Who is the most contrasting rich man in China? He squatted deep in the mountains eating wild vegetables for decades, dug out 1,900 tons of gold from the ground, and achieved the myth of the King of Gold. Just when everyone thought he was a hard-working and conservative entreprene

Who is the most contrasting rich man in China?

He squatted deep in the mountains for decades eating wild vegetables, dug out 1,900 tons of gold from the ground, and became the myth of the King of Gold. Just when everyone thought he was a hard-working and conservative entrepreneur, he married his younger self in a high-profile manner 25 The 2-year-old spoiled wife has set off media public opinion. She can be called the most contrasting rich man. He is the Chinese gold mining king Chen Jinghe .

So what kind of legendary experience does Chen Jinghe have that makes him have such a contrasting personality? How did he start from scratch and become a billionaire?

1. The Difficult Path to Knowledge

Like all poor children of the last century, Chen Jinghe was born in Longyan, Fujian in 1957. At that time, Longyan, Fujian was not considered a large agricultural town. Chen Jinghe’s childhood can also be described as poor. Because Longyan Mountain has many fields and few fields, it is not suitable for agricultural production.

In order to support his family, Chen Jinghe worked in the fields with his parents every day. He was busy climbing mountains and rivers. He loved the magnificent scenery on the top of the mountain and developed a strong interest in geological rocks. And with his excellent geography scores, he was affectionately named the "Little Prince of Geography" by his teacher.

With his interest in geography, Chen Jinghe finally applied for the geography major and entered Fujian University to study. At that time, college students were very scarce talents. After graduation, they would be assigned an iron rice bowl package. Chen Jinghe was assigned to work in Zishan County, Fujian Province based on his major.

Around 1980, the country was intensively conducting geological exploration across the country in an attempt to discover precious ore resources. Chen Jinghe was busy with work. As an exploration pioneer, he stayed in the barren mountains and ridges all day, eating wild vegetables and drinking stream water. The fields are hard, and many college graduates who cannot bear it have sought connections to transfer out of their posts, but Chen Jinghe is full of enthusiasm for this work.

This passion lasted for ten years. Ten years later, Chen Jinghe and his co-workers who had changed jobs several times finally discovered the gold mine and danced with joy. When he told the local department the news, a basin of cold water poured over him from head to toe.

2. Resigned resolutely and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship

After the local department heard that the gold mine was dug out, they were very excited and went to the mountain to detect it. However, due to technical and cognitive deviations, only a small amount of gold mine was observed and they were prepared to put into production a small amount. , which made Chen Jinghe, who had spent a lot of energy, very angry.

He explained to department comrades over and over again that there was a large gold mine down there, but the staff turned a deaf ear and was not prepared to adopt Chen Jinghe's suggestion. Chen Jinghe thought that he had spent ten years exploring for gold mines, but what he finally got was this ending. Regardless, Chen Jinghe made a life-changing decision, that is, to leave the exploration team and become a developer himself.

But it’s easy to say, but where does the money for this development come from? After Chen Jinghe was impulsive, he began to fall into a dilemma. At this time, his wife helped him solve the difficulty.

Chen Jinghe's first wife Lai Jinlian comes from a well-off family, and she and Chen Jinghe have been in love since they were in high school. Although Chen Jinghe was busy with his career and rarely cared about his family after marriage, Lai Jinlian has always supported her husband's decision. When her husband encountered difficulties, he immediately took out all his savings to fund his entrepreneurial career.

Facts have proved that Chen Jinghe's vision was correct. The gold mine he developed was a great success, and he took this opportunity to establish Zijin Mining . Frequent acquisitions of gold mines in the international market have always resulted in huge profits. This has also enabled Chen Jinghe's Zijin Mining to quickly achieve an output value of 100 million yuan, and he has become a veritable gold king of China.

But just when Chen Jinghe was feeling proud, an accident suddenly happened.

3. Marrying a sweet wife caused controversy

Lai Jinlian was a hard-working woman. In the ten years after marrying Chen Jinghe, her husband worked in the mountains and rarely came home. She took care of the housework and took care of the children alone, and worked hard for half her life. After her husband finally became famous and became a rich man in China, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer in another check-up. Even though Chen Jinghe held trillions of assets, he was helpless and passed away in 2019.

What's even more ironic is that just a year later, when everyone thought that Chen Jinghe was still in mourning for his deceased wife, he made a high-profile announcement that he was getting married to his wife, who was 25 years younger than him. He entertained countless guests, triggering widespread concern from society.

Faced with the heated discussion in the society, Chen Jinghe went his own way and didn't care. However, his and Lai Jinlian's children also felt unbelievable and openly questioned their father's decision. In order to maintain the stability of the newly formed family, Chen Jinghe decided to delegate power and leave Zijin Mining to his children to take care of , while he enjoyed family happiness with his beloved wife and gradually disappeared from the public eye.


Chen Jinghe is an entrepreneur who can endure hardships. For his ambition, he has been able to work hard in geological exploration in deep mountains for 10 years without any complaints. But he is also an ordinary man who will marry a beautiful wife 25 years younger than him after his wife dies. There is no right or wrong in this matter, no one is perfect, but the contrast between before and after is really surprising.

What do you want to say about the Chinese gold mining king who can eat wild vegetables on the mountains for ten years and marry a beautiful wife who is 25 years younger? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.