[Source: Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention_Health Tips] Don’t forget to prevent influenza in hot summer. The latest monitoring data from the National Influenza Center shows that the positive rate of influenza virus detection in southern provinces of my co

[Source: Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention_Health Tips]

In the hot summer,

Don’t forget to prevent influenza

The latest monitoring data from the National Influenza Center shows that the positive rate of influenza virus detection in southern provinces of my country continues to rise, with A(H3N2) Influenza subtypes dominate, and influenza activity in northern provinces is at a very low level. Influenza surveillance results in our province show that in the past two years, type B Victoria strain has been the absolute dominant strain of influenza in our province, and no other influenza subtypes have been detected. Recently, a small amount of A(H3N2) subtype has been detected in some cities and states in our province. influenza virus, suggesting that subtype A(H3N2) influenza has also become active in our province.

A (H3N2) influenza What is the difference?

The dominant influenza strain raging in southern provinces this time is subtype A(H3N2) influenza virus. Influenza A(H3N2) subtype is a common influenza subtype with strong contagiousness, high incidence rate, and wide prevalence. It should be vigilant and paid attention to.

Can there be flu in summer?

Some friends may be wondering: Doesn’t influenza occur more frequently in winter and spring? Is there also influenza in the summer? The answer is yes: summer isn't just about high temperatures and heavy rains, it's also about the flu. Southern provinces generally have two epidemic peaks every year, one in summer and autumn, and one in winter and spring. Northern provinces generally have one epidemic peak in winter and spring. But this does not mean that there will never be influenza outside the epidemic peak, and due to the influence of various factors, the epidemic peak of influenza may be "early" or "delayed".

Flu knowledge, do it again!

#What is influenza?

Influenza is the abbreviation of influenza , also known as seasonal influenza. It is a respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza viruses (divided into four types: A, B, C and D). It is the main cause of human infection and is seasonal. It is type A (A) (mainly H3N2, H1N1), type B (B) (Victoria line, Yamagata line) influenza virus.

#How the flu is spread:

Influenza patients and latent infections are the main sources of infection. They are mainly spread through droplets. They can also be spread through direct or indirect contact through mucous membranes such as the oral cavity, nasal cavity, and eyes. The common incubation period is 1-4 days (average 2 days), and the disease is contagious from the end of the incubation period to the acute phase of the disease. Cluster epidemics are prone to occur in crowded places such as medical institutions, schools, child care institutions and nursing homes.

#Who is susceptible to influenza?

The entire population is generally susceptible and acquires a certain degree of immunity after infection, but the duration is short and there is no cross-immunity between different subtypes. The elderly, young children, obese people, pregnant women and patients with chronic diseases are high-risk groups for severe influenza.

#What are the symptoms of influenza:

Generally, patients will have a sudden fever, with a body temperature of 39°C to 40°C, and symptoms such as fatigue, high fever, chills, headache, body aches, etc., often accompanied by symptoms such as sore throat, cough, and nasal congestion. , runny nose , conjunctival congestion, etc. Infants and young children often have symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. A small number of patients suffer from complications such as pneumonia, myositis, myocarditis, pericarditis, and nervous system damage.

#What to do if you have flu symptoms:

Go to the hospital promptly. Patients and their attendants need to wear masks to avoid cross-infection. Try to avoid going into public places and reduce close contact with people around you. If you really need to go out, you should wear a mask. While at home, the room should be kept ventilated, wash hands frequently, drink plenty of water, get adequate rest, and eat a diet that is easy to digest and nutritious; closely observe changes in the condition, especially in children and elderly patients; high-risk groups are prone to severe influenza and can use antiviral treatment as early as possible; Avoid blind or inappropriate use of antibiotics. Use antipyretic drugs rationally. Children should not use aspirin or preparations containing aspirin and other salicylic acid.

How to prevent the flu?

●Influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza. It can reduce the risk of influenza and serious complications in recipients. It is recommended that key groups such as the elderly aged 60 and above, children between 6 months and 5 years old, pregnant women, family members and caregivers of children under 6 months old, patients with chronic diseases and medical personnel receive priority annual influenza vaccination.

According to monitoring data from the National Influenza Center, most of the A(H3N2) subtype influenza viruses circulating this time are similar to the 2021-2022 epidemic and vaccine strains, suggesting that the influenza vaccine received last year has a protective effect on this epidemic.

●Maintaining good personal hygiene habits is an important means to prevent influenza. Wear a mask, especially disposable masks when entering public places; wash your hands frequently and do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands; pay attention to respiratory etiquette, cover your mouth and nose with tissues when coughing or sneezing; open windows frequently for ventilation , eat a balanced diet and exercise moderately; try to avoid going to crowded places during the influenza season.

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