On the morning of July 15, reporters learned from the press conference on Lanzhou City’s new coronavirus epidemic prevention and control work that as of 10:00 on July 15, Lanzhou City had a total of 47 high-risk areas and 42 medium-risk areas. As the epidemic situation changes, t

On the morning of July 15, reporters learned from the Lanzhou City New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference that as of 10:00 on July 15, Lanzhou City had a total of 47 high-risk areas and 42 medium-risk areas. As the epidemic situation changes, the number of medium- and high-risk areas designated by Lanzhou City has increased significantly. When will these medium- and high-risk areas be lifted? Shi Wei'an, deputy director of the Lanzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, gave an authoritative answer at the press conference.

In order to scientifically and accurately prevent and control the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, in accordance with the provisions of the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)", the risk area delineation standards and prevention and control measures are correspondingly integrated, and high, medium, and The concept of low-risk areas has formed a new risk area delineation and management and control plan to scientifically, accurately, quickly and efficiently control the spread and spillover of the epidemic.

Lanzhou City has established a reporting mechanism for risk area classification. The expert groups on epidemic analysis and judgment at the city and district levels will comprehensively consider the living, working conditions, environment, and activities of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections based on their activity trajectories and epidemic spread risks. Basic information such as the area's airtightness, ventilation conditions, crowd protection conditions, and gatherings of people will be comprehensively evaluated and judged, and high, medium, and low-risk areas will be accurately and scientifically delineated, and will be released to the public by the Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Office.

High-risk areas refer to the residences of cases and asymptomatic infected persons, as well as work places, activity places and other areas with frequent activities and high risk of epidemic spread. In principle, high-risk areas are delineated based on residential communities or villages, and the scope of risk areas can be judged and adjusted based on the results of epidemiological surveys . High-risk areas adopt "door-to-door service without leaving home" lockdown measures.

A high-risk area can be downgraded to a medium-risk area if there are no new infections for 7 consecutive days, and then it can be downgraded to a low-risk area if there are no new infections for 3 consecutive days. Personnel from high-risk areas with cross-regional spillover will be placed under centralized isolation and medical observation for 7 days. A nucleic acid test will be conducted on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days of centralized isolation.

Medium risk areas refer to work places and activity areas where cases and asymptomatic infected persons stay and move for a certain period of time, and where there may be risks of epidemic spread. Medium-risk areas adopt the control measures of "no people leaving the area and picking up items at staggered peak times".

A medium-risk area has no new infections for 7 consecutive days and can be downgraded to a low-risk area. People in medium-risk areas with cross-regional spillover will be subject to home medical observation for 7 days. During the home medical observation period, a nucleic acid test will be carried out on the 1st, 4th and 7th days. If the conditions for home isolation are not met, centralized isolation and medical observation will be adopted.

Other areas in the county (district) where the medium and high risk areas are located are designated as low risk areas. Low-risk areas adopt preventive measures of "personal protection and avoidance of gatherings." People in low-risk areas leaving the region or city should present a negative 48-hour nucleic acid test certificate.

Editor: Ma Rui

Editor in charge: Ma Keyang