In a small coal mine near Kunlun, two groups of people were arguing fiercely. Both sides were eager to argue, their faces were red, and it had reached the point of fighting. Soon, the two swords began to fight, and the side with more people naturally had the advantage.

In a small coal mine near Kunlun, two groups of people were arguing fiercely. Both sides were eager to quarrel, their faces were red, and it had reached the point of fighting.

Soon, the two swords began to fight, and the side with more people naturally had the advantage.

The leader of the disadvantaged side was beaten by many people and had no power to fight back. He could only huddle on the ground with his head in his hands to protect himself.


At this moment, two big brown bears rushed down from the mountains not far away.

The dominant party hid in the car when they saw this, but the brown bear did not let these guys go and surrounded the car.

Kunlun Mountain , the first sacred mountain in China.

It starts from the Pamir Plateau in the east, runs across Xinjiang and Tibet, and extends to Qinghai. It is known as the "ancestor of thousands of mountains".

Since ancient times, the legend about Kunlun has never stopped.

In ancient times, people called Kunlun Mountain the "ancestor of dragon veins" in China, where immortals lived. It is said that the Queen Mother of the West lives on it and is served by two blue birds.

Of course, these are just legends.

Even today, there are countless legends about Kunlun Mountain.

Although the legend cannot be fully believed, the status and importance of Kunlun Mountain cannot be denied. Over thousands of years, it has accumulated extremely rich resources and provided indelible wealth to future generations.

As business becomes increasingly sluggish, thirty-one-year-old Zhao Jie plans to find another way to make money.

In less than a year, Zhao Jie found a new way to dig coal. Of course, this does not refer to being a coal miner, but to being a coal boss yourself.

Since Zhao Jie is from Sichuan, he fell in love with the Kunlun Mountains. It is said that the minerals there are very rich.

In 2002, Zhao Jie used the savings he earned from his business and borrowed some money from his former business partners. Regardless of the objections of his family and friends, he invested all of his savings in the coal mining business.

Everything is very difficult at the beginning. The

mining process did not go as smoothly as Zhao Jie imagined. More than half a year passed, and the money was spent like running water.

Money is needed for equipment, workers’ wages, etc., but the returns are not seen at all.

People around me began to gossip, saying that if we don’t do good business, we have to learn how to open a coal mine. Is this okay?

not only lost his previous money, but also owed a lot of debt.

Zhao Jie did not explain these gossips, nor was he angry.

Because he feels that it is all in vain. The business is making money, but it has begun to go downhill. Some people will say that even going downhill is better than losing money.

But people are different and their pursuits are also different. Zhao Jie feels that he is still young and wants to take advantage of this opportunity to fight hard.

Moreover, rewards and efforts are often directly proportional.

I think that when he quit his job and started his own business, he was also gossiped about. They said that he would not do a good job because he had to start a business. Now that he is fine, he can hardly afford to support his wife and children. At that time, Zhao Jie had just gotten married. . What happened to


It took him two years to get up.

It’s only been half a year now, and Zhao Jie is not panic at all. Even if he loses in the end, he can start all over again.

people, isn’t life just for hard work and struggle?

Of course, you can also be a salted fish with peace of mind, which is also a good choice.

After all, everyone has their own way of living, as long as they are happy.

For Zhao Jie, he is lucky because he has a good wife.

When everyone was not optimistic, his wife stood firmly in the same camp as Zhao Jie, supporting him, encouraging him, and trusting him.

even said: It’s okay if you lose money. Although I can’t make you rich by raising you, I will definitely not starve you to death.

's words are a bit rough, but that's the truth.

She could accept Zhao Jie's failure or that Zhao Jie accomplished nothing, but she couldn't bear that Zhao Jie didn't make progress.

Because she believes that as long as you work hard and never give up, although you are not 100% sure of success, you will never succeed if you don't try.

This may be the reason why two people can get together.

