Children with autism masturbate, spin, and grind their teeth... the reason behind it, parents must remember

   Many mothers have reported that their children have strange behavior problems, such as: Why do children always like to touch their reproductive organs? My son likes to go around constantly. Is there any psychological problem?

   So, today we will explain these quirks from a scientific point of view!

   [Sensor integration theory]

   is a set of theories that study the relationship between the brain’s sensory processing functions and the special treatment of human behavior. This theory was first founded in the 1970s by an occupational therapist, , a PhD in psychology from the University of Southern California , and Ayres (Anna Jean Ayres).

   At present, the theoretical system is still evolving. Some industry veterans advocate the use of Senseory Processing Disorders (SPD) to replace sensory integration disorders and apply for inclusion in the American Mental Illness Classification System (DMS-V) .

  ● Sensation-seeking behavior _p5span autistic feelings of loneliness

There seems to be an insatiable need for certain types of stimulation. I feel that the motto of the input is "meet the demand". Generally speaking, this is a good suggestion. But sometimes, the sensory input from the behavior of seeking feelings is not perfect for management, or it is not peaceful, or not acceptable to society. This requires us to change the direction of our behavior and always provide input in the most acceptable way in society.

   Children clenching and grinding teeth


   The child may not be sensitive to this type of input and does not know that it is hurting himself. Teeth grinding is just a way to calm yourself. This situation also occurs in children with poor balance, perhaps to keep themselves stable.

   try this coping strategy:

   provides powerful sensory input for mandibular muscles, oral cavity and tactile differentiation experience as a sensory recipe. Children may like to bite drink straws to relieve stress and calm the nervous system. No matter which strategy you use, as long as you can use it in all environments, you will receive the best results. This way the child can sum up a coping strategy.

   We should find out the environmental factors (antecedents) that cause the child to bite. If the source of aggressive behavior is sensory defense against sound, touch, or movement,Then try to determine the sensitivity of this sensation and eliminate it, or let the child be exposed to this harmful sensory input as little as possible. Advise children and teach them how to cope. Use Wilbarger's plan to reduce sensory defenses.

   Another oral pressing technique you can try: Place the index and middle fingers flat between the upper lip and nose, and press gently but firmly, so that the child is deeply touched. .

   The child runs, spins or looks for a sense of movement


   running, rotating and other sports provide strong vestibular and proprioceptive stimulation.

   Try this coping strategy:

   provides sensory recipes through appropriate strong vestibular and proprioceptive inputs. preschoolers like to play the game of catching people or "catch me"; older children can run around the track, participate in relay races, roller skating , or find other ways to repair the vestibular feeling.

   Why does the child touch, bump and close to the body?

   These activities provide soothing proprioception, vestibular and deep touch input.If the child has a high tolerance for pain, it may require a very strong stimulation to produce some sensations. But we should rule out that these behaviors are caused by pain caused by ear infections, because the child may not be able to tell the exact location of the pain.

   try this coping strategy:

   solve the source of pain (if there is a local infection or other diseases, appropriate treatment should be given). Consider adopting Wilbarger's plan to reduce sensory defense. If your child likes to bump his head, he can wear a weighted hat or bicycle helmet to calm him down.

   Children hit, slap, pinch, squeeze, grab and pull


   The hand may be very sensitive compared to other parts of the body, and the sensory input of the palm may help overcome the painful response caused by light touch.

   Try this coping strategy:

   Learn some other ways to gain deep touch pressure and/or load muscles. For example, a child may pull a chair hard, press a desk very hard, or hold his hands tightly together.

   You can try hand massage.Use the Wilbarger program to reduce sensory defenses. Let the therapist help you choose a suitable stress relief kit; children can take these toys with them and play with them. You can also let your child try to wear a variety of bracelets, wristbands and watch straps that can create pressure. Moreover, toys that can produce vibrations are also useful.

