Of course, this is an average level. Some people are emotionally stable, work hard, and have happy families all their lives, and are not delayed by mental disorders for a single day.

But think about the 1 billion people who suffer from mental (psychological) disorders. Their lives and work have been affected to varying degrees at different times. They are unable to use their talents and enjoy life at a discount. They may suffer from the disease for many years. struggling. It is not surprising that mental illness contributes 15.6% of YLDs. What are


YLDs is a common method used to calculate disease burden, which refers to the number of years of health lost due to disability due to disease. English is Years of health life lost to disability. A simple understanding is how many years it takes to get sick, lose your health, and be unable to work (disabled).

The mental (psychological) disorders here refer to depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism, mental behavioral problems, etc. Not added dementia , substance abuse.

(see image below)

Mental disorders affect all ages, causing severe disabilities

WHO calls attention to mental disorders

Unfortunately, mental (psychological) disorders are poorly treated. "In most countries, mental health remains the least valued area of ​​health." Only in high-income countries, more than 70% of patients receive treatment.

Therefore, borrowing the words of Director General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus , we call on everyone to pay attention to mental and psychological disorders:

"Investing in mental and mental health is investing in a better life and future!"

Reference source:

1.World mental health report 2022.

2.Amini M, Zayeri F, Moghaddam SS. Years Lived with Disability due to Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias in Asian and North African Countries: A Trend Analysis. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2019;9(1):29- 35.

fund supports

1. Shanghai’s fifth round of public health three-year action plan GWV-9.2

2. Shanghai Ginkgo Foundation

review | Wang Jinghua

proofread | Bai Li