Shopify independent station is also one of the main platforms for sellers to go overseas. The threshold is relatively low and the risk is relatively low. So how does Shopify distribute and deliver goods? Shopify distribution and delivery methods: 1. Enter the Shopify backend, fin

Shopify independent website is also one of the main platforms for sellers to go overseas. The threshold is relatively low and the risk is relatively low. So how does Shopify distribute and deliver goods?

Shopify distribution and delivery method:

1. Enter the Shopify backend, find settings, then set the shipping address and delivery area, and add freight or activate freight calculation.

 2.: Find the order, find the unshipped order, select the location you want to use, and click Save; if you are using Shopify Shipping to ship, you must choose to create a shipping label in Unshipped.

  3.: Then change the quantity of the product to be shipped and select the shipping method;

  4.: Enter the shipping waybill number in the waybill number part of the order. The buyer can or see the tracking URL in the email. . You can choose your own shipping carrier.

 5: If the customer's email address is stored, you can choose whether to send the shipping information to the customer immediately.

6: After clicking to confirm shipment, the order information in the Shopify backend will be updated, and you can see which ones have been shipped and which ones have not been shipped.

 7: If the seller wants to see the order shipping information or add the tracking number, he needs to add tracking in the shipped order.

Although you can also use Shopify to distribute goods, whether you want to make high-quality products or distribute goods, you have to choose according to your own situation. For sellers with refined operations, order volume will only grow, not fall. If there is a conversion rate and visitor value, good traffic will come in. It is very important to do a good job in data analysis.

The above is all about how Shopify distributes and delivers goods. For more information, please follow us. Cross-border e-commerce information is updated in real time every day!