In order to live up to his wife's expectations, Zhao Jie planned to go to Kunlun in person to supervise the work. It is said to be on the Kunlun Mountains, but in fact it is around the Kunlun Mountains, barely within the scope of the Kunlun Mountains.

After all, he doesn't have the strength to mine open-pit coal mines like that.

After arriving at the coal mine, Zhao Jie and the miners ate together, slept together, and went thousands of meters underground together.

It was a lot of hardship, but Zhao Jie was still happy to see that the city was getting better and better.

A month later, the small coal mine finally received its first batch of profits.

As Zhao Jie became a coal mine boss, those gossips naturally disappeared, but Zhao Jie did not go back and ridicule them because it was not necessary, just be yourself.

His income is getting higher and higher, and Zhao Jie is getting busier and busier, but he has not become bloated. He lives his own life with peace of mind and provides better living conditions for his wife and children.

One day, Zhao Jie came to his coal mine. He looked at the beautiful Kunlun Mountains and was suddenly filled with yearning.

After staying here for more than half a year, Zhao Jie has not fully appreciated the scenery of Kunlun Mountain.

Nowadays, the coal mine is becoming more and more stable and the business is getting better and better. Zhao Jie's life is gradually becoming more leisurely and he has more free time.

On this day, when Zhao Jie came to the coal mine again to investigate, he found that there was no problem and went up the mountain alone.

is getting farther and farther away from the coal mine, and the noise is getting smaller and smaller.

After staying in Kunlun Mountain for so long, Zhao Jie enjoyed the beauty here for the first time. The blue sky, white clouds, and trees made people feel relaxed and happy, as if they were in a divine realm.

Zhao Jie found a big rock, used his hands as a pillow, and enjoyed the feeling of the sky as a tent and the ground as a blanket.

Zhao Jie felt sleepy when the breeze blew, and his eyelids closed unconsciously.


Just after squinting for a while, Zhao Jie heard a shocking roar. He sat up with a start, and his sleepiness disappeared instantly.

"What was that sound just now?" Zhao Jie muttered to himself, his eyes uncertain.


In confusion, the roar sounded again. Zhao Jie looked at the direction where the sound came from, his expression a little solemn, because it sounded like a bear's voice to him.

Just when he was about to leave, the bear's roar became clearer and clearer, as if it was coming towards him.

"Could it be so unlucky?"

Zhao Jie had a bitter look on his face. He had been in Kunlun Mountain for more than half a year and finally came to enjoy the natural scenery, but this happened to him?

He looked at the path down the mountain and the plains all the way, and then touched his slightly bigger belly. He was afraid that he would be overtaken by a bear before he ran a few steps, and then slapped him into a pulp. What to do with


The bear's cry is getting closer and closer.

Lying on the ground and pretending to be dead? Zhao Jie shook his head. This was all a fairy tale to deceive children. You must know that bears in the forest have the habit of storing food, which means they eat carrion.

Moreover, Zhao Jie is from Sichuan. He has lived in the rural ravines since he was a child, and bears are sometimes seen there.

Zhao Jie remembered that when he was very young, a villager encountered a bear when he went up the mountain to cut firewood. After seeing the bear, he did not run away, but lay down on the spot. After the bear came, he held his breath and pretended to be dead. .

As for the result, of course...just thinking about Zhao Jie Zhao Jie gave me goosebumps all over.

can't run, nor can it pretend to be dead, so what should I do?

Zhao Jie was a little anxious at this time. He was only in his thirties and still had a lot of time. He didn't want to die young.

's mind was spinning rapidly, and Zhao Jie was thinking of ways to deal with it. Suddenly, Zhao Jie's eyes lit up and he looked at the big tree beside him.

Listening to the roar just now, it should be an adult bear, and it must be quite big!

After a while, Zhao Jie started climbing the tree without saying a word. Although he is now in his thirties and has not climbed a tree for a long time, he still remembers the most basic tree climbing skills as he grew up in the mountains. At least he is not as flexible as he was when he was a child.

