Malaysia, referred to as Malaysia, is a constitutional monarchy and a federal country with its capital Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, the administrative center of the federal government. The country is divided into 13 states and 3 federal territories, with a total area of ​​330,000

Malaysia ( Malay , English: Malaysia), referred to as Malaysia, is a constitutional monarchy federal country with its capital Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, the administrative center of the federal government. The country is divided into 13 states and 3 federal territories, with a total area of ​​330,000 square kilometers. Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia, and its territory is divided into east and west parts by the South China Sea, namely the Malay Peninsula (West Malaysia) and the northern part of Kalimantan (East Malaysia). Malaysia has a population of 32.68 million, of which 269.1% are Malays and 23% are Chinese.

Malaysia is located near the equator and has a tropical rainforest climate and tropical monsoon climate . There are no obvious four seasons. The annual temperature difference changes very little. The average temperature is between 26°C and 30°C. There is abundant rainfall throughout the year, from March to June. The rainy season is from October to February. The average annual temperature in the inland mountainous areas is 22°C to 28°C, and in the coastal plains it is 25°C to 30°C.

The threshold for applying for Malaysian immigration should be according to the normal Malaysian Immigration Act. Immigration applicants generally need to live in Malaysia for more than ten years before they can take the oath of naturalization. Therefore, obtaining a Malaysian Red Card is a prerequisite for immigrating to Malaysia, the so-called second home. It is not a red card. It is a policy introduced by the Malaysian government to attract foreign funds, promote tourism and develop the economy. The purpose is to encourage foreigners to live in Malaysia for a longer period of time.

Malaysian Red Card is a permanent residence card in Malaysia, Malay Officially called Malaysian Red Card (MyPR) Malaysian immigration is based on the Immigration Act Regulations 1959/63. Any foreign citizen who is granted permanent resident status will obtain an entry permit and a red ID card ( MyPR). The permanent resident status has no expiration date and is valid for life. It will exempt you from all visa requirements to enter and live in Malaysia permanently. Like Malaysians, enjoy all local benefits (but not the right to vote and be elected).

Immigration is the right choice by applying for the Malaysian Red Card. With the Red Card, you can permanently enter and exit Malaysia without time and frequency restrictions. There are no strings attached to registering a company in Malaysia. Children enjoy free compulsory education in government schools and engage in No work visa is required for any job, and there is no need to give up the original national loan. You can purchase Malaysian medical insurance. It is suitable for friends who stay in Malaysia for a long time. The threshold is lower than that of Second Home. No asset certificate is required, no deposit certificate is required, is not required, no Proof of income, no limit on the number of houses purchased, and 70%-80% of the mortgage loan from AmBank. The loan interest rate is also low. The husband holds MyPR and the wife has no nationality restrictions. Children born in Malaysia can automatically obtain Malaysian citizenship. (blue ID card).

There is no need to give up your Chinese identity, and you can travel freely to and from Malaysia without a visa for life - there is no time or frequency limit, and you can travel between China and Malaysia at any time; without immigration prison - Immigrate to Malaysia. Unlike other countries, Malaysia is the only country in the world that does not require immigration A country that supervises ; you can work and start a business in Malaysia and enjoy national treatment - Holding MyPR does not require a work permit to engage in any job in Malaysia. There are no restrictions on opening a bank account and registering a Malaysian company; you can enjoy loans and Interest rate concessions - There is no limit to the number of houses and cars you can buy in Malaysia with MyPR, and you can enjoy loan ratios of up to 70-90%, and the annual mortgage interest rate is only about 4%;

Free compulsory education for children - Children can enjoy the government benefits in Malaysia Free and compulsory education provided.Malaysia still implements the British education system, which can create bilingual international education opportunities for children; there are no restrictions on childbirth - not only does Malaysia have no family planning regulations, but the government encourages eugenics, and children can be born as they want without restrictions; MyPR newborns will automatically obtain Malaysian citizenship (Malaysian Blue Card and Malaysian Passport );

Direct visa to a third country in Malaysia - Malaysia has visa-free access to more than 170 countries around the world. It will be very easy to go to a third country with MyPR without returning to China. You can apply directly from Malaysia; dual status, no need to give up the original nationality - with the MyPR red card, except for the Malaysian passport, voting rights and government-funded medical services, others enjoy the same national treatment as local citizens. There are no deposit requirements for the Second Home policy for one-time payment. MyPR red card holders who have held it for more than 5 years can also try to apply for the Malaysia Blue Card.