#Talk about the people and things in state-owned enterprises in the past, so that more people can understand the development history of the enterprise. #The values ​​​​and good atmosphere of enterprise employees are gradually accumulated and formed through long-term and solid wor

# Talk about the people and things in state-owned enterprises in the past, so that more people can understand the development process of the enterprise. #

The values ​​​​and good atmosphere of enterprise employees are gradually accumulated and formed through long-term and solid work of the enterprise's grassroots party organizations. From the beginning of

decades ago to now, corporate newspapers and TV stations of state-owned enterprises above designated size have fully played this effective role.

, every ordinary worker can become a household name "star" of various kinds, and truly realize the use of things around him to educate the people around him

"Xiao Ming, last night, I saw your father on TV." ;

"Li Wei of the Machinery Branch made another major invention in his spare time";

"An old employee of a transportation company bravely rescued a young girl in the face of gangsters on his way home from work";

"A local expert conquered foreign equipment and saved money for the company. Millions" and so on...

This is the title and column that I often saw and heard in corporate interviews in the past when the "corporate newspapers" and "corporate TV stations" of some companies reported the advanced deeds of ordinary employees of the company.

The timely publicity of these advanced deeds at the grassroots level has not only turned these ordinary workers into well-known stars within the enterprise. At the same time, it has truly set an example for the majority of employees and their families to follow.

also provided a lot of good grassroots materials to some major newspaper reporters in a timely manner. Let some good things at the grassroots level spread to all parts of the country in a timely manner. The key is that some small people can also be famous all over the country.

For example, around 1996, several good traditional management methods of a large state-owned enterprise appeared in mainstream media such as People's Daily and Workers' Daily . There are actually many such examples.

2. Allow ordinary employees to keep abreast of various current political news and key points of corporate development

In the past, many large state-owned enterprises, due to their location in remote areas, had corporate daily newspapers and TV stations with even higher circulation and ratings than local media. .

The corporate daily newspapers of many companies are not only nationally unified publications approved by the State Press and Publication Administration , but also have nationally unified press cards issued to their editorial staff after passing assessments.

For this reason, party organizations at all levels of the enterprise attach great importance to the spiritual civilization construction of employees and their families. At the same time, it serves as the foundation for the long-term development of the enterprise.

Newspapers and TV stations of various enterprises have become one of the main communication channels for the party's major policies.

In addition, employees can not only grasp the company's development plans and directions immediately, but also provide timely opinions and suggestions.

Third, it can not only play a role in supervising bad habits, but also serve as a position to cultivate the sentiments of employees.

For example, at that time, the phenomenon of private use of public cars in a certain company was quite prominent. After being exposed by corporate newspapers, the adverse phenomena were quickly resolved.

In other companies, after grassroots employees reported individual bad phenomena to the company's newspapers and TV stations, they were exposed after investigation by reporters, and the company's party committee immediately focused on solving them.

In addition, grassroots correspondents will also submit articles to newspapers and TV stations immediately about the good deeds of company employees. At the same time, the literary section of the company newspaper is also a good place for many employees to publish their literary works such as poems, essays and novels.

html Starting around 1995, many large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises were "privatized". Some of these enterprise party organization propaganda agencies have been abolished, and some have been "unburdened" and relegated to local governments.

Except for some central enterprises that still retain "Enterprise Daily", not many existing local state-owned enterprises have survived.

In short, whether it is the corporate newspapers and TV stations of state-owned enterprises in the past, or the retained corporate media now, they are not only important propaganda positions for the grassroots party organizations of enterprises, but also play a key role in the construction of spiritual civilization of enterprises.