After a lot of effort, Zhao Jie finally climbed up the big tree out of breath, holding the trunk tightly with both hands for fear of falling.

Although he was very scared, he stuck his head out and looked in the direction of the roaring bear, with a strong curiosity on his nervous face.

He had seen bears before, but those were at the zoo. This was his first time seeing a wild animal, and he was still a little excited.

"Here we come."

Soon, after roaring, Zhao Jie also heard chaotic sounds.

For safety reasons, Zhang Jie climbed up another step. Just as he climbed up, he saw a big brown bear running out.

With excitement, Zhao Jie looked at it like a sloth .

When he saw this big brown bear, he ran quickly with two little bears in his mouth.


A deafening roar pulled Zhao Jie's eyes back. He saw a bigger brown bear chasing behind him, roaring from time to time. What's going on with

? Couple quarreling? Then he became angry and finally got into a fight?

Zhao Jie's mind was spinning rapidly and he came up with some unrealistic cause and effect.

In fact, the female bear ran in front, and the brown bear ran behind, because the male bear took a fancy to the female bear and wanted to mate with her.

But the mother bear already has a baby bear, so of course she will not agree.

Seeing that the female bear rejected his 'love', the male bear planned to kill the baby bear and then force the female bear to mate with him.

But who knows that the mother bear loves her children very much and will not agree to anything. In the end, the male bear just took advantage of his size and strength to kill a baby bear.

Seeing that her child was killed, of course the female bear gave up and started fighting the male bear. In the end, the male bear became so angry that he planned to kill the other two cubs.

Of course, the female bear would not watch her other child being killed, so she started fighting with the male bear. However, there was a huge disparity in strength.

When the male bear was about to kill the baby bear, the female bear found an opportunity to grab it. The baby bear ran away.

felt that the male bear who was being teased would not stop there. At this time, it was so angry that it decided to cut the male bear, mother and child into pieces.

So, this is the whole process of Zhao Jie from hearing to seeing.

Zhao Jie hugged the tree trunk tightly. Although he knew the reason at this time, it was difficult to see that bears were chasing mother and child.

Seeing the male bear getting closer to the female bear, Zhao Jie on the tree was also extremely nervous. He cheered the mother bear up in his heart and clenched his fist. If he hadn't still had some sense, he would have shouted, "Come on." 'It's the same kind of thing.

Zhao Jie almost fell from the tree because he was so excited. Fortunately, he was still young and his eyesight was quick and his hands were quick to catch him.

"It's too dangerous."

His heart was beating loudly, and Zhao Jie gasped for air to calm himself down.

After calming down, he turned his attention to the chasing battle. At this time, the male bear had already roared and caught up with the mother and child, stretching out its huge sinful bear paw.

Along with the roar, the male bear slapped the running female bear hard.

With a plop, the mother bear rolled in a circle on the ground, and the two baby bears also flew a few meters away. The two little guys were a little stunned by the fall, and they stood up slowly and slowly, whining from their mouths.

After they stood firm, they walked towards their mother.

However, the male bear ignored the female bear after taking this slap. Instead, he roared and rushed towards the cubs. It seemed that he would not give up until he killed the two cubs.

Of course the female bear would not let the male bear succeed. She let out a shocking roar and ran towards the male bear, even faster than the male bear. Maybe this is the power of maternal love.

In the blink of an eye, the female bear caught up with the male bear and returned the slap just now.

"Roar." The male bear roared in pain, turned around and started fighting with the female bear.

After just a few rounds, the female bear was suppressed. At this time, the male bear was completely irritated. His mouth and palms were used as weapons. It seemed that he no longer thought about mating.

After a while, the hair on the female bear's body was soaked with blood, and the black hair turned dark red.

At this moment, the two baby bears came up, and the male bear roared, and slapped the two baby bears away.

It seemed that he was planning to kill the female bear first and then deal with the baby bear.

Seeing her child whining in pain not far away, the female bear roared again. She broke free from the male bear and came to her child, constantly roaring at the male bear.

