Resources and energy are the material basis for human survival and development. With the rapid development of economy and society, my country's dependence on foreign oil and gas resources continues to rise, and the energy security situation becomes more severe. The vast ocean, es

Resources and energy are the material basis for human survival and development. With the rapid development of economy and society, my country's dependence on foreign oil and gas resources continues to rise, and the energy security situation becomes more severe. The vast ocean, especially the deep sea, is a potential resource treasure house that has not yet been fully recognized and utilized by humans. It contains most of the earth's manganese, cobalt, copper, nickel and other metal minerals, as well as abundant oil and gas resources, flammable ice, , etc. . The development and utilization of deep-sea resources and energy are of strategic value to my country's resource supply security and national economic development.

Most of the marine resources and energy are found on the deep seabed, and it is extremely difficult to develop and utilize them. Our country's understanding of the mechanism of deep seabed mineralization and accumulation is not sufficient, and it is unable to realize seabed geological surveys and long-term detection of seabed geophysical fields; The South China Sea flammable ice is about to enter a large-scale mining stage, and it is necessary to monitor the stability of seabed geology and seabed geophysical fields. Environmental protection has put forward new requirements; for the mining blocks of polymetallic sulfide mining areas in the Pacific and Western Indian Oceans, there is an urgent need to select mineralization-rich areas to meet the exclusive exploration rights block requirements stipulated in the " United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ". Therefore, it is necessary to develop and apply high-end marine science equipment to promote the development and utilization of marine resources.

Xunyu Ji will rationally utilize and develop marine resources and protect the marine environment while developing marine resources.