   Children play with saliva


   This behavior can provide tactile input to the mouth, fingers and friction points. The mouth is the most sensitive organ of the human body. Children who are developing the ability to receive and accurately process tactile input through their hands often use their mouths to find sensory input.

   When you provide a program designed to increase the sensation-seeking behavior of the mouth, be sure to include hand movements to improve the accuracy of receiving and processing tactile input. If the child seems to be using saliva as a visual input, then some other visual tools or more powerful visual games should be added.

   Try this coping strategy:

   Increase your chances of getting mouth and tactile experience in a day through sensory recipes.

   The child jitters


   This jitter of body joints and muscles provides proprioception to the muscles and joints of the wrists, arms, and shoulders. This feeling of calming oneself through jitter may be a manifestation of feeling overload.

   Try this coping strategy:

   Increase the chance of proprioceptive experience throughout the day through sensory recipes.

   Use Wilbarger sensory defense desensitization treatment to reduce sensory defense. Try to do wall push-ups, two-handed jumps, climbing and wheelbarrow games (you can also put your child's stomach on the physiotherapy ball and walk with his hands). When choosing toys, be sure to let your hands have "heavy work".

   Children like repetitive games


   Children with poor physical awareness and coordination skills often have poor exercise planning skills. The repetitive games are only based on existing skills and do not require complex sports planning.

   Every time a child plays a different game, he must be prepared to change. Children must actively participate in the environment and make plans for sports and play. This may cause stress and difficulty for children. They may be "trapped" in certain actions. Such games may satisfy visual needs for patterns or order (for example, queuing up cars).

   try this coping strategy:

   develop children's gross and fine motor skills; let them play with patterned toys (such as puzzles, dominoes, Lego, beads, span5 span), span5 span _spanBecause the pattern may make them feel soothed.

   Children like to smell things


   Your child is likely to have low sensitivity to smells, so look for heavy smells. Don't forget, smell is innate, it is a clear source of information for children. Children who like to smell will not care about the private space of others, because they must be very close when smelling.

   try this coping strategy:

   provide other scent-oriented experiences in sensory recipes (for example, lotion massage). Prepare a scent box for the child, which contains bottles of different scents. If children are addicted to cleaning products, encourage them to do some cleaning housework every day under the supervision of adults. Rinse a bottle, fill it with colored water, and add the strong smell they like.

   The child has masturbation behavior


   This behavior provides strong tactile stimulation that children can withstand. Many children who have difficulty in tactile processing are more likely to deal with the sensation of touching their genitals.Because this feedback is very strong. Moreover, this kind of feedback is also predictable. They are able to learn movements quickly and repeat them successfully. A simple action can produce strong sensory input. In addition, masturbation is still a rhythmic action, and the rhythm can make people feel calm.

   Try this coping strategy:

   Use sensory recipes to enrich the day's calm tactile experience. Provide opportunities to accurately process sensory input from other parts of the body. Wrap yourself tightly with heavy clothes or elastic bandages, pretend that you are a mummy, and roll a therapy ball or pillow on your child (usually you need to apply your own weight, or let your child get into a bucket full of plastic balls. These methods increase deep touch pressure and calm input.

   Change seats for girls so that they do not sit on the ground and leave the "W" position. Boys should be close to the table. The tabletop can prevent them from touching the genital area. Wilbarger’s plan reduces sensory defenses.

   Pica (containing or eating things that cannot be eaten, such as soil and stones)

_5span6  span    Why is this kind of non-edible object eating? can also transmit vibration to the mandible, which can stimulate the vibration-sensitive vestibular system .

  Try it This coping strategy:

   provides recipes with rich vestibular and proprioception.Use Wilbarger's mouth plan to apply pressure to the lower jaw. Find toys that can vibrate the mouth. Use something crispy as a substitute regularly every day for oral stimulation.

   The above training content is referenced from the book "Sensory Integration-Treatment of Children with Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disabilities" translated by Jia Meixiang, Ji Ning, and Yang Yifan.
