The water ghost carried Fang Yitong into a cave and then pulled her down. Lao Xu followed closely. Seeing that Fang Yitong was unconscious, he stepped forward to wake her up, and then took Fang Yitong with him. When he was leaving, he was attacked by a water ghost and slashed beh

The water ghost carried Fang Yitong into a cave and then lowered him down. Lao Xu followed closely behind. Seeing that Fang Yitong was unconscious, he stepped forward to wake her up, and then took Fang Yitong with him. When Tong left, he was attacked by a water ghost and was slashed behind him. Lao Xu told Fang Yitong to leave quickly and fight with the water ghost again. Soon Lao Luo arrived with people and sent Fang Yitong to the hospital. Then he saw Lao Xu and saw that he was almost injured, but Lao Xu asked Lu Xiao to ask for help. Be careful, because the water ghost has a knife on him, and there is more than one person. Lu Xiao asked someone to send Lao Xu to the hospital, and then arranged for Hot Hands to seal the mountain to search for the water ghost.

Cui Shan danced to the voice in the secret room, and then asked them how long they would lock themselves up, and the voice told Cui Shan that Cui Shan should cooperate with him and not always choose to escape.

Lu Xiao led people into the cave, and then asked the people to separate and entered a secret room where he had been imprisoned. What appeared in front of Lu Xiao's eyes were those family models. At this time, the voice appeared. He did not expect that Lu Xiao would find it there. Just then Cui Zhiming appeared and attacked Lu Xiao with a knife. After several rounds of fighting, Cui Zhiming limped away. After that, Lu Xiao chased after Cui Zhiming and killed Cui Zhiming. Unexpectedly, he At this time, a man sneaked into Lu Xiao from the aftermath and knocked him unconscious. After Lao Luo and his men arrived, the CIA sent Lu Xiao to the hospital.

Lu Xiao saw Jiang Yiran in his dream when he was unconscious, and Jiang Yiran told Lu Xiao not to fall asleep anymore and to wake up. Lu Xiao was very nervous and woke up immediately. The person in front of him was indeed Fang Yitong.

Lao Xu’s ex-wife learned that he was injured and was hospitalized and ran over to take care of him. Lao Luo told his ex-wife not to worry and would go with her to find the child and have fun for a few days after finishing the case.

Lao Luo led people to search the secret room. There were some dummies inside. Those people were related to Cui Shan, and there were also several formatted hard drives and photos. There are diving suits and some diving equipment in the secret room, and they are not just one person who attacked Fang Yitong. Cui Shan was later found in the lounge backstage. Now Cui Shan is undergoing a comprehensive physical examination in the hospital, and the results will be out soon.

Lu Xiao took Fang Yitong to the doctor to visit Cui Shan and found that she was doing well. Cui Shan thanked them for saving him. Tell them that the family members inside include parents, some teachers, classmates from school, and some friends. However, Cui Shan couldn't tell who the voice was, but it was very much like a reenactment of the scene on that stage, but he had no ill intentions towards her and provided Cui Shan with many necessities.

Cui Shan met Yu Sheng, who always went to the bar to find him again and again because of too much psychological pressure, so Yu Sheng often gave Cui Shan some drinks.