International Online Report (Reporter Zhao Yuanfang): In Qatar, on the shores of the Persian Gulf in western Asia, there is a group of Communist Party members who stick to their original aspirations, take root on the front lines, and devote their best years to the country’s “Belt

International Online Report (Reporter Zhao Yuanfang): In Qatar, on the shores of the Persian Gulf in western Asia, there is a group of Communist Party members who stick to their original aspirations, take root on the front lines, and devote their best years to the country’s “One Belt, One Road” construction; they promote advanced Chinese technology, equipment, and construction management are "going global", making the golden sign of "Made in China" shine brighter and brighter; they actively fulfill their social responsibilities, not only help local areas improve infrastructure, but also provide a large number of employment opportunities and cultivate professional and technical talents. , to help local economic and social development. They are the builders of the E-standard project department of China Energy Construction Gezhouba Group Qatar large-scale water supply project.

Project construction site

About 70 kilometers south by car from Doha, , the capital of Qatar, a large-scale municipal project integrating seawater desalination, water storage, and water supply stands in the hinterland of the desert. Each of the reservoirs in this project can store 500,000 cubic meters of water. A total of 15 reservoirs can meet the water needs of the people of Qatar for 7 days. This is one of the most important livelihood projects in the local area. Among them, Section E includes two reservoirs, a pressurized pumping station and bypass pipeline projects. It is constructed by China Energy Construction Gezhouba Group. This is one of the key construction projects implemented by the group in countries along the "Belt and Road". one. Wang Shaohua, the project manager of

, joined the project department when the project was launched in April 2015. Problems were encountered at the beginning of the project. During the construction of the project's No. 1 milestone bypass pipeline, Wang Shaohua discovered that the feasibility of the owner's design was too low. Therefore, Wang Shaohua led the project team to combine the on-site geological conditions and innovation in construction technology to reduce the pipeline installation work that originally took 12 months to 9 months, making the E-standard project the first to be completed among the five tender sections that started construction during the same period. tasks and achieved good results in subsequent pipeline pressure testing work, which has been highly appreciated and promoted by owners and industry insiders. With just one move, Chinese technology has made a name for itself in the Qatari construction market.

project employees at the construction site

E The core project of the E-standard project is two reservoirs with a single capacity of 500,000 cubic meters. They are called "the largest drinking water reservoirs in the world". The difficulty of construction can be imagined. Moreover, Qatar is hot and dry, with strong sandstorms and strong sunshine, which is an all-round test for construction technology. Sun Wenjun, the chief accountant of the project, said, "Qatar's construction standards are closely aligned with Europe and the United States, and have extremely strict requirements on engineering design, construction quality and management level. For example, the owner will ask us to clean the steel bars on the bottom of the pool to be spotless before pouring concrete. , can be said to be cleaner than the bowls we eat. In addition, the local climate in Qatar is extremely harsh, with continuous high temperatures for more than 6 months every year. The highest temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius, and the wind speed in the desert hinterland often exceeds 60 kilometers per hour. Under such conditions, it is very difficult for engineering projects to meet high standards of specification requirements. "

In order to deal with the technical difficulties in the project, the Chinese builders started from the engineering design and carefully collected relevant international technical provisions and current specification requirements. , working with international teams to continuously optimize project design plans. On the other hand, a specialized technical research team was established with party members as the core, and repeated scientific research, discussion and practice, and finally conquered the project's core technologies such as ultra-high thin-walled concrete construction and pool floor segmentation construction. Wang Shaohua is deeply proud of this. Wang Shaohua said: "Our pools all passed the leakage test in one go, and the leakage volume and settlement volume all met the specifications and contract requirements. The overall project quality ranked among the best among the five pool project sections that were started during the same period, and we got the award. Highly praised by the owner and supervision engineer "

project manager Wang Shaohua in the office

At present, the project has entered the critical stage of completion and handover, joint debugging and commissioning. Mechanical and electrical manager Weng Sui feels deeply responsible. Weng Sui said: "Our project is large in size, involves a wide range of professions, and has a high degree of automation. The system is complex, including the main pump unit, power distribution system , voltage regulation protection system, HVAC , chlorine disinfection, and fire protection. The installation, joint debugging and testing of 27 systems such as alarms, water supply and drainage, backup power supply, and oil supply systems are the most difficult aspects of the entire project."

However, compared with the severe period of the new coronavirus epidemic, Weng Sui said that the current burden is nothing. At that time, the project's mechanical and electrical debugging personnel and related equipment and materials were blocked from entering the site, which caused the debugging and installation work to not be carried out smoothly, seriously affecting the progress of the project. While actively communicating with owners, subcontractors, and suppliers, Weng Sui strives to promote the timely arrival of personnel, machinery, equipment, and materials. At the same time, he organizes business training to make up for the shortage of personnel by improving operational levels. Under this circumstance, a group of pioneer party members emerged in the project department who were not afraid of hardships and took the initiative to take on the work, effectively promoting the implementation of the project.

Weng Sui said: "We have about a dozen subcontractors every day, in seven or eight working positions. During the only 8 hours of construction time, different systems, different processes, and different types of work were divided into different systems to ensure safe and orderly construction. This requires us to be meticulous and thoughtful in organization and make response plans in terms of progress, quality, and safety, so as to ensure the smooth completion of non-stop construction. There are many party members and comrades on our project who rush to the front, stick to the front line, and sweat profusely every day, but no one has ever complained about suffering or tiredness. "While

is promoting project construction, the project department also actively fulfills its social responsibilities, not only providing a large number of employment opportunities to Qatar and cultivating professional and technical talents, but also actively participating in local public welfare activities such as blood donation and community service. During the peak period, the project There are more than 3,400 construction workers, and the ratio of Chinese to foreign workers is 1:1. Many Chinese builders provide assistance to foreign workers and provide them with step-by-step professional training from Egypt . Senior mechanical engineer Heidi said, “I joined China Energy Construction Group in October 2015, which has been nearly 7 years. This was a great experience. I met many Chinese friends and worked with them. I learned a lot, new culture and new experiences. In 2019, I also went to China as an outstanding employee of the project. Everything in China is so beautiful and I like China. "

On the project, Haidi's most familiar Chinese friend is Liu Yi. When it comes to Liu Yi, everyone in the project department knows and knows about Chinese and foreign employees. Many foreign employees are willing to ask him for help in all matters. And Liu Yi Liu Yi also feels lucky to have been trained and grown in such a group: "In the Qatar Project Department, we have experienced hardships and ups and downs, and endured worries and worries, but thankfully, this night road full of twists and turns has always been there. Full of faith. I am very lucky to have such a group of like-minded people around me who always support you when you are in trouble and bring you joy when you are sad. As the saying goes, when people unite, mountains can move. I believe that with our united struggle, victory will belong to us. "

Wang Shaohua, Sun Wenjun, Weng Sui, Liu Yi... They are the epitome of thousands of outstanding party members working overseas. They are loyal to their duties, willing to contribute, brave to innovate, and use practical actions to fulfill their original mission. They put Tears and sweat were shed on the desert and wasteland, and the "Made in China" business card shined on the shores of the Persian Gulf.

Internal structure of the pressurized pumping station

Project construction site
