[Source: Peninsula Morning News] Let me talk about my blind date experience. Netizen @热**** recently everyone has been discussing about AA blind dates. In fact, it doesn’t really matter to me whether AA or not. I plan to go on a blind date, but I don’t The so-called whoring is a

[Source: Peninsula Morning News]

Let’s talk about my blind date experience

Netizen @热****

Recently, everyone has been discussing about AA blind dates. In fact, I really don’t care whether AA or AA is not involved. I plan to go on a blind date. Yeah, it's not like you're getting a free meal. For me, the most important thing is whether the person you are dating is suitable. The blind date partner is very good and suitable. If he proposes AA, I will gladly accept it. If the blind date is not suitable and has a questionable character, I will refuse even if I am invited to a big dinner. Then I thought about how I met a very strange person when I was on a blind date two years ago, and I would like to share it with you.

He was introduced by my family. He is the child of a relative and neighbor at home. We chatted pretty well on WeChat at first, saying good morning and good night every day, and sharing our daily routines every day. We also sent photos to each other, but I was relatively fat at that time, 165cm, 75kg. I was afraid that he would mind, so I told him frankly that the photo showed me slimming down, and I would be a little fatter in real life. He said it didn't matter, the most important thing was that we could have a good conversation, so I felt a little relieved. After chatting for about two weeks, he asked me to meet and we made a reservation at a Western restaurant. After he saw me, he acted very disappointed, and his words were not as enthusiastic as before, but rather cold. He didn’t ask me what he wanted to eat. We didn’t say a few words to each other and just kept looking at our phones. I started a topic and he responded in a cursory manner. I knew he disliked me for being fat. The key point came. When we were almost finished eating, he said that the company suddenly asked him to work overtime, so he left first. Even if he left, he actually skipped the bill! Let me foot the bill. I was speechless. At night, I was a little angry that he was so rude. I wanted to ask him for AA, but guess what happened? An exclamation point , I was blocked. Absolutely! Absolutely amazing!

After this incident, I made up my mind to lose weight and never be treated like this again just because I am fat! Fortunately, I lost 25 pounds in half a year and successfully found a partner. A few days ago, my mother said that that person was still on a blind date, which was really hilarious.

Source: 19th Floor

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