The male bear was not anxious about the escape of the female bear. Looking at it again, the mother and child in front of him were like 'lambs' waiting to be slaughtered, refusing to escape from his


It stuck out its tongue and licked the blood left by the female bear on the bear's paw, just like tasting delicious food.

The female bear did not run away, but kept roaring, with anger and despair in her voice.

"Stop fighting, take your child and run away quickly, what are you doing with the ink!"

A shout made both the male and female bears stunned. They both raised their heads and looked around curiously.

It was naturally Zhao Jie who shouted this sentence. He really couldn't stand it anymore.

Although Zhao Jie knew that this was a law of nature, he still couldn't accept it in his heart as he watched this tragic scene happen.

So I shouted this sentence subconsciously.

He regretted it when he shouted this sentence, because he already felt four eyes staring at him.


The male bear roared, came under the tree, stood upright, and slapped the trunk with its two front paws, as if it wanted to get Zhao Jie down.

But after seeing Zhao Jie motionless on the tree, he roared again.

Zhao Jie was relieved when he saw this. Fortunately, he chose a stronger tree. He hugged the trunk tightly again while the leaves continued to fall.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do against Zhao Jie, the male bear targeted the mother and child again.

I just don’t know why, but the female bear didn’t run away with her children when the male bear caused trouble for Zhao Jie. When she saw the male bear staring at her again, the female bear roared at Zhao Jie on the tree. What does


Zhao Jie was stunned for a moment, was this female bear also targeting him? Do you want to tell the bear that I will give this human being to you and let us mother and son go?

When Zhao Jie was full of activity, he saw the female bear actually taking the initiative to attack the male bear.

The male bear opposite was also stunned. He didn't expect that the female bear would dare to attack him first. The next second, the male bear roared and charged directly towards him. Zhao Jie on the

tree was completely confused. What's going on?

He frowned as he watched the two bears fighting under the tree. He was shocked to find that this time the female bear seemed to be trying to gain the upper hand, as if she was trying her best.

The male bear felt that his majesty was challenged, opened his big mouth and bit the female bear's neck, and screamed loudly.

At this time, the female bear looked at Zhao Jie again, whined, then roared, and used her last strength to tear off the male bear's ear with her paw.

The male bear covered his ears and screamed in pain. The female bear broke free again, grabbed the male bear's hand and chased her deep into the forest. When the male bear saw this, she chased after her.

When the female bear left, it roared at Zhao Jie again, and her voice seemed to be pleading.

Looking at the two bears moving away, Zhao Jie seemed to understand something. He immediately jumped down from the tree, picked up the little bear and ran towards the coal mine.

It turned out that the female bear could not escape the male bear's pursuit with her own strength, so she used her own life to buy time for Zhao Jie to leave, hoping that he could save her cub.

It may also involve gambling, but it is a correct gamble.

Just like Zhao Jie invested all his money in opening a coal mine.

Carrying a baby bear in one hand, Zhao Jie ran wildly without looking back. By the time he reached the coal mine, he was already exhausted and collapsed.

Just like that, Zhao Jie adopted these two bear cubs.

At first, the two baby bears were not used to it and seemed to still miss their mothers. However, under Zhao Jie's careful care, they gradually accepted this place.

They seem to regard Zhao Jie as their 'mother'. They follow Zhao Jie wherever he goes and are unwilling to leave even a step. They often hold his thighs without letting go of their paws.

Looking at these two treasure-like guys, Zhao Jie had no choice but to take them with him wherever he went, and gave them nice names: Dahei, , and Xiaohei.

Unknowingly, one year has passed. Xiong Da and Xiong Er are getting stronger and stronger, and they are also very fierce, but they are always naughty children in front of Zhao Jie.

Their favorite game is the hide-and-seek game. Of course, Xiong Da and Xiong Erxi are the ones being caught. Every time Zhao Jie counts to ten, the two guys start to twist their bodies and run forward, and look back at Zhao Jie from time to time. Are you following?

