I have to admit that business is indeed more difficult to do now than before, and it is not generally difficult. After all, in the past, business was mainly done in regional markets, such as a city, where competition was not so fierce because in a small or medium-sized city, the

has to admit that business is indeed more difficult to do now than before, and it is not generally difficult. After all, in the past, business was mainly done in regional markets, such as a city, where competition was not so fierce because in a small or medium-sized city, the number of companies selling similar products was limited. With the rapid development of e-commerce, there are thousands or tens of thousands of companies selling similar products in an e-commerce market, and competition is naturally much more intense than in the past.

However, the difficulty of doing business is not only caused by market competition, but more importantly, by the businessmen themselves. why would you say so? Because even now, there are still many new companies emerging, especially many new companies that are doing extremely hot business. Why are they successful but your business is so difficult?

1. Do not want to change

Faced with the rapid development of Internet marketing, many businessmen still do not regard Internet marketing as the company's business strategy . Although some companies have established official websites and official WeChat accounts, they are all for show and have almost no content.

These companies that have not done well in business still like to use traditional thinking and concepts to do business, and use experience to do business, which is very fatal. Typical manifestations are that they don't want to innovate and only want to imitate; they just want to earn the price difference at a low price, but they feel that the price difference is getting harder and harder to earn.

2. Pursue simplicity

There is a popular saying in the e-commerce market that e-commerce should be simple and crude. Is this correct?

Everyone hopes to make a lot of money by doing business in a very simple way. However, if doing business is simple and you can sell products and make money back, will there still be a career as a businessman?

The prerequisite for making business simple is that the businessman's products have been recognized by consumers, that is, the product has high visibility and reputation, so doing business will naturally be simple. However, if the businessman's product awareness and reputation are low, simply doing business is tantamount to suicide.

3. Not listening to users

Xiaomi boss Lei Jun and Three Squirrels Boss Zhang Liaoyuan . In the early days of their company, not only did the management require them to go online for an hour every day to serve as customer service, but the boss himself also You have to go online for an hour to work as customer service. The reason is to listen to the voices of users and understand how satisfied they are with our products and services, so that we can make corresponding marketing strategies in a timely manner and formulate effective marketing strategies and policies.

4. Don’t use young employees

The Internet era belongs to the era of young people. The post-80s, 90s and 00s are the main force of Internet consumption. Therefore, companies should pay attention to the role of young people. When formulating marketing strategies and product copywriting, they should listen more to the opinions and suggestions of young employees, which will be more conducive to the development of the company.

5. No review

If an enterprise wants to become stronger and bigger, it must be good at summarizing experience and lessons, and must constantly conduct reviews. Only by constantly reviewing, carrying forward good experiences, overcoming bad practices, and making a little progress every day can the company develop rapidly.