With a weight of 300 kilograms and a height of 1.8 meters, he has a 100% turn-around rate wherever he goes. The 36-year-old fat boy Xiao Wang has been single for many years and has been on blind dates 6 times. After the girl saw him, she said hello awkwardly, and then nothing hap

"The girl turned around and left when she saw me. This is my sixth failed blind date."

html With a weight of 2,300 pounds and a height of 1.8 meters, wherever he goes, he has a 100% turn-around rate. The 36-year-old fat boy Xiao Wang has been single for many years and has been on blind dates 6 times. After the girl saw him, she said hello awkwardly, and then nothing happened...

Xiao Wang has been plump since he was a child, and he has an amazing appetite. , after college, food intake increased steadily with weight. Due to work reasons, Xiao Wang has often been sedentary in recent years, and his weight has soared to 300 pounds.

After body fat percentage inspection, it was found that Xiao Wang’s BMI value reached 52kg/㎡! Being overweight, he seemed clumsy in any movement. He was out of breath after taking two steps, sweating profusely when climbing a flight of stairs. He dozed off all day long. Once, he drove late at night and almost dozed off due to lack of oxygen, causing a serious car accident...

Being overweight also caused problems. Xiao Wang brought a series of diseases. After examination, it was found that Xiao Wang suffered from high blood pressure, sleep apnea syndrome, fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, pulmonary insufficiency, etc.

In order to return his body indicators to normal levels, and to change his image and successfully date, Xiao Wang made up his mind to lose weight, set the goal at 140 pounds, and began to lose weight through diet.

In order to lose weight quickly, Xiao Wang often only eats one meal. As a result, he developed dizziness, anemia and was admitted to the hospital.

1. How harmful is obesity?

"One person who is fat will suffer from all kinds of diseases". Obesity not only looks "bulky" in appearance, but also brings many health problems. Chen Wei, chief physician of the Medical Nutrition and Weight Loss Clinic of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that the harm of obesity is lifelong, and almost all organs in the body may be affected by obesity.

1. High risk of vascular disease

Atherosclerosis is related to blood vessel fat. The more fat accumulates in the arteries, the worse the arterial function. As the blood vessel walls continue to thicken, the blood flow will decrease accordingly, leading to heart failure. Insufficient blood supply, therefore, the risk of thrombosis and systemic blood circulation deterioration will be greatly increased.

2. Causing kidney disease

Obesity can cause hyperlipidemia. As fat circulates in the blood, it may also increase the fat content of the kidneys, increase the size of the kidneys, and cause glomeruli to become hypertrophic, leading to kidney damage and various causes. Kidney problems.

3. Cause joint diseases

Excessive weight is also a load on the joints, such as knee joints and ankles, which are prone to greater pressure due to the weight of the body, especially when climbing, squatting, taking stairs, and jumping, it is harmful to This creates strong pressure on the joints, which can lead to damage and joint inflammation.

4. Causes cervical spondylosis

Obesity will also increase the load on neck muscles, making the neck muscles tight for a long time, easily causing muscle strain, joint dislocation, and bone hyperplasia.

5. Causes diabetes

Obesity is one of the risk factors for diabetes. Because the fat content in the blood of obese people is high, it will promote the secretion of a large amount of insulin and control blood sugar, leading to glucose and lipid metabolism disorders, elevated blood sugar, and ultimately the development of diabetes. occur.

2. If a man is 170-180cm tall, what is the right weight?

A survey and analysis by the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that there are two "important ages" for people to become obese. One is at the age of 25, when the obesity rate begins to soar; the other is before the age of 40 and weight loss after the age of 40. more difficult.

Body mass index is the standard for measuring obesity. The specific formula is BMI (body mass index) = weight (KG)/height (M)². A BMI less than 18 is considered underweight, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is within the normal range, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI above 30 is considered obese.

recommends that everyone keep their body mass index around 25.For example: Zhang Yi is 180cm tall and weighs 70kg, then his body mass index is 70/1.8²=21.6. Therefore, Zhang Yi’s BMI falls within the normal range. But don’t be too afraid if it’s a little over 25. As long as it doesn’t exceed 29.9, you’re not considered obese. Are you at your weight? You might as well calculate it according to the formula.

3. Don’t lose weight blindly. Being too thin is harmful.

If the body is too thin, the fat and protein in the body will be reduced, which will also bring a series of adverse consequences to the body.

People who are too thin and have insufficient fat support in the abdominal wall will appear flabby and have weak abdominal muscles. The muscles and ligaments of the stomach will be loose and weak, the abdominal pressure will drop, and gastric motility will weaken, thus causing gastroptosis.

Secondly, anemia has a direct impact on body weight. If you eat too little, your basal metabolism will slow down, your gastrointestinal motility will also become slow, and nutrients cannot be absorbed, making people prone to anemia.

Furthermore, blind weight loss may also cause memory loss . Fat is an important source of energy for the human body. When the brain is functioning, it can help the brain process information and enhance memory. If the body is too thin, the fat required by the brain is not supplied enough, and the person will become sluggish, which directly affects memory.

Not only that, the risk of hair loss will also increase for people who are too thin. Protein is one of the main components of hair. For people who are emaciated and have insufficient protein in their bodies, their hair will slowly lose its luster and hair loss may occur.

The way Xiao Wang blindly loses weight in the story is unscientific. Blind dieting to lose weight is not only easy to harm the body, but also has strong rebound. It is recommended that everyone maintain a healthy weight and do not blindly regard thinness as beauty.

4. Learn 4 tips to manage your weight healthily

It is not difficult to manage your figure well. Persisting in doing these 4 things will help you maintain a healthy weight.

1. Eat a balanced diet

and follow a three-meal rule. At each meal, pay attention to controlling the ratio of meat and vegetables, pay attention to the intake of carbohydrates and fat, increase the intake of vegetables and fruits, and reduce the intake of fried foods, drinks, etc.

2. Swallow in small mouths

When eating, chew carefully and slowly, chewing each mouthful 15-20 times before swallowing. This will not only help the body's digestion, but also increase the feeling of fullness and reduce food intake.

3. Keep exercising

It is recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes a week. You can choose different exercises according to the calories you need to consume. Running, skipping rope , swimming, etc. are all exercises that consume a lot of money. They are suitable for obese people, but they cannot exercise too much. , before exercising, make sure you know whether you are suitable for the sport. If you feel unwell, stop immediately.

4. Keep a "weight" diary

Write down your daily diet, exercise, and weight in detail, and correct any items you do poorly. Self-discipline is also a key factor in losing weight.

The impact of obesity on physical health cannot be ignored. There is no shortcut to maintaining a healthy weight. "Shut up and keep your legs open" is the healthy and effective way. Are you the "perfect weight"? #HealthTruthPlan#


[1] "Don't make yourself too fat!" Exceeding this standard will result in a loss of nearly 14 years of life! 》. Health Times .2021-07-08

[2]《On the road to becoming fat, there are two important age thresholds! Every pound of your weight is linked to your health! .Health Times.2021-06-30

[3] "Thin people are more susceptible to 10 diseases than fat people!" A formula to calculate the "lower limit" of weight". Life Times. 2017-08-29

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