Of course, they didn't bully Zhao Jie. They ran away upright, looking very funny.

Although Xiong Da and Xiong Er are so weird in front of Zhao Jie, they also have a fierce side.

In the winter of the next year, it snowed heavily, and many carnivores could not find food, so a pack of wolves set their sights on Zhao Jie's coal mine.

At this critical moment, Xiong Da and Xiong Er showed their might. Facing the attacks of wolves, they protected Zhao Jie and others.

Only wolves dare to come up, and they will be greeted by bear paws full of violence.

Later, the wolves attacked guerrilla warfare . Xiong Er, who had a somewhat bad temper, became angry and rushed forward and tore the wolf in half.

Since then, Xiong Da and Xiong Er have become the living treasures and patron saints of the coal mine.

Unconsciously, three years have passed. Xiong Da and Xiong Er have grown up. They spend less time in the coal mine and more time in the mountains. After all, they belong to nature.

But as long as Zhao Jie comes to the coal mine and shouts their names loudly, Dahei and Xiaohei will arrive in a short time.

Unknowingly, another two years have passed, and more and more people are mining on Kunlun. Where

has interests, conflicts will arise.

One day in 2007, Zhao Jie's coal mine was surrounded by people. It was Lao Li, the boss of another coal mine.

To put it bluntly, Lao Li took a fancy to Zhao Jie's mine and initially wanted to invest in it. But Zhao Jie disagrees. After all, no one knows anyone, so why should you be allowed to invest?

Because Zhao Jie was among the earliest batch, he chose a good place and produced good coal, so he caused so much trouble.

Lao Li was unwilling to be rejected by Zhao Jie, and relied on his local people to often cause trouble.

's reason for causing trouble this time sounds very ridiculous, because the sound of the Zhaojie coal mine's operation disturbed their miners' rest.

asked Zhao Jie to either find a way to solve the noise or move out of here.

Zhao Jie was so angry when he received the call. He was simply bullying others too much. He gave in step by step. Why did he still push his nose in the face?

When the two parties met to discuss the matter, Zhao Jie said something rather unpleasant, and Lao Li took action without saying a word.

didn't wait for Zhao Jie to react and kicked him directly in the lower part.

Zhao Jie's face instantly turned pale and he was sweating profusely. He covered his lower body and slowly fell to the ground. The pain made him twist and turn.

But Lao Li didn't care about the handle. With a wave of his hand, several people around him began to punch and kick Zhao Jie.

The miners at Zhaojie Coal Mine wanted to stop him when they saw this, but Lao Li came prepared, and the two sides started a scuffle in an instant.

At this time, Zhao Jie was surrounded by seven or eight people, who were kicked around like a ball, and blood started to flow from the corners of his mouth.

"Dahei, Xiaohei, your master is about to be beaten to death."

I don't know who shouted such a voice. Lao Li and everyone were a little suspicious. Is there any helper?

While they were wondering, they saw two large bears running from a short distance away, roaring angrily from their mouths.

At this time, Dahei and Xiaohei are already 5 years old and are adult bears.

After Dahei and Xiaohei arrived, they rushed directly towards the people who were beating Zhao Jie. They slapped them and sent them flying. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Looking at the injured Zhao Jie, Dahei and Xiaohei picked him up and let out a shocking roar.

"Big Hei, Xiao Hei, that's what he ordered."

Someone pointed at Lao Li. Lao Li was really scared at this time, and he quickly got into the car.

I saw Da Hei and Xiao Hei coming to the car and slapping them with one palm after another. The windows of the car were cracked like a spider web, and Lao Li was hiding inside shivering.

All events in the world have cause and effect.

Sometimes you may not get any benefits from doing good deeds, but you won’t get any disadvantages either, right?

But one thing is certain, if you don't do good things or do all the bad things, you will never get any benefits, and one day, you will pay the price for what you have done.

hopes that everyone will maintain a loving heart no matter what they do.